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we are starving because you won't cash a\money order!!!

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  • #16
    Quoth Crow The Robot
    sc: WHAT!!!!! my boyfriend is defending your freedom!!!! You hate America!!!! You are a terrorist!!!
    c: Sorry, ma'am I can't cash the moneygram.
    SC: Terrorist!!!!!!! Who let your kind in here!?
    c: Excuse me?
    SC: I'll report you and you'll lose your job. Then you can't bomb places anymore, with no funding terrorist!!!!!
    Crow The Robot: <gives expression of terror, grabs phone, hurriedly dials number, affects heavy middle eastern parody accent, speaks in mocked hush voice so as to be heard by SC>
    Abrul? This is 86. My cover has been compromised. What? No, she is standing right in front of me. Yes, she called me a terrorist and seems to know of the bombing plan. Yes, still at Wal-Mart. No. No. I did not get her information. Until you get here? What if she tries to leave? Oh, yes. I will not forget the training. Hurry.
    <hangs up phone, looks nervously at SC, then drops accent, puts on big fake smile>
    I am sorry, ma'am, but I just spoke with our manager and he informed me that we might be able to help you, but it could take a while. May I see your driver's license so we can better process your request? Then, if you wouldn't mind waiting right here, I believe the manager or someone will be here in about ten minutes to escort you and your daughter to where the transaction can be completed.
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


    • #17
      Quoth South Texan
      Crow The Robot: <gives expression of terror, grabs phone, hurriedly dials number, affects heavy middle eastern parody accent, speaks in mocked hush voice so as to be heard by SC>
      Abrul? This is 86. My cover has been compromised. What? No, she is standing right in front of me. Yes, she called me a terrorist and seems to know of the bombing plan. Yes, still at Wal-Mart. No. No. I did not get her information. Until you get here? What if she tries to leave? Oh, yes. I will not forget the training. Hurry.
      <hangs up phone, looks nervously at SC, then drops accent, puts on big fake smile>
      I am sorry, ma'am, but I just spoke with our manager and he informed me that we might be able to help you, but it could take a while. May I see your driver's license so we can better process your request? Then, if you wouldn't mind waiting right here, I believe the manager or someone will be here in about ten minutes to escort you and your daughter to where the transaction can be completed.

      Hey, thanks, Texan! I needed to clean my screen and keyboard anyway.


      • #18
        Sounds like she wants to start a witch hunt. She better be careful though, when she starts falsly accusing innocent people as "terrorists." That's probably a crime, somewhere . .
        This area is left blank for a reason.


        • #19
          On those surviver benefits if you're not the beneficiary you don't get squat even if you're a wife/husband.
          I have a friend who's husband was killed rescuing folks when Katrina made land fall and his mother tried to get the benefits. His mom tried playing the mom card, the grandkids card all for naught.

          I think toolbert is correct, sounds like you were being scammed.
          Bow down before me for I am ROOT

          Preserving precious bodily fluids sine 1952


          • #20
            Quoth blas87 View Post
            Canadagirl, she's probably hoping that her boyfriend will get killed so that she and her kid can live off the money that the military sends you if you become widowed
            What a judgmental and unnecessarily rude comment to make.
            You don't know what she's thinking in that regard, just because she behaved badly.
            I really find that comment so disgusting.

            I don't know why she didn't just go to a bank, but I can understand that she was probably rather desperate for cash.
            Still, she should read the rules that are posted and not expect special treatment, or start spouting onsense because exceptions aren't made for her.
            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


            • #21
              I believe it was Sam Kinison who said:

              "There are 2 ways to make it in America: Get a job or f*** somebody that has a job."

              I guess she feels entitled because she chose the latter.

              Maybe she should find a Sunoco with a food mart inside and use it there. I'm sure there's at least a few along the turnpike. Of course, then she'd need toll money ...


              • #22
                Something else to consider: How do we know she didn't simply find the money order in the trash, and was trying to use it? Quite a few people dumpster-dive here, so it wouldn't surprise me.
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #23
                  Even if she's his life insurance beneficiary...

                  ...most independently issued policies won't pay out if the insured is killed in action as a member of the Armed Forces. Sucks to be her, I guess. Dumb scammer.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Librarybabe View Post
                    ...most independently issued policies won't pay out if the insured is killed in action as a member of the Armed Forces. Sucks to be her, I guess. Dumb scammer.
                    I could be wrong, but in the Air Force you automatically get life insurance. I don't think they give you an option. It's likely the same way in the other branches as well. You don't have to have coverage for your family, but the active duty person must be covered. I think its called SLGI or something.


                    • #25
                      sgli is available to all service members; it's an option, not a requirement, if i remember correctly (i've been out awhile...hard to recall some things). unless he has her listed as his beneficiary, she gets squat, and if i've heard correctly, they don't like to pay out-getting money from them is extremely difficult.
                      look! it's ghengis khan!
                      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

