ok back in voiting season a very demanding anti-smoking law was passed, about on the first it finally went in affect. I have to admit ive been waiting gleefully for to come in affect. Why?? SCs who smoke in the drive thru.
Now the basics of the smoking ban are out lined here- http://www.smokefreearizona.org/
Now thats all fine and dandy, but i can for see a few SCs saying i cant refuse to serve them in the drive thru if they are smokeing, because they arent smoking in the resteraunt. Hello exception rule!!! http://www.smokefreearizona.org/exemptions.asp
Im going to sooooo point out that it is illegel since the smoke can enter through the drive thru window, and i can refuse to serve someone who is breaking the law. because it clearly says '...so long as tobacco smoke does not enter areas where smoking is prohibited through entrances, windows, ventilation systems, or other means'
Smoking SCs you have meet your match.
Hello happy lungs
Now the basics of the smoking ban are out lined here- http://www.smokefreearizona.org/
Now thats all fine and dandy, but i can for see a few SCs saying i cant refuse to serve them in the drive thru if they are smokeing, because they arent smoking in the resteraunt. Hello exception rule!!! http://www.smokefreearizona.org/exemptions.asp
Im going to sooooo point out that it is illegel since the smoke can enter through the drive thru window, and i can refuse to serve someone who is breaking the law. because it clearly says '...so long as tobacco smoke does not enter areas where smoking is prohibited through entrances, windows, ventilation systems, or other means'
Smoking SCs you have meet your match.
Hello happy lungs