I recently learned that my store is going out of business. Literally only two days ago. I get a call an hour before my shift is to start: "Oh by the way the store is closing." It was on its last legs but everyone felt that it was going to happen a little ways down the road, like at the end of the year or something. No warning, no "Hey guys the store ain't doing so well so be on the lookout and maybe start looking for jobs." Just "Hey we're closing the place as soon as our inventory is gone. Good luck guys!
Did I mention that I was promoted to CSA just two weeks ago? And that most other CSAs had left? Yeah, let's let the new guy deal with the brunt of the vultures!

Anywho, that's not the suck (though it does suck). The suck has been the customers. All day. Today we started our going-out-of-business sale. 25% off the entire order. Problem is that for a long time we had a deal for seniors that would take 10% off each item. Also, the communication was that everything was 25% off. A slight mistake but people FOREVER thought that each item would show on the screen taking 25% off. Nope, it's automatic. Had to answer that ALL DAY.
Also, with the store closing we couldn't take any store coupons, and we couldn't take checks. You'd think that this was done purely out of spite or something. "I've used checks here forever! I can't get anything then!" Look at my face. This is my IDGAF face. Also with the store closing price stickers were being reset to default all over the place. Signs with old deals were being removed. Naturally, this being the SC section people were nitpicking prices left and right, examining the checkout screen like they were Sherlock fucking Holmes to find ANY mistake and try to get more of a discount. Hey asswipe, you're already getting 25% off, be grateful and get your shit and GO!
Customers who didn't like what they saw (like learning that they couldn't use their store coupons anymore) would just have us take back the product. Only we couldn't really take it back, we put it into a cart because of the waves of vultures coming in to get their crap. Department heads were operating with no help. They couldn't get any time to take anything back. So food items kept piling up. When I left after 8 hours we had filled 3 and a half carts FULL of stuff that people didn't want because it wasn't cheap enough for their greedy, fat asses.
I mentioned the nitpicking right? Well there were two that REALLY stood out. Thankfully I was only present for one. This was early, with the first wave. A customer came through the SCO with a bunch of stuff and had assumed that each item would show being 25% off, like I said before. She didn't like that. No, you'd think we were stealing from her, or we were incompetent, or something. She got enough for I think $5 off after the 25%. This wasn't nearly enough. She started complaining about EACH AND EVERY ITEM. "This isn't right. That doesn't look correct. Is that the right price?" It was pissing me off. We had to get our store manager in on the action. He eventually got pissed and wanted to get her gone and offered for her to just take everything. "Oh, I can't do that. I'm paying for this stuff." He then offers double the amount off, $10 off. She starts CRYING at this point. "That shouldn't be right. It's at least $25! I'm using this on a party and blahblahblah." All throughout this our SM is saying "What can I do to make you happy with this?"
The second was a customer who checked out fine, but after getting her receipt went up to us and started pointing out this wrong price, and that wrong price, and this was wrong, and check the math on that please? This one I was providing relief on the registers so I could only watch. We had 3 CSAs on shift. One was on lunch (hey, at the time we were slow and he was working long enough that he was about to miss his lunch. Can't have that), one was dealing with Nitpicker 2 and I was on the lanes. So obviously nobody was able to mind the SCOs. She kept CSA C at the desk for 15 MINUTES
just trying to spend as little money as possible. Oh, and afterwards? "Thanks for putting up with this. I'm sorry to keep you."
No you're not jackhole. If you really were you'd take the 25% and leave us to our misery.
That's been my week. Oh, and I have a big birthday on Saturday. And I have another job that's ending on the 28th. So I have that going for me.

Anywho, that's not the suck (though it does suck). The suck has been the customers. All day. Today we started our going-out-of-business sale. 25% off the entire order. Problem is that for a long time we had a deal for seniors that would take 10% off each item. Also, the communication was that everything was 25% off. A slight mistake but people FOREVER thought that each item would show on the screen taking 25% off. Nope, it's automatic. Had to answer that ALL DAY.
Also, with the store closing we couldn't take any store coupons, and we couldn't take checks. You'd think that this was done purely out of spite or something. "I've used checks here forever! I can't get anything then!" Look at my face. This is my IDGAF face. Also with the store closing price stickers were being reset to default all over the place. Signs with old deals were being removed. Naturally, this being the SC section people were nitpicking prices left and right, examining the checkout screen like they were Sherlock fucking Holmes to find ANY mistake and try to get more of a discount. Hey asswipe, you're already getting 25% off, be grateful and get your shit and GO!
Customers who didn't like what they saw (like learning that they couldn't use their store coupons anymore) would just have us take back the product. Only we couldn't really take it back, we put it into a cart because of the waves of vultures coming in to get their crap. Department heads were operating with no help. They couldn't get any time to take anything back. So food items kept piling up. When I left after 8 hours we had filled 3 and a half carts FULL of stuff that people didn't want because it wasn't cheap enough for their greedy, fat asses.
I mentioned the nitpicking right? Well there were two that REALLY stood out. Thankfully I was only present for one. This was early, with the first wave. A customer came through the SCO with a bunch of stuff and had assumed that each item would show being 25% off, like I said before. She didn't like that. No, you'd think we were stealing from her, or we were incompetent, or something. She got enough for I think $5 off after the 25%. This wasn't nearly enough. She started complaining about EACH AND EVERY ITEM. "This isn't right. That doesn't look correct. Is that the right price?" It was pissing me off. We had to get our store manager in on the action. He eventually got pissed and wanted to get her gone and offered for her to just take everything. "Oh, I can't do that. I'm paying for this stuff." He then offers double the amount off, $10 off. She starts CRYING at this point. "That shouldn't be right. It's at least $25! I'm using this on a party and blahblahblah." All throughout this our SM is saying "What can I do to make you happy with this?"
The second was a customer who checked out fine, but after getting her receipt went up to us and started pointing out this wrong price, and that wrong price, and this was wrong, and check the math on that please? This one I was providing relief on the registers so I could only watch. We had 3 CSAs on shift. One was on lunch (hey, at the time we were slow and he was working long enough that he was about to miss his lunch. Can't have that), one was dealing with Nitpicker 2 and I was on the lanes. So obviously nobody was able to mind the SCOs. She kept CSA C at the desk for 15 MINUTES

That's been my week. Oh, and I have a big birthday on Saturday. And I have another job that's ending on the 28th. So I have that going for me.
