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I just want to give you money, please

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  • #16
    Quoth Skandranon View Post
    It may be a little sucky of me, but I just go to the branches that waive the rule and still do split deposit.
    Your bank doesn't allow split deposits? I used to do that always until I had to close my savings account.

    Quoth Skandranon View Post
    Occasionally he grills me about the business, asks why we do this, why we do that. Why can't we do this other thing, it'd be easier for the bank.
    You know what? It's what's easier for you that matters. The bank is there to service you, not the other way around. What a putz.

    As for branch issues, I've never had any. I've been to a half dozen different branches for different things (money orders, cashiers checks, deposits, withdrawals, questions, etc) and they've never blinked. Once in a blue moon they'll ask me which branch is my local, and that's it.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #17
      A specific or home branch really only matters in a few circumstances.

      If there is fraud on your account, you really need to go to the branch where you opened your account. They have access to your paperwork.

      If you overdrafted your account and received an NSF fee, your home branch was responsible for the processing and subsequent charges. You need to speak with them regarding any refunds. This is also true in regards to maintenance or inactivity fees.

      If you made a deposit at branch A and it comes up as missing or an incorrect amount, please please please do not call branch B to figure it out and look into it. Branch B does not have access to those deposit records nor do they have access to the employee that processed the deposit.

      If branch A typically makes special exceptions for you because you are a frequent visitor (doesn't charge you for Money Orders / Offical Checks / allows you to deposit large checks with no holds / no longer requires your ID), please continue to visit branch A for this. Branch B has no knowledge of you/this and branch B will more than likely follow procedure. Becoming upset and saying "Branch A ALWAYS lets me do this!!!" only makes branch B want to say, "Then go there!" This issue usually results in a SC.


      • #18
        Quoth icinii View Post
        If branch A typically makes special exceptions for you because you are a frequent visitor (doesn't charge you for Money Orders / Offical Checks / allows you to deposit large checks with no holds / no longer requires your ID), please continue to visit branch A for this. Branch B has no knowledge of you/this and branch B will more than likely follow procedure. Becoming upset and saying "Branch A ALWAYS lets me do this!!!" only makes branch B want to say, "Then go there!" This issue usually results in a SC.
        I realize that. I'm just saying that BASIC stuff like purchasing a money order or replacing a lost or stolen card is something that, with my bank, you can do at ANY branch. But BOTH times I've been to my local branch, once to replace my card and once to purchase a money order, the woman (same one both times) told me I had to go to my "home" branch to do it. So I schlepped all the way out to my home branch, three towns over, only to be told "tsk, well I don't know why she told you to come HERE, you can get this at ANY branch!" That makes it a sucky bank teller, not a sucky customer.
        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


        • #19
          I used to love taking the deposit. Got out of work for a little bit, usually got to take someone with me, and often we stopped for donuts on the way back If we were getting a large change order I got to take one of the big strong guys with me . In some ways it was a sad day when they switched to armored car service, though I did not miss lugging a sack of rolled change through the store on the days I went by myself. (I didn't always go, though; they usually just pulled someone who wasn't too busy off the floor to go. If we had a lot of customers they weren't sending a cashier...)
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #20
            Quoth tollbaby View Post
            I realize that. I'm just saying that BASIC stuff like purchasing a money order or replacing a lost or stolen card is something that, with my bank, you can do at ANY branch. But BOTH times I've been to my local branch, once to replace my card and once to purchase a money order, the woman (same one both times) told me I had to go to my "home" branch to do it. So I schlepped all the way out to my home branch, three towns over, only to be told "tsk, well I don't know why she told you to come HERE, you can get this at ANY branch!" That makes it a sucky bank teller, not a sucky customer.

            Understandable, and you can do that at any branch, but it's horribly frustrating when a customer you've never seen before walks in and expects freebies because another branch does it for them (this isn't directed towards you).

            I was simply responding to the general inquiry of why one needs to visit the branch an account is based out of rather than the nearest available branch.


            • #21
              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
              If we were getting a large change order I got to take one of the big strong guys with me
              Oh, this is so off topic, but your post just reminded me of this:

              My husband worked for a movie theatre when he was in high school. In a downtown high crime sleazy area. His uniform consisted of a pink shirt and purple bowtie. And his boss used to make him walk through a dark back alley, every evening, to get the change order. His arms would be filled to the brim with rolls of coin, and he'd be walking through this dark alley with this purple bowtie on....he was verbally harassed on more than one occasion, but thankfully never mugged.
              The manager eventually got fired for making some other 16 year old do something even more dangerous (fixing some piece of equipment on the ceiling.)

              If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


              • #22
                Quoth Boozy View Post
                My husband worked for a movie theatre when he was in high school. In a downtown high crime sleazy area. His uniform consisted of a pink shirt and purple bowtie. And his boss used to make him walk through a dark back alley, every evening, to get the change order....
                The manager eventually got fired for making some other 16 year old do something even more dangerous (fixing some piece of equipment on the ceiling.)
                Now that is one horrible manager! To hell with the consequences, get the inexperienced teens to do the dangerous work!
                I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                My LiveJournal
                A page we can all agree with!

