I've previously complained about people laying out all their crap on the floor to "see how it looks" and occasionally even sitting down to ponder said crap. Today... *sigh* So first I walk by and see two bolts of fabric with many yards unrolled on the floor, with two people debating it. They were not particularly young, not that youth is any excuse. Anyway, I offer to get them a cart and they tell me, "no, we just needed to see how it looked." I explain that I am the one who deals with the fabric after it gets dirty from being on the floor and it would be no problem to grab them a cart. It was like I pointed out something surprising to them.
This is what it's come to. Surprise over the idea that something put on the floor might get dirty. Which brings me to the next floor incident. So it's the 4th, a holiday here. I get a call asking if we have flag bandanas. I go to check, find two flag patterned bandanas with the packaging missing, unfolded, then crumpled and left on the floor in the middle of the aisle. After I pick them up, deal with the phone call, and re-fold the bandanas, I go to put them away.
Here's what I find! Two women, one with a sparkly flag hair thingy, staring at the floor. What were they staring at? YOU GUESSED IT. They had all the flag bandanas, plus a couple others (red, white and blue) on the floor. They were just staring at them, then I come up and the look over at me, like "hum? This is how everyone shops, right?" They didn't say it, but their expressions were quizzical, and mine was... Something not good. I literally just looked at them, looked at the floor, and walked away. I couldn't say anything to them, because it would have been "Hey, do you think it would be possible to NOT put products on the floor you freaking lazy b*tch?" Which, you know, might have been a little overboard.

Anyway, back to the title of my post, the floor is not a table! If I could, (haha) I would just take the product away and tell them that I will not discount anything for them, period, because I just saw them damage merchandise. Again, ha-freaking-ha.
