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This kid could've screamed for England...

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  • #31
    My sister and I did not act badly in public, because if we did, my father would have turned us over his knee and popped our little asses for us.

    I remember him doing this once, because we were fighting. He did not hurt us. A smack with the hand on someone's well-padded ass is not going to do anything but sting a little. But it was the embarassment that kept us both from ever doing it again.

    I can't imagine hitting our parents, or calling them a name. I'd still be standing around in my room because my ass stung. My parents turned out kids that loved and respected them. I might have been pissed at my folks at times, but I never felt they didn't love me more than life itself.

    People who don't teach their children decent behavior are doing them a great, great disservice.

    I saw a young mom in a department store with a two year old. Kid was having a meltdown. To her credit, she ignored him as he flailed around on the floor screaming. Unfortunately, the kid escalated it when he realized mom was made of stone, and started screaming "shit! shit! shit!" at the top of his lungs. At that point, his mother quickly removed him from the store.

    Mine's not even a year old, and I know my turn is coming. Hope I have the wisdom and grace to deal with it the right way.


    • #32
      Quoth Rapscallion
      Part of the problem is that some children will scream for attention. If they learn that it gains them attention, they'll keep doing it - whether the attention is hugs and cuddles or a swatted behind.

      The best way, from what I understand, to deal with this is to ignore said obnoxious behaviour and let them realise it won't work.

      Sucks for everyone nearby, though...
      I still don't think ignoring the problem is the best way to deal with the issue. You can take your child outside and ignore them there, thankyouverymuch. I also think that can be endemic of the parent not paying attention enough in a positive way, so that the child has come to expect that the only way they're going to get attention, even if it's negative, is to act out. Granted, I'm not a parent, but logic to me says that creating a basis for the kid in which they get enough positive attention will at least help the above from happening.

      I don't mind screamers as much as long as someone is at least trying to remedy the problem. I tend to get a lot of screamers, just because we're the last stop on a long journey to get things like ear infections handled.

      What I do mind are the parents that are moseying about the store at close to midnight with a child who's squalling because it's WAAAAYYY past their bedtime, and they're being ignored so that mama can get new mascara. That pisses me off to no end. Store lights and music that late are too much stimulation for those little kiddies.


      • #33
        I still don't think ignoring the problem is the best way to deal with the issue. You can take your child outside and ignore them there, thankyouverymuch.
        I concur. As well as parenting, you also have a responsibility to respect the other people in the store; and letting your kid rage and howl is not doing that. As far as smacking goes, my parents used smacks and threats of smacking for bad behaviour; me and my brothers all turned out fine. Anyway, making it illegal isn't going to stop the real child abusers from beating the hell out of their kids.
        People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
        My DeviantArt.


        • #34
          No cries here, either; that IS the problem. Then these kids are getting what they want, grow up to become spoilt little s**ts and, eventually, stupid customers.

          My mum costantly tells me a story concerning my older sister; she was trying to change her once, my sister obviously didn't like it, and bit my mum. Mum bit her back, and she never did it again.

          Also, anyone seen that advert with the mom and son, and the son starts screaming in store, and the woman screams right back and throws her own tantrum, and the kid stops? Can't remember what its for.


          • #35
            i aggree with crazyredhead all i have to do is ask my girls if they want a spanken in the middle of the store, and that is enough to shut them up. i was in the dancing with the belt in the front yard era, and it didn't hurt me none growing up.
            around my area, it's no big deal if parents spank their kids, so i don't have to worry about it. besides all it takes is the threat of one and they straighten right up

            SMILE........You'll get wrinkles!!!!

            who wants to be sane in an insane world


            • #36
              Anyway, making it illegal isn't going to stop the real child abusers from beating the hell out of their kids.
              exactly; just as it did a long time ago, the worst of the abuse happens at home, where no one sees it. reporting a pop on the butt is stupid; if every little incidence is reported, cps has no time to handle real cases.
              look! it's ghengis khan!
              Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


              • #37
                Its all very civil and friendly so far, so just a mild warning that I'm not prepared to let this degenerate into a thread about spanking. Lets keep it on topic, mmmkay?
                A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
                - Dave Barry


                • #38
                  I'm a new mom, my son is only 7 weeks old. The very first time I tried to go somewhere with my son, he started screaming his head off. People stared because he was so loud. Granted, it was a little different because he was a infant and didn't know better, but I got still embarrassed and I don't get embarrassed easily.


                  • #39
                    If a childfree store was ever invented, I would be the first to apply.

                    A lot of people have mentioned consideration for other customers in the store, but as far as I'm concerned, screw THEM ! They have the option of leaving, the workers do not. We have to stay there and endure the noise for 8 hours or more.

                    I think a lot of parents don't even think of this little fact. Please include me in the taking the sproglings outside camp please.

                    I don't CARE if you think ignoring them is the best way to handle the situation or not, me and my co-workers just want you to take them OUTSIDE so we don't have to endure the noise anymore.


                    • #40
                      Quoth Rapscallion
                      Part of the problem is that some children will scream for attention.

                      The best way, from what I understand, to deal with this is to ignore said obnoxious behaviour and let them realise it won't work. Rapscallion
                      Actually, the most common advice is to ignore it IF IT IS NOT BOTHERING ANYONE (i.e. at home, your own car). If it is in a public place, physically move the child to another location, preferably outside. This shows the child you are in charge, you can move them to a place where there is NO hope of getting candy or whatever they are screaming about. If the child is ill or has a non-serious injury, moving the child gives it some attention AND teaches that you have concern for others, an important lesson.

                      The best illustration I ever saw for how people view their own children differently from the rest of the kids on earth is an old joke: Mom takes son to first day of kindergarten. She tells the teacher: "My Johnny is so sensitive, don't ever punish him. If he misbehaves, slap the child next to him. That will frighten Johnny".
                      Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...
                      TASTE THE LIME JELLO OF DEFEAT! -Gravekeeper


                      • #41
                        I've found the best way to deal with tantrums in stores is to leave. My five year old has tried the screaming thing exactly 2 times. Each time i handed my husband the shopping list, and took her out to the car where I buckled her in her car seat and I stood outside the car. She could scream as loud as she wanted in the car. (Luckily both times it was cold out LOL so I could have her stay in the car)

                        She's not done it since. To me, being ignored in the store would still be half way enjoyable, because they are getting all the looks and stares from other people and they still get to be in the middle of things. Going out to the car means they don't get to see people and don't get to see what is going on

