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Can I have my ONE-TIME offer a second time?

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  • Can I have my ONE-TIME offer a second time?

    Background: The GM at my store has told me several times that I do not need to ask permission for each and every little thing that may be outside of policy when it comes to coupons and returns. This mainly concerns routine exceptions, such as not worrying about the 14 day return policy for stuff we still carry, or taking one more coupon when it's already a large order. This only applies when he's the MOD though, since although he IS the GM, the other managers are more strict and I don't want to cross them.

    Anyway, earlier this week, a woman came in and recycled ten HP ink and toner catridges, for which I gave her ten $3 coupons. I told her that the redemption limit was three per customer per day (that is, although you can RECEIVE up to ten coupons in a day, you can only USE three per day).

    A short while later she came back to my register with a $600 cartload of stuff, including $400 worth of ink and toner. She asked if she could use all ten coupons now.

    I thought about it. I knew that the GM was the MOD, and considering that she was buying a crapload of ink and toner, I made the judgment call and told her that I'd let her use all ten IF the computer allowed me to. If any of them were declined (which I fully expected) then I'd stop at that point.

    Most importantly, I told her that I'd do this JUST THIS ONCE. I had already told her previously about the three per day redemption limit, and showed her that this is stated in writing on the coupons. If she comes through my register again, I won't let her without the manager saying OK.

    She agreed to this, and thanked me for making the exception. And to my surprise, the computer let me use all ten coupons. So she got $30 off a $600 order. Not bad. Certainly we've issued bigger coupons for smaller purchases, so I don't see this as a big deal.

    Fast forward to yesterday.

    A familiar looking woman came up to my register. I was pretty sure it was her.

    She had $32 worth of stuff. This time it was a personal purchase rather than a company one. And somehow she had another 10 $3 ink coupons.

    Woman: I can use all ten of these, right?

    Me: Ah.....the redemption limit is three per day.

    Woman (now SC): BUT THEY LET ME USE TEN THE OTHER DAY!!!!!!!!!!

    Definitely her......

    Me: Yes, I remember that. I let you use ten because you had $600 worth of stuff, of which $400 was ink and toner. AND I told you that I'd only do that once. I can't dscount $32 to $2, I'm sorry.

    SC: *huff puff; rant rant; rave rave* FINE! *throws down three coupons; pay the difference*

    Me: Have a nice day, ma'am.

    SC: *huff puff* *leaves*

    OK, arguably I should not have allowed her to use ten the other day, I know. Still, "ONE TIME ONLY" is obviously not part of an SCs vocabulary, though you'd think that she'd at least be smart enough to WAIT a while before trying this again. If she'd tried this a month from now I may well not have remembered. But only a couple days? Plus, $9 off a $32 purchase is a hell of a good discount. Idiot.......
    Last edited by Dave1982; 04-28-2007, 04:20 PM. Reason: typos
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Yeah its annoying, I learned the hard way never to make exceptions with customers, it just leads to trouble.

    We have a policy of only allowing two shots of spirits in each drink, so we dont do anything larger than a double. Someone wanted an extra shot, so I found a way around it and gave them the shot in a seperate glass, and told them not to add it to the drink while I was looking.

    This proved too much for the customers mind and I had to do it for them, I told them I was only doing it ONCE and that if he came back, I wouldn't do it, and would deny to anyone and everyone that I made the first one.

    He still didn't get what I was saying, and returned wanting his one time offer again.


    • #3
      That's one of the reasons I hate making exceptions for anything.

      I occasionally get to work with our new hire training classes. New hires love to be helpful and support things that we have no business supporting. When I tell them to stop it, they always say, "It's simple, it'll take two minutes and it'll make the customer happy."

      "Right," I say. "And from this day forward, they'll call us for every computer problem they have. And when we refuse to handle it, they'll say, 'But you've always helped me before. This sucks. I'm going to DSL.'"

      It happened to me on Thursday:

      Caller: I just got a new printer and I need you to help me connect it.
      Me: We're your internet provider. We don't support printers.
      Caller: Everybody else there helps me.
      Me: We help with internet connections.
      Caller: I don't need this b******t. There are other internet providers out there.
      I was neat, clean, shaved and sober, and I didn't care who knew it. -- Raymond Chandler


      • #4
        Well, you know what they say: If you give an inch they take it, rub it against their crotch to mark it with their scent, then run squealing out of the store to their car where they promptly file it into their perceived reality under "Entitled To".


        • #5
          Gravekeeper, nice visual!!!!!!
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Gah, do I ever know the feeling. I'm one of those crazy nice people who loves to help her customers and I often will (so long as you're polite and civil) go the extra mile or two to help someone out. This usually means: I work on your issue on my break time and/or between calls, I call you back to follow up, I stick a post-it note to my monitor with your reference number to remind myself to check up on it, and I allow you to get away with what I can get away with allowing.

            Thankfully, since I tend to try to keep it to doing this stuff for people who need/deserve it, and I have a rather strict policy of not giving out my extension/email address unless necessary, it hasn't come back to bite me many times. I even had a couple who were cell dealers that I gave my direct line to, as I actually enjoyed working with them both so much.

            But there are exceptions, such as the woman who I emailed a document to, who then assumed she didn't have to call in any more, but that she could just email me any and all requests she had, even if they didn't go through my department.
            "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

            “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


            • #7
              Thats the problem with making exceptions for customers (or anyone) if they know you can bend the rules, then they will expect you to every single time after that.
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


              • #8
                Yup, I've had that stuff come back to bite me.

                When I worked at *big box retail store* thier rule was you could only have 3 returns a year without a reciept. There were ways to get around it, but were saved for special occasions. I would make some exceptions for wedding gifts, especially when they were registered at the store and got 5 of the same things.

                I eventually had to stop doing it, because the same people would keep coming back, begging for excemptions because they "didn't think they had to have a reciept" even though I explained to them EXACTLY what I was doing, and that it was a ONE TIME deal


                • #9
                  I have one it once also. We got rid of this one item, which we had since our grand opening. So I sold it for $2.00 less then what it was priced at. It came and bite me on the butt. The main owner was pissed off. We finally got rid of it, and plus he was always giving discounts to everyone. He trued saying that I was going to make them lose business
                  Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                  San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

