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my SC for the day

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  • my SC for the day

    One of my jobs is in the accessories area at a major department store, and it's rare that I encounter an SC. This afternoon, unfortunately, was one of those times. A woman had bought an Anne Klein watch from my store (or so she said), the clasp had started coming loose, so she was a bit frustrated and had brought it in to be fixed. she approached one of my co-workers about it, but "Sherry" was filling in from the handbag area, so she wasn't able to help the customer and passed her on to me.
    Problem was, we do not do watch repairs at the store - the customer would have to either send it in to the address in the warranty booklet, or take it to a jewelry-repair place in the mall. This woman didn't want to do either of those things, she was insistant that I personally do the needed repairs because since she had bought it in my area, apparently I was responsible for the "faulty product". I took the watch over to the fine jewelry area (because they have more experience with watches, the associate whom I spoke to told the SC the same thing, and finally the SC said she'd come back with her receipt and exchange the watch, and stomped off.
    Now, I could understand this woman being frustrated because the watch was loose at the clasp, and I think she felt like we all were just passing her around instead of helping her, but it was rather bitchy to act like I was personally responsible for the situation when I hadn't even sold her the watch in the first place.

  • #2
    Great, and if you DID attempt a repair and totally fubar'ed it, she'd be oh so amused.

    Good lord lady, just do as you're advised, and everything will be all good.


    • #3
      Well, to be fair......I don't think this woman had known that we don't do watch repairs at the store, and she wasn't yelling or anything, but I definitely didn't appreciate her attitude. It's customers like this one which are the reason I don't like working at the watch counter, because that's always where I run into an SC.


      • #4
        Being fair is all well and good, but if she's implying that you personally are to blame for a loose clasp...

        It's good to know, though, that she didn't yell.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Even if she hadn't known, all she needed to do after the first time she was told, "I'm sorry, we can't do this here, but call this number or go to this place, they can take care of you.", all she needed to do was say thank you and go do what she was advised to do, not be a total harpy.


          • #6
            That's what makes an SC, in my opinion. Someone who is upset about something reasonable, but knows when to stop, is not an SC. Someone who is upset about something unreasonable, or who is upset over something reasonable but will not take a good answer (i.e. I CANNOT repair this, here is all the info you need to have it repaired.) and continues on with their whining/yelling/threats constitues an SC.

            I'll tell you this, I'd rather send my purchase to someone who knows how to repair it, than have someone bung it up just because I needed it done "here and now!"
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #7
              well, I'm thinking I definitely do need to go over warranty booklets for the watches we sell, just to brush up on what is/isn't covered, how long the warranty lasts,......etc., because this isn't the first time I've had an issue with a customer getting upset because we don't do watch repairs at the store, although thankfully it doesn't happen very often.

