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Fizgig and the Snap

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  • Fizgig and the Snap

    Warning, slightly icky. Dogs doing their thing.

    A routine situation in a vet hospital is, naturally, animals doing their business on the floor. Not a week goes by some Sparky doesn't mark the lobby tiles. No biggie, critters will be critters. It's a simple cleanup job.

    I was passing through the lobby the other day when an overexcited pomeranian (you know, a Fizgig) shows its glee with an expanding yellow circle. I catch the eye of the nearest staff member, make sure they've notice, then continue on my way. But as I'm about to leave, I hear...

    "You! Clean that up!" *snap snap*

    Oooh, that's a tone of voice just begging to be mocked. I turn to look, and the soccer-mom-meets-socialite is snapping at the cashier like she expects him to pull a butler's uniform out of thin air. Big, sharp snaps too. She's had practice. The new cashier has that "I hate you" smile on his face, but he's already pulled out the spray and wipes.

    He comes around to clean, and the Fizgig romps towards his shoes, trailing a stream behind. Gah, little dogs and their inbreeding issues. It's even worse that the thing has such long, now soaked, fur. Cashier steps back, clearly thinking he's not paid enough for this.

    "Get to it!" the woman barks. *snap snap*

    Okay, I shouldn't have, but it was instinct! I snapped. *snap snap*

    She stares at me in confused shock. I stare back blankly. *blink blink* I'm good at blank stares.

    Poor new cashier looks afraid the pint sized ball o' fuzz might snap at him, so I motion to him. "I'll clean it up, could you check the back for some newspaper?" He looks relieved, and hands the spray and wipes over quickly. Yeah, cleanup duty takes getting used to. Can't blame him.

    "And don't you miss a spot!" the woman barks at me now. *snap snap*

    My hands are full, so I clucked my tongue. *cluck cluck* Instinct, I swear!

    She stares. I stare. *blink blink* "Could you pick up your dog, so that he doesn't trail?"

    She looks disgusted by the prospect, and huffs. "That's your job. Clean it up already." *snap snap*

    *click click*

    *stare stare* *blink blink*

    I shrug, put the cleaner down, and pick up the water spray. Yeah, we keep one on hand, just in case. I switch the nozzle to streaming, and give Fizgig an impromptu hosing. Fizgig freaks and bolts under the display cases. Yeah, another person that doesn't leash their dog properly.

    I smile at the lady. "Do you want to get him or should I?" She huffs. So I kneel down by the hiding hole, and peer in. Hah, he's trapped. I spray him down, and he yelps and yelps and yelps.

    "What are you doing to my dog?!"

    "The opposite of what he did to my floor. If he soaks any of the merchandise, you're paying for it."

    Epilogue : Manager came and offered to take care of things (demanded I stop scaring the customers), and I went on my way. I assume the floor got cleaned eventually.
    Last edited by Skandranon; 04-26-2007, 11:36 AM.

  • #2
    I hate customers who think you are the dog.
    "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


    • #3
      I'm confused, did you work there, or were you just passing through, and decided to woman needed an attitude adjustment?
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        All part and parcel of the new society that treats their pets like children and their children like pets.

        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #5
          Quoth Skandranon View Post
          "That's your job. Clean it up already." *snap snap*

          *click click*

          *stare stare* *blink blink*
          Damn! You are my hero in this story too!!!!
          Well fiddle dee dee!!


          • #6
            Would have been better if you'd sprayed the stupid woman.
            Everytime she snaps her fingers, spray her, and yell "Bad human! Bad!"


            • #7
              Quoth AFpheonix View Post
              Would have been better if you'd sprayed the stupid woman.
              Every time she snaps her fingers, spray her, and yell "Bad human! Bad!"
              Oh, I LOVE that one!!!
              hea·then [hee-thuhn] noun
              1. an unconverted individual that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible.
              2. an irreligious, uncultured, or uncivilized person.
              3. the children of NotSoInnocent.


              • #8
                Personally, I don't think you should have sprayed the dog. Don't punish the innocent dog with a full bladder because it was cursed with a horrible owner.


                • #9
                  If I had a pet that made a mess, I would be so mortified, I'd be begging to clean it up (well at least offer y'know )
                  oh wait!.....thats being responsible
                  "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike


                  • #10
                    Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                    Would have been better if you'd sprayed the stupid woman.
                    When I first saw that, I thought it said spayed the stupid woman.

                    Come to think of it, that would be even better.
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #11
                      Quoth Juwl View Post
                      I'm confused, did you work there, or were you just passing through, and decided to woman needed an attitude adjustment?
                      I was wondering the same thing. If you worked there, you probably would have gotten in trouble (even though I thought it was hilarious ).
                      Last edited by Giggle Goose; 04-26-2007, 08:15 PM. Reason: clarity
                      "If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago


                      • #12
                        To answer the questions, I work for the corporate office of a chain of veterinary hospitals, and I stop in to oversee things so the owner doesn't have to. And on spraying the dog, I wasn't trying to punish it, I was trying to clean it. It had soaked itself in urine and was dripping it all over the floor, and potentially the merchandise.


                        • #13
                          I don't know how you did not curse the woman or have her removed. NOBODY snaps their fingers at me.


                          • #14
                            I woulda rubbed her nose in it. My aunt snapped at me once, at a family picnic. She was trying to be funny, I almost upended the pitcher of lemonade over her head.

                            Instead I ignored her....and the request she was snapping for. She loudly asked over all of the conversations going on, "Jenn, why are you being such a bitch?"

                            "Because I ain't your bitch. L (my eldest cousin, and asskisser) is."

                            Hoooo boy did that start a fight!
                   do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                            Chickens are Asexual!

