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  • #46
    Many years ago when I was a little kid, there was a high speed police chase in a residential zone on a very windy road in the town I grew up in (you can see where this is heading already, can't you?).

    Some drunken moron in a Corvette or Mustang (can't remember, but what a waste of a nice car!) was evading the police because he knew he was going to fail the sobriety tests, he took the sharp curve at over 60 mph, but somehow maintained control of the vehicle. When it was clear that he wasn't getting away, he took a last resort and promplty plowed into someone's living room!!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #47
      I've got quite a few stories on this sort of thing.

      When I was working at Whiskeyclone, I was stuck on the drive nearest our building one night. I was just standing there when I heard a car screech, thought nothing of it because it's a common noise and a second later I hear a loud crash. An idiot drove into our building. He was young and he was sober.

      The neighborhood I grew up in is full of old houses, some dating back to the 1800s. There was one house near me that was very nice. It was in great shape and they had these tiny pillars that were in that rock pattern. One day, some kids took a joyride at 2 AM. When I drove by the house on my way to visit a friend, I saw the pillars and part of the porch knocked out. The kids were driving an SUV and were going pretty fast. The kids weren't hurt and neither were the home owners.

      Across the street from the house I mentioned is a nursing home. The sign that indicates it is out by its lonesome. At around late evening, a drunk driver obliterated the sign. The thing was in pieces. He drove off and sneaked off to the Walgreens about a mile away. However, the police witnessed the whole thing and caught him at the Walgreens.

      When I lived with my parents, I used to live a street away from the police station. I also lived near an intersection that was notorious for having the stop signs run through. Now what with the police station being a street away you'd think people would get the point but we all know how humanity is. One guy got owned when he ran the stop sign as a cop car was passing by. That was funny trying to see that idiot get out of that one.

      As for elder folks, the only problem we had was convincing my great-grandmother to stop driving. She's as stubborn as they come, she's independent, and she won't let anything stop her. Her younger sister was different, she knew that she was getting older and simply gave my dad her car for free. Said she had no use for it and she was going to a home anyway. My great grandmother, it took the entire side of my mom's family to convince her to stop driving.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #48
        My... my body is shivering... I... I just had this image, this horror instilling image that could stop a man's heart and fill his throat with cold fear...

        Mysty, Mysty driving. Sitting smug in a large purple cadillac, flames painted on the sides and flames shooting out of her exhaust pipe, laughing madly as she floors it thorough the neighborhood, the shiny white skull in the front of the car shivering menacingly while the neighbors cower in fear in their houses, and the bad drivers slink under their cars whimpering for their lives...

        Mysty comes, she comes now and it's time to pay, she'll arive in her monstrosity from hell carrying a scythe in one hand and a leather clad steering wheel tightly held in the other....

        Run miscreants of the road, RUN, for it's judgement day...

        I only wish I had the ability for prose some in here have, I could've made it so much better... but still the image is frightening
        I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

        "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


        • #49

          That's an interesting photo for sure.

          As for my own stories, I dont think I've had any weird accidents.. a few near-misses with deer, and my mom hit a truck on the side, totalling the new car that Grandma gave us (the week we had it home I think).

          I have one that's semi on topic: I bike a lot. And I'm rather uh, lucky.

          I was riding just after dusk when I was coming to the corner and this dark colored vechicle (A cherokee) pulled upa nd stopped. I thought she saw me, so I continued to cross the street. She accelerated right into me!

          The only thing that saved me was that I was thrown off my bike. I got scrapes and bruises... and I remember watching her back up again and the twisted remains of my bicycle emerging from under her vehicle.

          She was more shaken than I was. I was not wearing a helmet. She replaced my bike and I went on my way - it was partially my fault.

          Next incident happened I think a few years later.. I just stopped at subway and got a sub, hanging from one handle, change in the other. well, I wanted to put my change in the side pocket of the OTHER side of my pants. So, I did the stupid thing; I grabbed the LEFT handle with my RIGHT hand, holding the bag there, transferred the change to my LEFT hand and... hit a wall. The finger got infected, and I still have a scar there from it. Again, no helmet.

          I've done 180s on ice on my bike, flipped it, hit trees, cars, buildings and road barriers, even had a bee fly down my shirt (I have a bee allergy I now discovered- my entire upper body seized up and went rigid.) while biking. Sometimes with a helmet, sometimes without, but *touches wood* I have NEVER had to be hospitalized.

          I imagine when I /do/ go out, you all will read about it on the front page news.
          Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


          • #50
            Quoth Tria View Post
            To hell with "they", he's lucky YOU never caught him.
            Hell yeah he is. Cause he would have been on the ground!*

            **April does not condone violence against stupid people. Unless no one sees me do it


            • #51
              Ah, I've got another story that lives in infamy among my family.

              My great aunt's car was once hit by a flying cow.

              Take a moment to re-read that statement. Yes, it does say "flying cow."

              This took place some time ago in Vermont. Vermont has beautiful forested mountains with lots of lonely winding roads.

              She had been driving along and from out of seeming nowhere, a cow landed on the front of her car. The cow pretty much totalled the front end in landing, and it is generally agreed that it was DOA, too.

              It turns out that a large tractor trailer (a semi) coming the other direction had been travelling too fast in cow country, hit the cow, and sent it flying through the air, up the road. Circumstances conspired for it's downward journey to coincide with the arrival of my great aunt's car.

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #52
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                It turns out that a large tractor trailer (a semi) coming the other direction had been travelling too fast in cow country, hit the cow, and sent it flying through the air, up the road. Circumstances conspired for it's downward journey to coincide with the arrival of my great aunt's car.

                Holy Cow! (pun intended. )

                That's one heck of a crazy coincidence. Good thing she was ok, though.
                A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....

