There's a local woman (at least I'm assuming she's local as I've never seen her anywhere else, nor on public transportation) only known as Pee Lady. She wears all black even in summer, and always smells guessed it. Rancid pee. I can smell her three blocks away if the wind is right (or wrong as the case may be). Always talking/yelling to herself though so she's probably mentally ill in some fashion.
Every time she comes into the store, the CDH has to spray Febreeze on the front end so thick I can taste it (there's something in that stuff I'm allergic to, but it's marginally better than smelling stale piss for an hour...we now have 'hospital caliber' air freshener from a different brand that probably takes less to cover up a smell so maybe I should suggest that). Customers have complained about a potential health hazard. I never see her buy anything (unlike the Crazy Misogynist Asshole; buying something gives him a reason to verbally harass the females and makes him a 'valued customer'), just wander the store.
I used to sit on the wall on the edge of the parking lot during my break. Now she's discovered that spot, and sits right where I used to
Every time she comes into the store, the CDH has to spray Febreeze on the front end so thick I can taste it (there's something in that stuff I'm allergic to, but it's marginally better than smelling stale piss for an hour...we now have 'hospital caliber' air freshener from a different brand that probably takes less to cover up a smell so maybe I should suggest that). Customers have complained about a potential health hazard. I never see her buy anything (unlike the Crazy Misogynist Asshole; buying something gives him a reason to verbally harass the females and makes him a 'valued customer'), just wander the store.
I used to sit on the wall on the edge of the parking lot during my break. Now she's discovered that spot, and sits right where I used to
