This was a doozy. I honestly can't believe that people can be this rude or unintelligent in my line of work. Most customers, in my store, interrupt other customers and transactions to try and get service but still...
I was ringing up my regular customer for her usual beer and cigarettes, when one of my night time regulars came in. (thank goodness this woman usually comes in around 12 or 1, so i don't have to see her that much)
Night time SC comes up to my regular customer and tells her to "ring her up for $20 on 11."
Huh? First of all, not only are you interrupting me ringing her out, but how the heck is a customer going to ring up your gas?! 
I guess night time SC didn't like the fact that she didn't hand me the money, because not only did she repeat herself, but when she didn't hand me the money she walked out the door calling my customer "a racist cracker."
My good regular tells me "not to ring her up," so I don't. The SC comes back in and asks if I set her gas, and I said no and gave her the money back. Now she tells me she's going to "drag my arse all over the floor," because how dare I tell her to leave, and I must be some kind of pill popper because no one refuses her service. My coworker also refused her service.
I told my boss about it, and he is not a fan of racism and says he would have kicked her out to. The funny thing is, she came in a couple days ago about 3am as I was leaving. She told my boss that "I almost got my arse beat, and I must have been hiding out." But who hasn't come back to my shift since this incident happened? Oh yeah, I'm so scared.
I was ringing up my regular customer for her usual beer and cigarettes, when one of my night time regulars came in. (thank goodness this woman usually comes in around 12 or 1, so i don't have to see her that much)
Night time SC comes up to my regular customer and tells her to "ring her up for $20 on 11."

I guess night time SC didn't like the fact that she didn't hand me the money, because not only did she repeat herself, but when she didn't hand me the money she walked out the door calling my customer "a racist cracker."
My good regular tells me "not to ring her up," so I don't. The SC comes back in and asks if I set her gas, and I said no and gave her the money back. Now she tells me she's going to "drag my arse all over the floor," because how dare I tell her to leave, and I must be some kind of pill popper because no one refuses her service. My coworker also refused her service.
I told my boss about it, and he is not a fan of racism and says he would have kicked her out to. The funny thing is, she came in a couple days ago about 3am as I was leaving. She told my boss that "I almost got my arse beat, and I must have been hiding out." But who hasn't come back to my shift since this incident happened? Oh yeah, I'm so scared.
