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Do I look like a trashman to you? (language)

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  • Do I look like a trashman to you? (language)

    Before I begin my rant, here's some info. According to our GM, we are not allowed to throw out any trash customers in DT ask us to throw out. Not even a ball of paper. I follow this rule mainly because it's a reason to piss off a SC without facing reprimands from management.

    I apologize in advance for the ribaldry...

    So Wednesday my Coworker takes this lady's order. She gets a value meal but wants an icee instead of a soft drink. Normally we have Coke and Minute Maid Wild Cherry but at the moment we have relaced the red cherry with Green Cherry Limeade. It's a pain in the ass to keep telling customers "I'm sorry, we have the green cherry limeade icee right now."

    Anyways, my cowo tells her we have cherry. There are ads with the green icee's everywhere, I guess she figured the lady saw I made the green one in case she wanted it anyway. Most people want to try something new and end up liking it.

    She comes to the second window where she proceeds to give me the money for her food. After handing her back her change, I start to give her the icee and this happend:

    SC: "I asked for the cherry."

    Me: "This is the cherry...only it's green cherry...limeade-ish...

    SC: -displeased look- "What does it taste like?"

    Me: look wench, what the fuck do you think it tastes like? "Um, cherries and lemonade a popsicle?"

    SC: -thinks-

    just take the damn thing!

    SC: "Okay I'll take it."

    So she starts messing with her cup holder thing. There's an empty Pepsi can and a McDonalds cup.

    SC: -normal tone- "Can you thow these out?"

    Me: -nicely- "I'm sorry but I cant."

    SC: -taken aback look- "What do you mean you can't?"

    Me: -suffering from PMS- "We aren't allowed to throw things out...cross contamination. I apologize. That's what our management told us to do."

    SC: "I want a refund!"

    Me: WTF?! "Okay...on the drink or the meal?"

    SC: "The Meal!"

    who the fuck are you getting loud with? I'm the wrong one...

    So I go to the closing manager on duty "M." While I'm doing that, my cowo tries to see what went wrong and out of nowhere I hear the SC cuss her out.

    Oh. Hell. Naw...

    Now "S" is probably the sweetest girl at BK and is the last person anyone would fuss at so at this time I'm ready to fuck someone up. "S" was calm but SC was yapping something about "...getting a fucking attitude with me...!" "S" was unnervingly calm.

    One little tidbit: "S" doesn't get an attitude with anyone. Not even her kids unless they get that out of hand.

    Long story short, SC leaves without her refund after trying to fuss "M" out. Someone gets a free icee. I still have a job. She can kiss my ass.

    If "S" had gone to the manager instead of me, I guarentee I would have used some big words to piss that woman off. I would have been polite but I would have also put her in her place. Don't come to Burger King with that kind of fucked up attitude and expect me to thow your shit out for you. That's why there are 2 trash cans placed outside. One near DT and one near the main entrance. Go "have it your way" somewhere else.

  • #2
    I don't understand people who do that. I have a trashcan in my car and even if, I don't see why I should give my trash to clerks, even less at a drive throught window.
    Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

    "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


    • #3
      Likewise. Heck, I'm even guilty of tossing an empty cup into the back to make room for another one. I promise I dispose of it later. Not like some people. I saw a car parked at the grocery store the other day that was literally full of trash. Like, there was near zero-visibility from the passenger and any of the side and back windows.

      I suppose I wouldn't see the harm in asking the people at the drive through if they could throw something away (though most of them around here don't speak English, so that would defeat itself anyway), but if they said "No," I would shrug my shoulders and not think anything of it.

      Not sure how the ICEE wound up free, but that's life I guess
      "You are loved" - Plaidman.


      • #4
        In some circumstances I can understand asking an employee to take your trash. Mainly in areas where there are no trash cans. Like Kings Cross here in London, There are no trash cans in the entire station, or in any of the shops. Even McDonalds doesn't have any trash cans, so you almost have to ask the employees to take your trash. (True you could take it with you, but would you want to hold onto greasy rubbish on a 5+ hour train journey?)


        • #5
          I live in Texas and it can get hot here. . . and if you have a second person in the car with you - and only two cuphoders . . . .you go through the drive thru for a meal . . .order food and drink . . .if the place has trash cans outside along the drive thru path like yours does - no problem I am happy to throw away my own trash. If however you don't have a trash can that can be used - then their really does need to be another option offered. I went through the drive thru for a reason - usually because I don't want to have to take the time to find a spot, park the car and come in.
          Their are also times that I have my dog in the car with me - I am not able to park and come in without risking her health.
          I fully understand about crosscontamination - but seriously give people an option.
          Most of the "Happy" drive thru's have a trash can past where you get your food . . .I can hold onto the old cup/ can in my lap for that distance - however the "flame-broiled" and the one that serves Frosties do not. The first will not take your trash and the latter will.
          I have pulled over and used their dumpsters and even gone into the resturant to throw away a cup or can - don't yell at me when I do. I calmly walk in use the trash can and leave - plus have just purchased food from your business . . .don't sit their and yell at me that it isn't a public trash can and embarass us both - cause I will go to the car- get the food I just bought and ask for a refund and return it -


          • #6
            Quoth Kara_CS View Post
            Likewise. Heck, I'm even guilty of tossing an empty cup into the back to make room for another one. I promise I dispose of it later. Not like some people. I saw a car parked at the grocery store the other day that was literally full of trash. Like, there was near zero-visibility from the passenger and any of the side and back windows.
            There's a semi-regular customer at the store with a car like that. It's a station wagon, too. If I weren't horrifically terrified about what would be found in there, I'd clean it.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              That's how it is at my work. We aren't allowed to throw anything but paper into our trashcans. I can understand this because if something goes wrong we get to dig through the trash to find the paper trail. I've had people who ask me to throw away their beer cans and stuff and I can't. Honestly. And there is NO place to put liquids! I'm in a casino cage, I don't have the luxury of just leaving it and getting to a normal trash.

              What gets me is when there is a trash RIGHT behind them and they leave their crap sitting on the outside of the cage where I couldn't reach it if I tried and other customers stack their's next to it.

              The craziest thing I ever had happen:

              There was this woman in my window and we were doing a semi-long process to cash a check. She was sipping some kind of alcoholoic drink the whole time. Well, when she is about to leave:

              Me: Ma'am, you forgot your drink!

              SC hesitates looks and it and says this: It's not mine.

              And walks away. WTF!? Then what have you been drinking the entire time?! I couldn't figure out if she was just too lazy to toss it two steps back or if she really was drinking some random drink that had been sitting there... Yucky!


              • #8
                Quoth Kara_CS View Post
                Likewise. Heck, I'm even guilty of tossing an empty cup into the back to make room for another one. I promise I dispose of it later. Not like some people.
                I have a few empty cups in my car right now. Eventually, they'll find their way into the trash. Now, my father's car is just nasty. Trust me, having to move 52 empty coffee cups just to sit down is rather annoying
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  My mother and aunt usually have a ton of fast food crap on their car floor. I, personally, keep it down to a bag or two and maybe a few cans (the boyfriend drinks a ton of soda).

                  Here's a tale (courtesy of Snopes) about a guy who really liked his beer.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                  • #10
                    I fully understand about crosscontamination - but seriously give people an option.
                    Honestly, I don't think it is the restaurants' responsibility to provide trashcans outside their stores. Inside, yes. It's not their fault you didn't throw your trash away elsewhere before you decided to drive through and get more food/drinks. I would never in a million years ask the person at the drive-up window to get rid of my own trash for me. That isn't their job.

                    I am back working at my mall kiosk job now. We have our little store trashcan in a cabinet in the store, and evenly spaced throughout the mall are the mall trashcans. Never fails -- a customer will come up with their half eaten food, half empty drink, etc. and ask me to throw it away. I politely point them in the direction of the nearest mall trashcan. I still get some pissy people who are upset they have to walk an extra 15 feet. But it's not my job to throw away their garbage and stink up my storage cabinet with their leftovers.

                    “It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” Philip K. Dick


                    • #11
                      "Long story short, SC leaves without her refund after trying to fuss "M" out. Someone gets a free icee. I still have a job. She can kiss my ass.

                      I like the ending!!!

                      I like it a lot! People are so lazy. Spending a couple of bucks at a fast food joint does NOT mean you get to use their trash!


                      • #12
                        I hate when customers want me to throw away their krap in the checkstand, or they just throw it on the belt, not saying a word, expecting that I will take care of it. Usually, it ends up in their bag of groceries. Hey, how am I supposed to know they wanted it thrown away.
                        The worst days are when they do samples in the store, or in Starbucks. Everyone wants me to throw their cups away, sometimes still filled with food. I just have a little trash can and it gets so gross.
                        I like the idea of only taking paper trash, no food or liquid, but even then, what about those people who hand you their tissue, filled with who knows what?

                        I hate taking customers trash.

                        Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                        • #13
                          At Chesterfield, we were NOT allowed to take any trash that had, or at one point contained, liquid.
                          You would not believe how many customers would yell at me about that.
                          "So, if I finish drinking this, you can't even throw away the cup?"
                          "Why not?"
                          "... The trash bag will get sticky, and smell. See this counter right here? The one the computer's on? Notice any wires on it? No? They all run down into the tiny little cubby under the counter, the same place where the trash is. It gets really f*ckin' hot down there. The trash can, and will, smell terrible."
                          "I call murder on that!"

