Quoth air914
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Quoth Shironu-Akaineko
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There are several things wrong with that excuse:
1: I've seen people who are missing a lot more than that who are able to work. People who are missing an entire leg or two, people with only one functioning arm... hell, they even hired a couple of blind cashiers in our cafeteria. Sadly, some people have been ripping them off, but that's a whole other story.
2. She acts like she's severely handicapped, and she's not. True, she has trouble getting around, but a lot of that is because she has let her weight almost double since I first met her. I know with some people, it's caused by some kind of medical condition that they have no control of, but in her case, she simply easts all kinds of junk, and doesn't take care of herself. Before she put on all that weight, she could get around just fine. In fact, she was actually in gymnastics in high school.
One of these times I should tell her that if she keeps waving her foot around like that, the rest of it's going to fall off.
Quoth volatile
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Quoth From the sticky in the War Stories section
Quoth zzapp the witch
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Quoth bannedanna
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Quoth thewomaninagreenhat
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The other thing is that they usually don't start out that way. I certainly wouldn't have attracted myself to her if she had. I'd think to myself, "Wow, she's a bitch!" and move on. She started out as the sweetest person you'd ever want to meet, but she started to gradually change over time, almost too much for me to even notice at first. And even when I did, I had trouble getting myself to belief that the one I loved so much could do that to me.
It was bad enough that her own family and most of her friends were siding with me. In fact, one of her former friends is my best friend now, and has been a member of CS in the past, and has recently rejoined. Her name is Denyelle, and has registered here under her own name. She hasn't posted anything yet that I've seen, but she is in the photo album.