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Dear customers, if you OD in the restroom, we won't touch you

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  • Dear customers, if you OD in the restroom, we won't touch you

    we will just leave you on the floor and call 911.

    Also, please don't use our restrooms for that, do it in your car so you don't traumatize children.

    That is the lesson I learned at work today.

  • #2
    I think we need more details on this one! What the heck happened?!
    Pit bull-

    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


    • #3
      A good lesson for everyone. I wouldn't touch them either.


      • #4
        Like you don't have enough to deal with. I hope you're okay.
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5
          Quoth Kyree View Post
          I think we need more details on this one! What the heck happened?!
          Long story short: A lady (with kids) came out of the restroom, went straight to Tank and told him that someone was shooting up in the restroom. I was the closest female worker to him, so he told me to come with him and we went into the restroom to have a look. The air stank and there was a woman crumpled up on the floor.

          I started to rush to her and Tank grabbed my shoulder and stopped me. He told me to not touch her because she might wake up and hit me. Also, we don't know if she has any of the diseases that come with sharing needles. (At first, I thought he was being heartless because she might have had a heart attack, then he pointed out the evidence of drug use.)

          Tank called an ambulance and stood by the door to keep people out. Ambulance took her away, the restroom was cleaned and mopped by a couple of supervisors and we went on with our day.


          • #6
            What are the odds that if she recovers (IF mind you) she'll lodge a complaint at being treated with such lack of compassion, ignoring the fact that it was her fault in the first place?


            • #7
              Not very high, probably. You're assuming she would remember anything about it or have the mental capacity to put it all together.

              Honestly, the manager did the right thing. He has to think about the safety of his employees who are likely not trained to render aid in that kind of situation. Best he could do is call for an ambulance and keep anyone else from getting hurt.
              I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


              • #8
                It's also possible she had used needles in her pockets or somewhere you couldn't see, which may have stuck you if you tried to move her. Could be a good life lesson for the kids, assuming they were old enough to know what was going on.
                Replace anger management with stupidity management.


                • #9
                  "Hey, Vera. We've got another stiff in the john!"


                  • #10
                    9-5 reference for the win.

                    The late 70's - to early 80's version of office space.
                    I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


                    • #11
                      Quoth Boomslang View Post
                      "Hey, Vera. We've got another stiff in the john!"
                      If anyone breaks the three pint rule, they'll be running all night to the pisser and back.


                      • #12
                        That's actually how everyone seemed to take it. I'm new and this was my first time which explains the Tank sized hand print bruise on my shoulder. He sure didn't want me to get hurt by being stupid.

                        One of the nicest parts of this job is that all of the supervisors came up through the ranks. They have been where we are, so they understand.

                        Even during the problem, it was totally "hey Vera, we've got another stiff in the john"


                        • #13
                          Reminds of that scene in Clerks, where the customer dies in the restroom, and Dante's girlfriend ends up having sex with the corpse in the dark.


                          • #14
                            Leaving them on the floor and calling 911 is what you're supposed to do anyway. Anybody on the floor may have fallen there and injured their spine. You aren't really supposed to move them. If anyone has the cahoones to complain, say you didn't move them because you were worried about a broken neck.
                            Last edited by WishfulSpirit; 08-04-2015, 12:12 PM.
                            "I try to be curious about everything, even things that don't interest me." -Alex Trebek

