So we got a nifty storm here in Rhode Island today, lots of wind and intimidating clouds and tornado warnings, the whole shebang. At precisely 5:07pm, the overhead lights, stuttered once, twice, three times and then died, plunging us all into total darkness. Turns out the entire East Side was in the dark. Swiftly, we round up the customers and shoo them out of the store. Of course, there was much whining.
"Can't I wait for my pills?"
"But MY pills are already filled, can't you just give them to me?"
"Well when will the power come back on?"
Miraculously, we got them out the door in under 2 minutes. Of course, a few stragglers came pounding on the door, demanding to know why we can't fill their pills without computers, a cash register, phones and the robot that dispenses our most popular pills. Oh, and three techs and one Pharmacist standing in absolute pitch blackness. The pharmacy is in the back of the store. There are no windows, no drive thru and no emergency lighting. Yeah, I'll fill your muscle relaxant, as long as you're okay with the fact that I might accidentally grab Warfarin instead because I CAN'T FUCKING SEE ANYTHING, so if you hemorrhage to death, it's your own damn fault.
After an hour, the power snaps back on and the customers come streaming back in like extras in a Romero movie. Only trouble is our system hasn't completed booting up yet, so we're still dead. Patients gather round the cash register, staring at us as if they can WILL their meds into existence. After about 15 minutes, the system reboots and we're a go.
7:45pm: One of our most loathed customers enters the store. She has a face like a hamster in drag and whines rather than speaks. She ignores the line of customers in queue and marches right up to the closed register, which has a large sign in front of it which says THIS REGISTER IS CLOSED. She plops her shit down and stares at me expectantly. I'm on the phone and have half a dozen scripts to fill. I ignore her as long as I can. Finally I go over and ask what the hell she wants.
"Well I don't know, you guys called ME. You said something was ready for pick up, probably my clonzapins (which is the ignorant pronunciation of Clonazepam.)"
ME: "Uh, we don't autofill controls. It was probably a robo call letting you know that it was TIME to refill something."
Her: "Well can't you fill them now?"
Me: "Yes, if you can give me ten minutes."
Her: "I don't WANNA wait ten minutes. Whys it take so long? It really takes that long?"
Me: "Yes, it does."
Her: "Well usually when I come in they just fill it for me on the spot."
Me: "Well I'M the only one filling currently, I have six scripts ahead of you and there's also a line behind you. I can't just drop everything to fetch yours. The standard wait time is fifteen minutes."
Her: *huffs snootily and meanders over to the consultation window.
Now this bitch likes to believe that she's a favored customer. She's from an old, rich family and her dad is a dentist so she really thinks she's hot shit and the rules don't apply to her. She will call and specifically ask for the pharmacist just to shoot the shit, thinking they're friends when, in fact, both pharmacists hate her whiny guts. I see the PIC roll his eyes and reluctantly go to the window.
Him: "Something I can do for you?"
Her: "Yeah, why do you call me and tell me my meds are ready when they're not?"
Him: "Did you listen to the whole message?"
Her: "Yeah."
Him: "And it specifically stated that your clonazepam was ready?"
Her: "Yeah."
Him: "No it didn't. It never says that."
Her: "Well wwwwhhhhyyyyy do I have to wait for ten minutes?"
Him: "Because you're not the only customer here. You can come back tomorrow if it's too long to wait."
Her: "Well look, I don't wanna be com in' in here every day. No offense or nuthin."
The PIC comes over to me and says "Since fucking WHEN? She's in here every goddamned day, two and three times a day, like it's a fucking pub!"
Me: "Yeah, uh, she said she didn't have ten minutes to wait, but it's been 16 minutes now. And her goddamned pills just came out of the robot if she can bear to wait another 30 seconds."
I have GOT to pick up more beer tomorrow.
"Can't I wait for my pills?"
"But MY pills are already filled, can't you just give them to me?"
"Well when will the power come back on?"
Miraculously, we got them out the door in under 2 minutes. Of course, a few stragglers came pounding on the door, demanding to know why we can't fill their pills without computers, a cash register, phones and the robot that dispenses our most popular pills. Oh, and three techs and one Pharmacist standing in absolute pitch blackness. The pharmacy is in the back of the store. There are no windows, no drive thru and no emergency lighting. Yeah, I'll fill your muscle relaxant, as long as you're okay with the fact that I might accidentally grab Warfarin instead because I CAN'T FUCKING SEE ANYTHING, so if you hemorrhage to death, it's your own damn fault.
After an hour, the power snaps back on and the customers come streaming back in like extras in a Romero movie. Only trouble is our system hasn't completed booting up yet, so we're still dead. Patients gather round the cash register, staring at us as if they can WILL their meds into existence. After about 15 minutes, the system reboots and we're a go.
7:45pm: One of our most loathed customers enters the store. She has a face like a hamster in drag and whines rather than speaks. She ignores the line of customers in queue and marches right up to the closed register, which has a large sign in front of it which says THIS REGISTER IS CLOSED. She plops her shit down and stares at me expectantly. I'm on the phone and have half a dozen scripts to fill. I ignore her as long as I can. Finally I go over and ask what the hell she wants.
"Well I don't know, you guys called ME. You said something was ready for pick up, probably my clonzapins (which is the ignorant pronunciation of Clonazepam.)"
ME: "Uh, we don't autofill controls. It was probably a robo call letting you know that it was TIME to refill something."
Her: "Well can't you fill them now?"
Me: "Yes, if you can give me ten minutes."
Her: "I don't WANNA wait ten minutes. Whys it take so long? It really takes that long?"
Me: "Yes, it does."
Her: "Well usually when I come in they just fill it for me on the spot."
Me: "Well I'M the only one filling currently, I have six scripts ahead of you and there's also a line behind you. I can't just drop everything to fetch yours. The standard wait time is fifteen minutes."
Her: *huffs snootily and meanders over to the consultation window.
Now this bitch likes to believe that she's a favored customer. She's from an old, rich family and her dad is a dentist so she really thinks she's hot shit and the rules don't apply to her. She will call and specifically ask for the pharmacist just to shoot the shit, thinking they're friends when, in fact, both pharmacists hate her whiny guts. I see the PIC roll his eyes and reluctantly go to the window.
Him: "Something I can do for you?"
Her: "Yeah, why do you call me and tell me my meds are ready when they're not?"
Him: "Did you listen to the whole message?"
Her: "Yeah."
Him: "And it specifically stated that your clonazepam was ready?"
Her: "Yeah."
Him: "No it didn't. It never says that."
Her: "Well wwwwhhhhyyyyy do I have to wait for ten minutes?"
Him: "Because you're not the only customer here. You can come back tomorrow if it's too long to wait."
Her: "Well look, I don't wanna be com in' in here every day. No offense or nuthin."
The PIC comes over to me and says "Since fucking WHEN? She's in here every goddamned day, two and three times a day, like it's a fucking pub!"
Me: "Yeah, uh, she said she didn't have ten minutes to wait, but it's been 16 minutes now. And her goddamned pills just came out of the robot if she can bear to wait another 30 seconds."
I have GOT to pick up more beer tomorrow.
