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Lumberjack Woes, part deux

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  • Lumberjack Woes, part deux

    so i wrote about some of the craziness from last week, the big lumberjack competition that goes on in town... well, the crazy isn't over... seems they decided that next year it will be a week later than it was this year. why is this a problem? because here at this particular Big Yellow Campground people have been coming here for YEARS, and per longstanding tradition and owner's official policy (the new one tried to change it, quite unsuccessfully) people have first dibs on their same site for the same weekend next year. so yeah... we had roughly 350 sites worth of people wanting to book 240 available sites all for the same weekend next year.

    the owner made the decision that the Lumberjack people took precedence. quite a few of the competitors stay with us when they come to town to compete. one team is even sponsored by us. they've been coming for 20+ years. now... THIS past weekend we had a multi-family multi-site (and of course all the desirable ones... the deluxe patio sites, the lodges, etc etc) family reunion that happens every year.

    i'll leave you to imagine the s***storm that was generating for us by that. let's just say my coworker, the office lead, spent LITERALLY hours trying to shuffle people around and find sites somehow that was amenable to everyone... and even then we've already gotten a nasty letter (complete with photos of the signs we have posted of the "first dibs" policy) ranting about how the owner can't just change policy on a whim (technically he can.. he's the OWNER... he can do whatever the frik he wants.) and finished it off saying that she guesses that we don't honor the loyal customers. problem is... WHICH local customer to we honor? this one that's been coming for 20 years? or that one that's been coming for 20 years? ARGGGGH....

    so glad i'm off today.

  • #2
    Yeah, that's one of those problems with no good solution.

    If I was an owner, I'd be sending a nice long apologetic letter to those who can't get "dibs" next year, explaining the situation, and maybe offering a discount off another weekend for those that can't be accommodated.


    • #3
      In a perfect world -- heck, in a reasonable one -- all letters of that type would get immediately forwarded to the owner to deal with ...with no repercussion to the worker who hit FWD.
      "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
      "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
      "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
      "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
      "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
      "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
      Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
      "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


      • #4
        i printed it and threw it in his box. ran into him the next day in a local restaurant. he had a chuckle about it, asked if i changed the e-mail, shrugged and said "not much i can do unfortunately", and then he picked up my tab.

        have i mentioned that for the most part i actually do really like my job and my boss? XD


        • #5
          Unfortunately the owner is going to piss somebody off. He had to decide who. However he should have had the balls to deal with the fallout himself.
          At the conclusion of an Irish wedding, the priest said "Everybody please hug the person who has made your life worth living. The bartender was nearly crushed to death.


          • #6
            well, my co-worker was handling the logistics of who went in what site when. anyone who was truly pissed did get forwarded to the owner. he has no problem dealing with pissy people.

