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What a day (LONG)

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  • What a day (LONG)

    Whole bunch of minor to moderate incidents today.

    I'm never coming to Staples again!

    A guy came in to exchange a box of envelopes. While he was off getting a new box, I started checking out another customer. He came back as I'm finishing up with customer 2. Somehow I missed the majority of this exchange, but I was filled in later.

    SC: Can you check me out?

    Electronics Lead (at other end of counter): I'm sorry sir, I can't.


    EL: I'm sorry, but this isn't a register.

    SC: I'M NEVER COMING TO STAPLES AGAIN!!!!!! (this was the first thing I heard, amazingly).

    Grand total time in line for this butthole? WELL under 60 seconds.

    And it even got better! He had paid for his envelopes with a debit card, meaning he was entitled to a cash refund. So I gave him cash.

    SC: What are you doing?

    Me: Giving you your cash refund.

    SC (in most condescenidng "you should have known" tone possible): I can't take cash. I need it put back on the card. It's a company purchase and I have no way of putting cash back into the system!!!!!

    Me: Ok. Do you have the card?

    *tosses over card*

    I redid the refund and had Dan (MOD) post void the first return.

    Dan: What the hell was he tweaking about?!

    Me: I have no idea!

    Shut up so I can help you!

    Woman calls in wanting to know if there was a Staples near the [Location Withheld] Mall. I told her there was. So wants to know how to get there. This was more stupid than sucky.

    Me: Are you taking US Rt X to get there?

    Her: No, I'm taking the backroads in.

    Me: Ok, so you're taking Rt Y then? (a surface street)

    Her: I don't know the route numbers. Where is it in relation to Kohl's?

    (How can you live in [town] and NOT know either of these route numbers? HOW is this possible. We're talking about two of the three biggest most important roads in that town).

    Me: Well, I'm not sure where the Kohl's is, but do you know where Tower Record's used to be?

    Her: No, here's what I know about that area. There's the mall, and near there there's a Kohl's-

    Me: Ma'am, I don't know where the Kohl's is.

    Her: It's near the mall

    (Yeah, I got that)

    Me: Ok, the road that the mall is on is the [County] Turnpike. At one end of the mall-

    Her: Near Kohl's?

    Me: I have no idea ma'am, but at one end of the mall is the highway. At the other end of the mall, on the SAME sode of the Turnpike is another plaza. There used to be a Tower Record's there. THere's also a Wendy's, a small Barnes & Noble, a Lindt Chocolatier, Game Sto-

    Her: OH! Yes, I know where Barnes & Nobles is?

    (Why do people always call it Nobles? It's not plural)

    Me: Ok. In the same plaza is the Staples. It's hard to see from the street, but it's there.

    Her: OK. Thanks!

    Man....that call took at least twice as long as necessary. I just wanted to say SHUT UP ABOUT KOHL'S! I'm going above and beyond since I just happen to know how to get to this Staples. Odds are no one else here excep tthe GM would know, so be happy with what I'm giving you!

    No means NO!

    Just as I finished with the above call, the electronics lead got a call of her own

    Paraphasing the conversation, since I missed most of it.

    EL: Good morning thanks for calling this is EL how can I help?

    SC: Yeah, I'm looking for a phone. The model is blah.

    EL: Ok, let me see if I have that *looks up the phone in Inventory*

    EL: Unfortunately, I don't have any available. Just the display.

    SC: WHAT?!? The other Staples just told me you had one!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    EL: Yes, ONE. The display, which I can't sell. They shouldn't have told you that because they should have known.

    SC: Can I buy the display?

    EL: Unfortunately, it's not a sellable display model.

    SC: WHAT?!?! That's ridiculous! You just don't want to sell it to me.

    EL: No ma'am, it really isn't sellable. It's nailed down.

    SC: *SIGH!!!!* Well when are you getting more in?

    EL: Probably tomorrow, but I can't promise that.

    SC: WHAT?! How can you not know?

    EL: Because we get what the warehouse sends us, and we have no control over what they do or do not send. Thye SHOULD send us more, but I can't guarantee anything.

    SC: Well, I'll just pay for one now and pick it up when they come in.

    EL: I can't do that.

    SC: Huh? Here's my credit card number-

    EL: No ma'am, we can NOT take a credit card over the phone.

    SC: This is ridiculous! *click*

    Scamming requires brains, lady

    Another woman came in looking to return a pair of noise cancelling headphones. They were unopened, but the receipt was dated six weeks ago. Right around the time that these were $9.99 after a $30 Easy Rebate. That's strike 1 and 2. WELL outside the 14 day return policy, and a possible rebate scam.

    Me: Hey, Dan?

    Dan: Yes?

    Me: This was dated 3/18.

    Dan: Did you already send in the rebate ma'am?

    Her: Yes.

    Dan: Did you get the money?

    Her: I don't know.

    Swing and a miss! Strike 3!

    Dan: Well then I'm gonna have to call this in. *disappears with receipt; within 60 seconds she's tapping her foot, looking at her watch, and sighing theatrically*

    Her: What's taking so long? Why can't I get my money?

    Me: I have no idea (you're trying to scam us, that's why).

    *Dan reappears, get's on computer*

    Her: What's the problem?

    Dan: I have to see if they cut you a check. If they did, I can' only give you the after rebate price.

    Her: Forget it. I'll just keep them!

    Can I leave, plase?

    Took forver to leave, because I got stopped FIVE times trying to get to the back room to clock out. One of the customers who stopped me was a guy I'd seen before and didn't like. He had previously done what he did today.

    SC: Is this for a camera? *points to USB Flash Drives in flyer*

    Me: No sir, those aren't. THESE *points to flash memory cards* are.

    SC: I need one for a Sony camera.

    Me: Ok, right this way *leads him to the right aisle; picks up SanDisk Memory Stick on sale* That's the one.

    SC: This isn't for a camera.

    Me: Yes it is. You said you have a Sony, right?

    SC: Yes, but this isn't for a camera. It doesn't look right.

    This coming from a guy who thought a Flash Drive was for a camera.......

    Me: Sony cameras use a card called Memory Stick. This is a Sanisk brand Memory Stick. It should work.

    SC: You're sure?

    Me: Yes.

    SC: How much?

    Me: $10.

    SC: $10?

    Me: Yes.

    SC: Is that the regular price?

    Me: No. the regular price is $40.

    SC: How long are they on sale

    Me: Until Saturday?

    SC: OK *hands back card* I forgot my gift card, so I can't get it now.

    Me: Ok.

    SC: Will you have any left on Saturday?

    Me: Probably. We don't usually run out of these.

    SC: Is that a yes?

    Me: Well, I can't promise anything, but I would imagine we will still have them.

    SC: Well I was going to come back tomorrow anyway. Will you have them tomorrow?

    What? You son of a.......

    Me: I can all but guarantee that we will.

    SC: OK.

    After a few more interruptions, I finally got punched out, put my jcket on, and started back through the store to leave. The SAME guy who needed the Memory Stick saw me and tried to PSH! PSH! me over to where is was!

    I just kept walking, ducking down a neighboring aisle like i never even heard him.

    SC (to companion): Where the hell is HE going?!

    Can't wait for my four-day weekend
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    Quoth Dave1982 View Post
    (Why do people always call it Nobles? It's not plural)
    Maybe the pluralized Barnes throws them off? Eh. Just a thought.

    And now on to the regularily scheduled reply.

    Did you find out where the SC magnet was hidden so you could attach it to someone else?
    Unseen but seeing
    oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
    There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
    3rd shift needs love, too
    RIP, mo bhrionglóid


    • #3
      Quoth Dave1982 View Post
      (Why do people always call it Nobles? It's not plural! *snip!*
      Can't wait for my four-day weekend
      Noble's? Just a thought.

      And, dude, you are going to get SOOOO wasted this weekend on that hard shit brain bleach!
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        And, dude, you are going to get SOOOO wasted this weekend on that hard shit brain bleach!
        Actually, I don't drink (well, not in a long time), so that wasn't what I meant to imply there.
        "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

        RIP Plaidman.


        • #5
          Quoth Dave1982 View Post
          Actually, I don't drink (well, not in a long time), so that wasn't what I meant to imply there.
          We know, but it's too easy of a target.
          I AM the evil bastard!
          A+ Certified IT Technician

