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Cat fight! Literally!

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  • #16
    I recently got to move two kitties from the house to the new apartment. (only one is staying permanently)

    The older female didn't really care for it, but she was stoic. She's been re-located more than once, as she was a shelter cat when we got her.

    The other, a young male, just over a year old, hates to travel. His first trip was just after he was weaned, so he doesn't remember that on. But his second trip ever, was the trip to the vet for his shots and neutering. From what I understand, he put up quite a fuss on the way over, and the way back.

    The trip to the apartment started off with me figuring out how to wrestle him into the carrier, while he's still got the bell collar (which was totally pointless) on. Solution: drop him into the carrier butt first. Then he caterwauled for the entire half-mile trip. He's a color-point siamese and he's got the voice, all right.

    Finally, we get to the apartment, and he refuses to come out of the carrier. We wanted to get him out so that he wouldn't be stuck inside due to the collar. He wasn't having any of it. I finally had my boyfriend start pouring cat food into the dish, and that got him motivated to leave the carrier.

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #17
      Quoth repsac View Post
      First time I took Lucky, one of my beagles, to the vet's new office, he showed his displeasure at being there.

      While I'm signing in, Lucky peed on the corner of the counter.

      Then, while he's in the back, after just being weighed; he got away from the vet and peed on the garbage can.

      Lastly, just after getting a shot from the vet, he peed on the vet.

      One of the girls that work there said it best when she said "Dr. M...I don't think he's a happy camper..."
      My mother's cat, Trixie, pooped in her lap to show her displeasure at going to the vets.


      • #18
        I might as well post my carrier story too. A friend's tomcat got an infected wound from fighting, and I couldn't treat it properly on my own. So I grabbed one of the cardboard fold-together carriers the hospitals sell and put him in it for the drive to the vet.

        Ten minutes into the ride, he's torn a hole in the side of the carrier and is now perched on my back dashboard, clinging for dear life, rowrling up a storm. I thought, "at least he's in the car" and kept driving. Once we arrived, I used my super cat-catching techniques learned from my trade and pinned him with a towel and wrapped him up neatly in it to where he couldn't escape.

        I made sure to get a proper plastic carrier for the ride back. But the little brat managed to open it somehow, and again, was perched on my back dash. This time, I just picked him up and carried him into the house, and ignored the claws in my arm.


        • #19
          The first time I took my kitties to the vet (for shots and a checkup to setup an appt to be spayed) I didn't have a carrier yet--heck, I'd had them dumped into my lap with little warning and still wasn't sure I could keep them. However, they were teeny tiny, very calm, and wrapped securely into "Kitty Burritos" in some old towels, and I had a helper. I felt safe doing this as I've spent most of my life working at shelters and vet hospitals, so I knew what I was dealing with.

          And Blas--I feel you. My parents have a 93lb yellow lab who is pure muscle--she's only 4, in perfect shape, and still thinks she's a puppy. I can just barely pick her up, if I dig my heels in real hard I can stop her from dragging me, and I usually have to sit on her to get her to hold still if she's feeling frisky. But she is a lot of fun to play with!
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #20
            We were adopted by a stray neighborhood cat when I was in college, so he became an indoor/outdoor cat. One time he got in a fight and ended up with an infected abcess in his cheek. So my mom took him to the vet and they drugged him up and drained it. I picked him up that afternoon and brought him home in one of the cardboard box carriers from the vet. He cried pitifully the whole way home (about 15 minutes), and then I opened the box in the living room and he staggered out like a drunk. It was funny (well except for the gross drain in his face).

            Last time my cats went to the vet they were small enough to put them both in one carrier. Now they need two. And my cat is sweet as pie, too but I would never try to bring her out on my porch without a carrier, let alone actually go anywhere (actually, she's afraid of the great outdoors so I'd get clawed by her trying to escape back into the house if I tried it!) Her brother, on the other hand, probably would run off and not be seen again until he got hungry...
            Last edited by BookstoreEscapee; 05-03-2007, 01:14 AM.
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #21

              That must have been something. The sounds of cats fighting is deafening and those poor babies are dealing with wounds.


              • #22
                I lucked out with my flame-point Siamese. When we brought him home from the shelter when I got him, he yowled & hollered the whole way home. He'd yowl up & down the hall at my parents' house, but after the first few visits, he fall asleep in the car. I did make a point of taking him to my parents' house often, so he didn't associate 'car' with 'vet'. Once I got to know him better, I'd only use the carrier to get him to & from the car. Once in the truck, he'd just lay on the passenger seat & nap. When we'd stop at traffic lights, he'd step over onto my lap. I'd keep a hand on his harness to keep him contained, but he never gave me any problems. He did freak out a Tri-Met bus driver who drove alongside me for a few blocks - just don't see kitties watching the view out the side window often.

                When I got my Himilayan kitten (the one in my avatar), I made a point of taking him in the car whenever I can. He goes to my parents' house, and back to his breeder's house for visits w/ Grandma & Grandpa, and for visits to see his family. Now he just falls asleep in his carrier, and doesn't say a word until I shut the truck off. Then he starts talking because he wants to go play. I need to start working on him with his harness, then we'll see if he needs the carrier once we get in the car.
                That is so full of suck Dyson doesn't know how they did it - shankyknitter


                • #23
                  Aren't flame points pretty? That's what my brother's cat is.

                  My ex (where the cat came from) thought he was just a white cat, but my brother & I both saw that he had pale orange markings when he was little. So, with my knowledge of animal stuff, I took a stab and Googled "flame point" and came up with lots and lots of pics of kitties looking just like my brother's.

                  When he was little, he looked a bit like this image.
                  Right now, he looks a lot like this guy.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

