It's the bank holiday weekend and here at sucktomer cinema we have been seeing a distinct increase in the number of SC's walking through our doors. For once it's not parents with unruly spawn, although I will admit, many of the pensioners that visit are often worse than a hyperactive child, pumped up on pick n' mix throwing a tantrum 
It was a group of these individuals I encountered when trying to get into the building to start my shift. If there's one thing that can be said about these SC's it's that they are keen! They will arrive up to half an hour before doors open and camp there, trying to get your attention by glaring imperiously through the glass doors, tapping on the Windows and grumbling whilst gesturing at the locked door. The opening hours are in nice, bold typeface on the doors themselves, so it's not like they could miss them.
Another favourite tactic of these SC's is to ambush staff as they arrive and attempt to force their way in as the manager arrives to let the staff in. This is precisely what they did to me today.
I arrived 45 minutes before my shift was due to start, foolishly believing that I would bypass the 30mins to go sucktomers and get in to the building with no fuss. Foolish because I was oh so wrong. There, standing right up against the door were four elderly customers, all looking through the glass like angry wasps caught inside a glass bottle just waiting for the chance to get out and sting you.
Wonderful. So loudly "excuse me-ing" to the front, I wave frantically to get my managers attention when it begins...
Old lady SC: *Very stern voice* "Can we come in yet? We have been waiting ages!"
Me: "No sorry, we aren't open yet, *pointing to the sign* "
OLSC: *much tutting and sighing* "Ridiculous, can't we just come in and sit down??"
Me: "No I'm afraid not, there is unsecured cash on the premises at this time of the day, if we let customers in now it would be gross misconduct."
My manager opened the door at this point and yep, you guessed it, they all made a bid for the tiny gap, imperious old lady leading the charge! Did everything I just said go in one ear and out the other? I guess it must have because I'm not sure how else you could interpret a big fat "NO!"
Thankfully I managed to slip in before I was crushed against the glass. These people REALLY want to see a movie!
Old lady has her stick wedged in the door so my manager can't close it again.
Manager: "I'm sorry we aren't open for another 40 minutes, I can't let you in until then."
OLSC: "Why not?! They let me in last week!"
I hate it when SC's try the "But so and so let me blah blah last time!" No they didn't, the same manager was on duty that day and later told me that was a blatant lie.
Manager: *Manages to push the stick out of the door jamb* "Well I'm saying now that you can't. You'll have to wait or come back at 9."
Much grumbling and skyward gestures abundant from old lady, but she chose to wait. I mean why go to the perfectly good cafe next door when you can stand outside a cinema doing nothing on a Saturday morning?
All was fine until the trainee manager showed up. It was like watching a disaster in slow motion. She's going for the door...she's got her keys oh God noooooooo!
She had scarcely turned the key than OLSC and her crew were through the door. By this time the DM had run to intercept the four before they made themselves comfortable anywhere.
Manager: "Excuse me, we aren't open yet!"
OLSC: "It's only 15 minutes until you open for goodness sake!"
Manager: *Clearly annoyed now* "You said it yourself, 15 minutes UNTIL opening, now please, wait outside or you will delay our opening by however long you are in here."
Eventually, after a lot of arguing, they went back outside, which actually delayed us opening by 10 minutes. And when OLSC did, eventually get in?
"You're ten minutes late!"

It was a group of these individuals I encountered when trying to get into the building to start my shift. If there's one thing that can be said about these SC's it's that they are keen! They will arrive up to half an hour before doors open and camp there, trying to get your attention by glaring imperiously through the glass doors, tapping on the Windows and grumbling whilst gesturing at the locked door. The opening hours are in nice, bold typeface on the doors themselves, so it's not like they could miss them.
Another favourite tactic of these SC's is to ambush staff as they arrive and attempt to force their way in as the manager arrives to let the staff in. This is precisely what they did to me today.
I arrived 45 minutes before my shift was due to start, foolishly believing that I would bypass the 30mins to go sucktomers and get in to the building with no fuss. Foolish because I was oh so wrong. There, standing right up against the door were four elderly customers, all looking through the glass like angry wasps caught inside a glass bottle just waiting for the chance to get out and sting you.
Wonderful. So loudly "excuse me-ing" to the front, I wave frantically to get my managers attention when it begins...
Old lady SC: *Very stern voice* "Can we come in yet? We have been waiting ages!"
Me: "No sorry, we aren't open yet, *pointing to the sign* "
OLSC: *much tutting and sighing* "Ridiculous, can't we just come in and sit down??"
Me: "No I'm afraid not, there is unsecured cash on the premises at this time of the day, if we let customers in now it would be gross misconduct."
My manager opened the door at this point and yep, you guessed it, they all made a bid for the tiny gap, imperious old lady leading the charge! Did everything I just said go in one ear and out the other? I guess it must have because I'm not sure how else you could interpret a big fat "NO!"
Thankfully I managed to slip in before I was crushed against the glass. These people REALLY want to see a movie!
Old lady has her stick wedged in the door so my manager can't close it again.
Manager: "I'm sorry we aren't open for another 40 minutes, I can't let you in until then."
OLSC: "Why not?! They let me in last week!"
I hate it when SC's try the "But so and so let me blah blah last time!" No they didn't, the same manager was on duty that day and later told me that was a blatant lie.
Manager: *Manages to push the stick out of the door jamb* "Well I'm saying now that you can't. You'll have to wait or come back at 9."
Much grumbling and skyward gestures abundant from old lady, but she chose to wait. I mean why go to the perfectly good cafe next door when you can stand outside a cinema doing nothing on a Saturday morning?
All was fine until the trainee manager showed up. It was like watching a disaster in slow motion. She's going for the door...she's got her keys oh God noooooooo!
She had scarcely turned the key than OLSC and her crew were through the door. By this time the DM had run to intercept the four before they made themselves comfortable anywhere.
Manager: "Excuse me, we aren't open yet!"
OLSC: "It's only 15 minutes until you open for goodness sake!"
Manager: *Clearly annoyed now* "You said it yourself, 15 minutes UNTIL opening, now please, wait outside or you will delay our opening by however long you are in here."
Eventually, after a lot of arguing, they went back outside, which actually delayed us opening by 10 minutes. And when OLSC did, eventually get in?
"You're ten minutes late!"