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Customer's intelligence level & patience.

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  • Customer's intelligence level & patience.

    I. No UPC Customer brings item with no UPC for you to scan. They say the price so you expect to believe them but has to call someone to get one

    4-points: Customer always checks to make sure they have a UPC for the item
    3-Points: Customer brings an item to the till without a UPC without realizing it but says he'll forget it or will apologize and get the UPC his/herself
    2-Points: Customer brings an item to the till without a UPC and realizes it's the last one but doesn't notice he bought the item without the UPC.
    1-point: Customer definately knows that he brough an item without a UPC but gets Cashier to check for another UPC after waiting in line
    0-Point: Customer knows he brought the item without the UPC and also knows it's the last one and is quite irate. Gets upset at you for the fact that it's taking too long even though it's the customers fault they are putting you in a stupid situation.

    II. Price Check Customer says it's not the right price.

    4-points: Customer checks on Price checker to verify prices to product when it's busy, Doesn't care less if item is -20 cents mistaken, brings note to cashier from an associates signature saying that they can get a discount for products when they aren't the right price
    3-points: Is concerned at the till when product is +20 cents for a price check, sometimes apologizes for the trouble.
    2-Points: Is concerned at till when product is -20 cents for a price check.
    1-point: Customer checks every item to verify price at price checker and comes to Cashier instead of Sales associate to check the price on the item
    0-Point: Customer won't leave until they get that item for that price even though it's not the right price they say that they found it there (Items are free for customers to put them in other spots). Gets pissy, can possibly keep the cashier waiting for 20-45minutes when that person is the last in line at your till.

    III. Express Lane People who can't read and can't count or is an a-hole or biotch

    4-points: Can read and Count but ignores the express when they have more items.
    3-Points: Goes to the express accidentally, Cashier at some jobs tells the person that this line has an item limit,apologizes and goes to the next line without saying anything else
    2-Points: Goes to express and assumes the same kind of items multiple times is just one item .
    1-Refuses to leave the express lane after waiting long in line. (might risk cashiers safety to domestic violence).
    0-points: refuses to leave the lineup and makes customers wait in line even longer by making seperate transaction as one person.

    IV: Seperate items We need to shop for others as they don't have time to shop themselves. In addition to that people buy things for business and pleasure, Makes you deal with the person for an additional time even when sucky.

    4-points: Will make 2 seperate transactions (bonus point for apologizing to you or the next person in line)
    3-points: Makes 3 transactions in line.
    2-points: Makes 4 transactions in line or makes 2+ serarate transaction in express
    1-point: Makes +5 transactions in line
    0-point: (same as 0-point III.)

    V. Parking where Stock associate is working As they use the cart pusher and is on a parking divider the person must park there where he is working, is also your normal 4 points___________0 points A$$hole rating too.

    4-points: When parking space is crowded and you look for a while for a parking space and there is one where the person working is blocking it, you wait until the person leaves until you park there.
    3-points: Two empty spaces down that aisle is not taken and one of them has someone pushing carts blocking the psrking spot, you wait until the person leaves until you park in that spot.
    2-points: Each Aisle has at least one empty space. You drive down the aisle where a Stock associate is pushing carts in front of one parking spot, you wait until the stock associate leaves until you can park there.
    1-point: Half to three quarters of the parking spaces are empty, you drive as close to the stock associate as you can until he leaves the parking spot
    0-point: Three Quarters to nobody of the parking spaces are empty. You decide to be a dick and drive as close to a stock associate as you can until he leaves the parking spot invading his personal space with your vehicle

    VI. Plant Shopping We all love plants and we buy so many, but how's the weather?

    4-point: Nice Spring/Summer weather and you came at an excellent time to buy plants as most of you don't even need bags and is generous about not having the belt dirty.
    3-points: Weather is a little clowdy but it's not raining and you're buying plants, the weather says that it may rain later, you need the plants in bags.
    2-points: It's raining out and you don't want the plants to be all wet, you will need them in bags so that they don't get watered down much.
    1-point: -10+ degrees out. You know not to buy the larger plants even though they will freeze but the medium plants you want enough bags to keep them from getting frostbitten and the small ones just generally needs bags.
    0-point: -10+ degrees out and you buy huge ass plants. Well even though we can't covered them in bags you are fu*ked and therefore a complete moron to buys those plants that size in this ridiculous weather, The only solution is probably paper wrapping or something, this problem can easily be solve with a decent brain.

    VII. Courtesy desk Are you defeating the purpose of the receipt.

    4-points: You have everything with the product but it doesn't fit, doesn't work whatever, you bring your receipt to verify date and UPC.
    3-points: You buy a game for the computer but the game doesn't work. As you are not aware of the policy of not returning software until the associate tells you then you're aware and understanding of the policy and leaves (not too certain about any computer return as I've never worked Courtesy).
    2-points: Customer brings receipt to product and contaminates it or uses it, or could possibly get it out of the box to see if it is broken
    1-point: Customer returns item without proof of purchase so Courtesy Clerk can't tell if it's past the deadline or the UPC matches the product.
    0-points: customer brings contaminated product without a receipt.

    VIII. Personal space for cashiers We all must respect personal space.

    4-points: does not put arms in cashier's bagging area
    3-points: extends arm in cashier's bagging area to take out item for specific reasons
    2-points: extends arm to cashier's bagging area where items are bagged and grabs the bag of items.
    1-point: extends arm to Cashier's bagging area and asks if she can have a bag while putting hands on bag
    0-point: extends arm to Cashier's bagging area and grabs bags from bagging area without asking.

    IX. Waiting in line we must wait in line to get our turn, but how patient or impatient are you when it comes to lines?

    4-points: Waits with patience in a lineup no matter how long it is but shouldn't line up at +30 people in line unless you have patience of a saint, shops somewhere else if lines are too long.
    3-points: everyone still realizes they must stand close in line to get served even when they are +30 people. may grumble a little bit because of the lines but stays there anyway.
    2-points: realizes the place of business is still hiring and waits in ridiculous 30+ lines. May ask front end supervisor/CSM for more cashier so they can paige them
    1-point: Signs around the store say they are hiring and they get into a hissy fit because they have to wait in line so much instead of going to another store.
    0-point: Doesn't stand close to someone in line so they are prone to have other people butt into them, they get all a$$hole line and say that they in line. Gets into a hissy fit or orders the employees around acting like they are the boss.

    X. Sucky employee customer what are you like to employees at your job when you are off the clock or not working there anymore?

    4-points: Is happy and cheerful, will do price check concerns on stickered prices
    3-points: extends arm in Cashier's space for a particular reason.
    2-points: pulls 2 stunts-No UPC and Price check
    1-point: Comes to express at your own job with more than the items required
    0-point: Re-bag the items that you bagged in front of them or re-folds clothes that you folded for them in front of you. Does price checks for -20 cent items and scans their items on your till.

    LOL I'm a 38, I get 2-points for the UPC bit lol.
    Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.

  • #2
    I am also at a 38. I get a 2 on the UPC at times also.
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      I was gonna be a total 40 but once I forget to check for a UPC and ran and got another with a tag so I'm only 39


      • #4
        I'm 39 for the same reason. I don't always check for a UPC, but if there isn't one, I don't make the cashier go fetch it for me.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          I got 35.

          Nice idea btw!
          No longer a flight atttendant!


          • #6
            I used to get people who'd buy bargain books (remainders from other publishers are assigned a new ISBN number and a special barcode sticker is put on the front. Often the original barcode is still visible on the back) and happen to find one that is missing the bargain sticker so they of course want the one without the sticker. Then I would have to look up the correct ISBN in a different computer or else get the customer to get another copy. Usually you don't notice that you scanned the wrong barcode until the customer has paid and looks at their receipt and then tells you they were overcharged. Of course, they get pissy about it even though it's their own fault. The stickers come off, people!!! (well, usually...)
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth HALFHUMANHALFZOMBIE View Post
              IX. Waiting in line we must wait in line to get our turn, but how patient or impatient are you when it comes to lines?

              4-points: Waits with patience in a lineup no matter how long it is but shouldn't line up at +30 people in line unless you have patience of a saint, shops somewhere else if lines are too long.
              3-points: everyone still realizes they must stand close in line to get served even when they are +30 people. may grumble a little bit because of the lines but stays there anyway.
              2-points: realizes the place of business is still hiring and waits in ridiculous 30+ lines. May ask front end supervisor/CSM for more cashier so they can paige them
              1-point: Signs around the store say they are hiring and they get into a hissy fit because they have to wait in line so much instead of going to another store.
              0-point: Doesn't stand close to someone in line so they are prone to have other people butt into them, they get all a$$hole line and say that they in line. Gets into a hissy fit or orders the employees around acting like they are the boss.
              I guess th 0-2 customers never shopped before or after a hurricane.

              3 hours in line as Target. Full police squad was there when I left because their generator was about to die.

              37 points

              Also, I can't get a 5 points for #4? I have it all on one receipt then do the damn math myself.
              Last edited by draggar; 05-04-2007, 11:16 PM.
              Quote Dalesys:
              ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


              • #8
                Amazingly, I got a 40. I always check for a price tag because I'm careful with my money and I want to know how much everything is so I can load it into my phone calculator and see how much it is with the sales tax...yeah, I can be a freak about that. If it is lacking a UPC, I put it down and pick up something else with the tag on it (to calculate the price) and just hold on to it if I'm going to purchase it.

                Concerning crowded parking lots, if I notice before I even start to park that the place is slammed, I go somewhere else or just come back another day.

                I don't buy plants at grocery stores. I usually go to garden stores on sunny days. There is an awesome place close to where I live that let's me take my Rottweiler shopping with me. They are very critter friendly. (I would like to note that my dog is very well behaved and never deficates in public...just to make that clear )

                Everything else is common courtesy.

                I'm the kind of person that if my tolerance and patience can't hold up, I don't deal with it.
                Check out my cosplay social group!


                • #9
                  Quoth draggar View Post

                  Also, I can't get a 5 points for #4? I have it all on one receipt then do the damn math myself.
                  I think so lol, then I would stay at #4 on that question because I've done 2 seperate transactions before but not in a dept store!
                  Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.

