I was stuck on cash last week when we were having issues with the debit machine, there was loose connection in the system and it would only work in 1 exact spot. Since the store was busy we had to keep this cash open while waiting for the tech guys to come and fix the problem. The machine would work fine as long as it was in that exact spot. If the machine was moved even a small bit it would reset itself and sometimes reset my cash (which would take 5 mins to reset)
I would inform each customer using debit that I was having an issue with my debit and I was waiting for the tech guys to fix the problem, but the transaction would work as long as they do not move the machine from that spot (i had the spot marked with tape). I even told them that if it was moved it would reset and possibly take 10 min to fix.
How many people do you think listened to my advice? I think people actually thought I was lying and would pick up the machine or move it AS SOON AS FINISHED SAYING DON'T MOVE IT, then proceed to yell at me when it reset itself. It's not my fault you didn't listen to me, I told you this for you benefit. I wasn't trying to ruin your day, it's stressful for me when something don't work, and you only have to deal with it once I have 8 hours of this! (sorry needed to vent)
I can understand the customers frustration, most people like to cover up their numbers and hold the machine close to them, but I had already explained and apologized the inconvenience but when someone tell you that the machine will reset itself if you move it, and then you decide to test this out, don't yell because you had to wait 5 mins for the reset.
I would inform each customer using debit that I was having an issue with my debit and I was waiting for the tech guys to fix the problem, but the transaction would work as long as they do not move the machine from that spot (i had the spot marked with tape). I even told them that if it was moved it would reset and possibly take 10 min to fix.
How many people do you think listened to my advice? I think people actually thought I was lying and would pick up the machine or move it AS SOON AS FINISHED SAYING DON'T MOVE IT, then proceed to yell at me when it reset itself. It's not my fault you didn't listen to me, I told you this for you benefit. I wasn't trying to ruin your day, it's stressful for me when something don't work, and you only have to deal with it once I have 8 hours of this! (sorry needed to vent)
I can understand the customers frustration, most people like to cover up their numbers and hold the machine close to them, but I had already explained and apologized the inconvenience but when someone tell you that the machine will reset itself if you move it, and then you decide to test this out, don't yell because you had to wait 5 mins for the reset.