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Taking the Easy Route Never Occurs to SCs. Very Long

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  • Taking the Easy Route Never Occurs to SCs. Very Long

    Wow, this is a doozy. Okay, I work in the Activations Dept in a call center for a well known cell phone company. This means that I run credit, activate new lines, give add on approval for additional lines for existing customers, etc. Mostly I only deal with sales reps from sales offices who call in on behalf of the customer to make changes to the account. You'd think that they would be easier to deal with than actual customers and most of them actually are very nice to work with, but then you get the EVIL ones. This happened last week, but I found out just how far it went this morning. WARNING: this is verrry long.

    So Friday morning, an Assistant Sales Manager (ASM), Betty called in for add on approval. Basically the customer had a non-pay suspend and couldn't add on without a deposit until next month. I told Betty this. They also had an outstanding past due amount that they needed to take care of before next month if they wanted to do an add on then. I gave this info to the Betty as well. She told me that it was a billing mistake and blah blah blah. I told her that the customer would need to call customer care to get that straightened out. I promptly forgot about the call.

    Later that afternoon, we find out that Jane, a sales rep in the same store as Betty, has been calling repeatedly to get an add on approved for no deposit for the same account. She ended up calling both departments a combined total of 4 times (the customer called 4 times to cust care as well) before my supervisor got on the phone and asked her to stop calling because the decision would not change no mattter how many times she did. Then she put her ASM Betty on the phone who also argued with him. I was able to hear my sups side of the conversation and she got owned (or so I thought) and he promised to let someone higher up know about what she'd been doing and hung up.

    Here's the chronology of the phone calls:

    9AM: I talked to Betty about adding a line (deposit required unless they wait until August to activate because of a non-pay suspend they had previously) and that there is a past due amount that will need to be taken care of regardless of if they activate now or before August. Betty tells me that the customer should not be past due and that it is a billing mistake, I tell her to figure that part out with billing.

    I clearly told her that it was b/c of a non-pay suspend that they had to pay a deposit unless they waited until August. Then I also told her about the outstanding balance so that the customer could get it taken care of and wouldn't have to worry about anything once August hit. Less than two weeks away from being able to add a line with no deposit and they make it into this huge situation.

    9:15 AM: Customer calls cust. care saying that she isn't supposed to be past due. She is told that a payment was backed out a month ago and was never paid. Customer decided she would call her bank to make sure.

    10:15 AM: Customer calls back, very upset that she owes more than she thought. She is told all charges are valid and the cust demands to speak to a supervisor but hangs up by the time one shows up.

    10:30 AM: Customer calls back to cust. care and pays bill in full complaining that she didn't get a bill last month and couldn't add a line b/c of the past due amount. She pays and will go to sales office to get third line. (( the way the memo from cust was worded, Betty/Jane interpreted it to mean that cust. care said the customer could add a line that day with no deposit. There's no way customer care would say this b/c they know that activations handles that. What probably happened is that cust. care just parroted what the customer said and told her she would need to go to a sales office to activate the add on without knowing that the past due was not the reason she couldn't add a line)) The payment goes through at noon.

    12:30: Jane calls Activations to do the add on and is told no due to the non-pay suspend and is backed up by my memos from before.

    12:50: Jane calls again and is told no by a different activations rep.

    12:55: Jane calls customer care wanting to know why the deposit is required. Customer care tranfers her to activations b/c they have nothing to do with that.

    12:56: Jane argues with activations rep about the deposit. Manager is standing behind the rep and tells him to tell her to stop calling because the answer will not change. Manager ends up getting on phone and tells her to stop it.

    1:30: Jane leaves memos saying that the customer was upset b/c customer care said she could add the line that day with no deposit (not true) and that the customer would cancel. When she called back, the manager she spoke to was rude and yelling at her and interrupted her when she was trying to explain. Apparently she was trying to save the customer from cancelling her account. Even if that was the case, she would have to file a credit waiver with her DSM first because even if the customer wanted to cancel if she couldn't add a line, we couldn't do anything unless her DSM approved it and sent us notification AND SHE KNOWS THIS!!!

    2:10: The customer calls cust care again upset b/c she was getting "the runaround" The cust care rep left memos with what the customer said and how the cust wanted to cancel. The cust care rep also put that the dealer wouldn't contact the manager to get an override on the decision because she didn't want to lose commission. I don't know if the customer said this or if the CC rep put in her own two cents. But it's bad if the CC rep did this since Betty and Jane have access to the memos and can read them.

    Anyway, the submit a credit waiver to the DSM and he emails the credit waiver person on my team and the add on is approved for no deposit and is activated Saturday morning. I don't know why she didn't just do that in the first place.

    Here's the kicker, in the email she sent to her DSM trying to get him to approve the add on she said that my manager was very rude and wouldn't listen to her and was yelling at her. She also said that the last memo left by customer care was a complete lie b/c the customer called in front of them. Which is stupid because the customer DID threaten to cancel and that is why they had to "save" the customer.

    They brought it on themselves because if she had shot off an email to her DSM earlier in the morning, he would have approved it and sent notification to us (all four credit waiver activation reps were here on Friday, so one of them would have gotten it within an hour of the DSM having sent it) and the add on could have been activated before three o clock instead of the customer having to wait around for like four hours. It's so stupid because Betty, being an ASM knew this and actually has direct contact information for the DSM.

  • #2
    I just hate when sups override what you were taught to do in the first place. Well, admittedly, sometimes it's necessary, but talk about losing credibility.
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      Oh my god do i know how you feel!!! I hate the shady dealers or dealers who try to get you to break policy when they know you cant and then try to argue with you when you tell them about the policy. All i want to say to them is " We work for the same company, you know that right??" ugh! I am not going to make an exception just b/c you are an employee.


      • #4
        oh yeah. We get the dealers who try to get their customers free phones before they are eligible or call in to add the insurance AFTER the customer has called in to customer care and said "I dropped my phone and it broke." It's in the freaking memos that the customer admitted to having broken their phone, yet they are willing to commit fraud anyway. There are quite a few dealers who just all of a sudden stopped calling so they either got caught or decided to quit.

        Do you ever get the ones who insist on spelling names like Jane or Smith? I get sooo pissed off. I hate it b/c these dealers ( we only deal with a small pool of them) know how I am by now and know that I never make mistakes. A lot of them have just started doing it b/c we have a few new people on team who do make a ton of mistakes (which is another thing altogether),but they've been dealing with me for like six months and know the quality of my work.


        • #5
          One thing to keep in mind, though, is that it is just possible that Betty and Jane had a mean, loud, sc in their store, demanding that they "call again until they say yes." Goddess knows I have had them in my store, and sometimes it can be hard to get rid of them. Maybe Betty and Jane weren't gutsy enough to tell it like it was. Sometimes I think wimpy or inexperienced sales reps will call in just so CC will say no for them, and sometimes the customer insists that they do so, and do it repeatedly. I'm not excusing their behaviour by any stretch, a big part of our jobs is learning how to say no effectively, but I know I've to step in on several occassions to help a noob tell a customer no.

          The scenario you describe is pretty extreme, though, which makes me think that Betty and Jane wanted you to waive the deposit so they could get credit and therefore commission for the activation, rather than what they should have done which was let saves handle it. Either way, they suck!
          Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.


          • #6
            Yeah, I have had reps who call in and have a customer yelling at them. It sucks for them, but in this case the rep called in and the customer was calm. I told her no until August (two weeks away at the time). I think the customer may have misunderstood Betty when she explained the situation and the customer thought that the billing issue was keeping her from being able to add on with no deposit. Then customer care further confused the issue by just parroting what the customer said. Then the reps get a pissed off customer in the store.

            I can see why Jane called back to see what was up, but after being told no the first time, she should have sent the waiver through for approval. I just don't understand Betty at all b/c since August was only two weeks away, she could have gotten the waiver approved immediately if she had sent it through after she called that morning.

            I really don't see how some of these reps can keep a good attitude with what people do in their store, but most of them manage to. Almost all of them are pleasant even when they've been having bad days, but then a small percentage of them are know-it-alls with bitchy attitudes. Betty is one of the ones you have to watch out for b/c she's civil until you tell her something you don't want to hear, but Jane is usually very understanding about things like this. I wouldn't want that job in a million years.


            • #7
              Quoth varmintjane
              I really don't see how some of these reps can keep a good attitude with what people do in their store, but most of them manage to. Almost all of them are pleasant even when they've been having bad days, but then a small percentage of them are know-it-alls with bitchy attitudes. Betty is one of the ones you have to watch out for b/c she's civil until you tell her something you don't want to hear, but Jane is usually very understanding about things like this. I wouldn't want that job in a million years.
              I have that job, and I wouldn't want it in a million years! LOL

              I hate it so much when I have an SC in here yelling that I need to call "the people on the phone," because "they told me you would just give me a new phone." So I have to call in and try to sound like I believe the customer to avoid getting my eardrums reamed, while trying simultaneously to let the rep know that the person I am "helping" is an irrational fool.

              At Budget the drivers had special codes to warn us at the counter that there was a drunk or a big jerk coming into the store. It would be great if there were a code we could use to warn care reps that we were calling on behalf of a sc! Kind of a "just so you know, I think the request I am making on behalf of the customer is completely stupid, but they are completely irrational and it's this or call the cops."
              Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

