Minnesoota... ya, that's how we say it, you betcha!
I'm on the east coast now and everyone talks funny!
I can pick up an accent by talking to someone, but I'm afraid of offending anyone so I suppress it (and when I was in 4th grade I was afraid of being made fun of, so I squashed that Southern accent right quick and picked up the Minnesota one!)
But I still amalgam my sayings ("coke" "pop" "soda") so I drive my coworkers nuts XD

I can pick up an accent by talking to someone, but I'm afraid of offending anyone so I suppress it (and when I was in 4th grade I was afraid of being made fun of, so I squashed that Southern accent right quick and picked up the Minnesota one!)
But I still amalgam my sayings ("coke" "pop" "soda") so I drive my coworkers nuts XD