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  • #16
    My response to homophobia like that described by the OP?

    "Clearly you've never been in love, if you think it's a choice who you fall in love with, or their gender."
    Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


    • #17
      Despite the fact that I'm gay, and live in Georgia of all places, and went to high school in redneck central, I rarely encountered avid homophobes. Maybe because they were afraid to upset a real live lesbian. Not the tv "sexy buxom blonde" variety, but the real life overweight aggressive type, which I am.

      I remember one time, one of the most jerky guys in school came up to me during lunch with that "I'm about to make fun of you" look on his face. He asked, "Are you... are you a lesbian?" *chuckle chuckle*

      I said "Yes," and stared back expectantly. Suddenly he lost his train of thought, gazed around like a lost puppy, mumbled "okay" and slunk back to his seat.


      • #18
        Good for you Skandranon! I come from a very conservative and closed minded family in this aspect, so it took me until a few years ago to let my family know I am bi. I am about to get married, and my wonderful future husband is also bi. I find this helps us to understand each other even more. I've even gotten to the point that if I happen to start a new job, as soon as people start asking those random questions, I let them know immediatly that I am bi, and that no, I am not going to be trying to hit on any of them. I've noticed it does help ease the tension alot, and people tend to open up to me more when I just go ahead and be honest with them, instead of them finding out later like it is some big secret.
        Insanity : a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world. - R.D. Lang


        • #19
          Pretty sad how frat boy asshole thinks it's horrible for people to quietly hold hands, but to walk around loudly insulting strangers is perfectly gentlemanly behavior.

          Come on out of the closet, Skippy. The only one making fun of anyone is you.

