Just why????
Instead of relaxing at home with a glass of rum like most healthy citizens, I had to work. Urgh.
Work was fine for the first few minutes. Then "it" started.
The phone!
Guest: *on phone* Help!!! My wife is stuck!!
Me: Sorry???
G: She fell off the bed and is now stuck between it and the wall!!!
I could hear moans of pain. The computer listed them as special needs and disabled.
Me: Ok, I'll send someone to help her get uh, unstuck.
So I ask the guard to give the old man a hand. His wife was elderly, ill, and couldn't move. The guard said that she was also very obese and couldn't lift her at all. The guard is skinny.
Me: I guess I'll have to call 911, can't have her suffocating in there.
Just then a tall muscly dude comes up.
Nice Dude: *overhearing* What's this about an emergency???
The guard explains.
Nice Dude: Well I don't mind to give a hand, I've got nothing else to do!!
So they go off together and I give a call anyway, in case they can't do it. While I'm on the phone, SC demonmember (tm) comes up.
SC: Excuse me!! I would like a blanket please!!
Me: Hold on sir, I'm in the middle of a call. *finishes* Ok, the guard is off helping someone in an emergency right now and will deliver it after
SC: Don't you have any here???
Me: They're in the laundry room, I can't leave the desk
SC: Fine! I'll wait, but not too long! I need to sleep!
So of course he calls every minute after, demanding his blanket. Aw poor baby can't sleep without his binkie; buzz off, cretin we're having an emergency!
Luckily the wife was allright. She was left recovering in her bed.
After all the hubbub of that had died, I went to the back to eat my dinner. No such luck. I was interrupted by a weird regular that I call Weird Red Dude because he's tall and fat and is dressed from top to toe in matching red. I see him on the security cams, wobbling down the halls, like a weird red ghost. Yeah that's weird Red dude.
Weird Red Dude: Excuse me!!! There's a smell of weed in the halls!!!
Me: Weed???
WRD: Yeah!! It's EVERYWHERE!!!
Wishing that pple left their things of illegal doings somewhere else, I summon the guard. But WRD is already on him, yakking about the smell. The guard tells me that he didn't smell anything. Okkkk...
SO it's quiet for a bit so I change the coffees for the coffee cuckoos about to arrive, and my CW, Ms. Sleepy, enters and comes up to me. She works in the breakfast area.
Ms. S: HM, there's a suspicious guy loitering outside!!
Me: Hm??? Suspicious how??
Ms. S: I was entering from the side and there was this guy hanging around wearing an orange prisoner's jumpsuit!
So I think oh great, now an escaped convict is going to bug me. Even tho there been no news about escaping prisoners.
Me: Was he tall with wild hair? Dark skinned?
Ms. S: No he wasn't that Weird Red Dude. Another guy. In ORANGE.
Told you Red Dude was infamous here. So I send the guard again and he says he didn't see anything but Ms. S insists she saw someone. They chat for a while (I don't know what, couldn't hear) and I finish my shift and make sure that I look around carefully in the parking lot in case some escaped convict pounces on me or something. THere was no one. Whew.
I hate Fridays.

Instead of relaxing at home with a glass of rum like most healthy citizens, I had to work. Urgh.
Work was fine for the first few minutes. Then "it" started.
The phone!
Guest: *on phone* Help!!! My wife is stuck!!
Me: Sorry???
G: She fell off the bed and is now stuck between it and the wall!!!
I could hear moans of pain. The computer listed them as special needs and disabled.
Me: Ok, I'll send someone to help her get uh, unstuck.
So I ask the guard to give the old man a hand. His wife was elderly, ill, and couldn't move. The guard said that she was also very obese and couldn't lift her at all. The guard is skinny.
Me: I guess I'll have to call 911, can't have her suffocating in there.
Just then a tall muscly dude comes up.
Nice Dude: *overhearing* What's this about an emergency???
The guard explains.
Nice Dude: Well I don't mind to give a hand, I've got nothing else to do!!
So they go off together and I give a call anyway, in case they can't do it. While I'm on the phone, SC demonmember (tm) comes up.
SC: Excuse me!! I would like a blanket please!!
Me: Hold on sir, I'm in the middle of a call. *finishes* Ok, the guard is off helping someone in an emergency right now and will deliver it after
SC: Don't you have any here???
Me: They're in the laundry room, I can't leave the desk
SC: Fine! I'll wait, but not too long! I need to sleep!
So of course he calls every minute after, demanding his blanket. Aw poor baby can't sleep without his binkie; buzz off, cretin we're having an emergency!
Luckily the wife was allright. She was left recovering in her bed.
After all the hubbub of that had died, I went to the back to eat my dinner. No such luck. I was interrupted by a weird regular that I call Weird Red Dude because he's tall and fat and is dressed from top to toe in matching red. I see him on the security cams, wobbling down the halls, like a weird red ghost. Yeah that's weird Red dude.
Weird Red Dude: Excuse me!!! There's a smell of weed in the halls!!!
Me: Weed???
WRD: Yeah!! It's EVERYWHERE!!!
Wishing that pple left their things of illegal doings somewhere else, I summon the guard. But WRD is already on him, yakking about the smell. The guard tells me that he didn't smell anything. Okkkk...
SO it's quiet for a bit so I change the coffees for the coffee cuckoos about to arrive, and my CW, Ms. Sleepy, enters and comes up to me. She works in the breakfast area.
Ms. S: HM, there's a suspicious guy loitering outside!!
Me: Hm??? Suspicious how??
Ms. S: I was entering from the side and there was this guy hanging around wearing an orange prisoner's jumpsuit!
So I think oh great, now an escaped convict is going to bug me. Even tho there been no news about escaping prisoners.
Me: Was he tall with wild hair? Dark skinned?
Ms. S: No he wasn't that Weird Red Dude. Another guy. In ORANGE.
Told you Red Dude was infamous here. So I send the guard again and he says he didn't see anything but Ms. S insists she saw someone. They chat for a while (I don't know what, couldn't hear) and I finish my shift and make sure that I look around carefully in the parking lot in case some escaped convict pounces on me or something. THere was no one. Whew.
I hate Fridays.