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When customers tell you what you "need" to do.

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  • When customers tell you what you "need" to do.

    I think a combination of this site and an increasing sense of hopelessness and apathy toward my job is making me bold with the idiots. That and i've learned it is impossible to get fired from this job.

    Me: Thank you for calling... (blah blah blah)
    Guy: Yeah, what are your rates for a double smoking for the dates of____
    Me: Ok, that will be $119 plus tax per night.
    Guy: Yeah I don;t want to pay that... I was looking on for your hotel and I can't find it.
    Me: You won't, we're not a member of Priceline.
    Guy: Bull****! All hotels have to be a part of Priceline.
    Me: Actually we don't, it is a voluntary service.
    Guy: You hotel people are liars, you HAVE to be on here somewhere, you just don't want to give me a discount.
    Me: Why would I want to do that? And if you really want to find us on the internet go to Orbitz or Expedia you can get a discount through them too.
    Guy: I'm only willing to pay the rate that Priceline gets, what you need to do is get on your little phone there and talk to someone at Priceline so I can get my discount.
    Me: No, I can assure you that's not going to happen. I've already told you our rates...
    Guy: Whatever, you can bet i'm going to call your supervisor to report you.
    Me: Be sure to mention that Priceline thing too, he could use a good laugh.
    Guy: I will, asshole!

    Perhaps i'm the wrong type of person to be working at a hotel but i refuse to kiss some customer's ass if they're acting like a douchebag towards me. Especially when they consider themselves SO important that they have to tell me what i need to do.

  • #2
    I get that all the time from managers who don't want to have to do anything themselves since they are so important. I simply state that if they feel they need such a thing they should inquire at corporate as is the policy. I don't submit requests.


    • #3
      Yea, a hotel is going to sign a contract with an online, 3rd party, travel agent service so some goof can get a discount (I wonder if this guy realizes that Priceline doesn't just make up a rate for the rooms, the hotels give the lowest rates they are willing to sell the rooms to Priceline, and Priceline then posts it on the internet).

      I normally get the coupon book people that don't want to drive to the inn that actually paid money to have a coupon published in the hotel guide, so instead they tell me I should take the coupon "because we have the same logo". Address buddy, address. Look at the address, thats a location, at that location you will find a motel/hotel, and they will take that coupon.

      I wish more of my employees were like you, lol.


      • #4
        You rock. What a jerk, he deserved a good telling-off.
        "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


        • #5
          You = FTW.
          ~~ Every politician that opens their mouth on birth control only proves that we need more of it. ~~


          • #6
            It would be one thing if he was asking for something reasonable. But he wasn't, therefore you really weren't required to tiptoe around this guy's sensibilities.


            • #7
              Sooooooooo...DID he complain about you to your supervisor?
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                I got here too late today to talk to the manager and the morning person is clueless... but i did see this note in the desk log from the manager: "Remember! We do NOT accept Priceline rates."

                Our manager is foreign and has difficulty understanding people so i'm sure this guy got nowhere.

                And slick, i get the coupon thing alot too. This wasn't inspiring enough to post on here but i did have one guy thumb through 3 of those regional coupon books looking for our hotel. He had to check each and every page of all three. And he refused to listen to me no matter how many times i said "Sir, we don't have any coupons, you won't find us."

