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Getting Sentimental About Floppy Disks: A painful stroll down memory lane

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  • Getting Sentimental About Floppy Disks: A painful stroll down memory lane

    Ever get sucked into a situation and have no idea how to extricate yourself gracefully?

    It happened today right before lunch, so I was hungry. The caller wasn't rude or particularly stupid. Nevertheless she turned out to be a huge time-waster and I couldn't find any graceful way to end the call. Here's my best recollection of the conversation with my comments in red:

    [The call started off normally enough, although she seemed to take a roundabout way to get to the point.]

    Me: [Canned greeting] How may I help you?

    Caller: If I buy an update, I hear I have to get the newest version.

    Me: Yes. We only ship the latest version.

    Caller: What version is that?

    Me: [names version]

    Caller: Yeah. If I get the update what will it do?

    [What will it do? The same thing as your old version, only (we hope) better. Other than that it has about 500 improvements. Do you really want to pay for the phone call where I read the whole list to you?]

    Me: Um. I'm not sure what you mean. Is there something specific you want it to do?

    Caller: Will it do something to my [hardware]?

    Me: I'm not sure I followed that. Are you worried that it won't be compatible with your [hardware]?

    Caller: Yeah. I guess.

    Me: It works with over seventy models of [hardware]. What kind do you have?

    Caller: [names model]

    Me: No problem. It will work with that just fine.

    Caller: Will it work OK with Windows XP?

    Me: Yes. It was developed and tested on Windows XP.

    Caller: All right. Will I be able to install it?

    [OK. We are now at the point where I better get her serial number because if she isn't eligible for a free update, I'm going to have to quote her the price. So....]

    Me: I'll have to check our database to answer that. May I get your serial number, please?

    Caller: I don't know. I can't find anything. I just moved. It wasn't far, just two towns away. I think I kept the papers in my files, but I can't find them. I just moved here and, well, I don't think I can find it.

    Me: Did you register it? If you did I can look it up in our database. I'll just need your last name.

    [A little back and forth while I verified who she was and found her serial number. Fortunately, she HAD registered it.]

    Me: I found your serial number. It's [number]. You will need to know it when you order your update. I'm just going to check to see what your price will be.

    [I looked it up and found that she already HAS the latest version. It was purchased two weeks ago. I'm like ::huh?:: ]

    Me: Did you realize that an update was purchased for your license two weeks ago?

    Caller: Yeah. [Government agency] bought it for me.

    Me: OK. Have you received the package from them?

    Caller: Package?

    Me: Yes. You should receive a box with an installation CD and an installation guide.

    Caller: Not yet. I guess it's still on the way.

    Me: That's OK. You can still install it today by downloading it.

    Caller: No. I'll just wait for the CD.

    [At this point I'm trying to figure out why she was still on the phone. Maybe she had concerns about it working on her computer, but I had addressed those. She didn't want help with installation. She didn't have any questions. Yet she still seemed to be expecting something from me. I just couldn't figure out what it was. So I decided to give her a helpful hint about installing it when she got the CD. It turned out to be a very big mistake.]

    Me: OK. When you get the CD, make sure you have the license floppy from your original 1998 version handy. The installer may ask you to insert it. But don't worry if you don't have it handy or can't find it. Just give us a call when you are ready to install the update and we'll give you some information you can type in to get it installed.

    Caller: What does the license floppy look like?

    Me: It will have our company name on it and the serial number I gave you.

    Caller: I think I found it...wait...oh...I don't have my glasses on...G?, I can read these things.

    Me: That's all right. As I said, if you can't find it, you can give us a call and we'll help you get your update installed.

    Caller: Wait...s...e...t...a...noooo...u...p. Setup. Is that the one I want?

    Me: I don't think so. Please don't worry about it. Just give us a call when you get your CD.

    Caller: This one looks right. D...I...S...K...wait...the next one is a That's not it.

    Me: You won't need the disk. It dates from 1998 and might not even work any more. Just call us when you get the CD and we'll help you get installed.

    Caller: Here's one. H...P. Darn, I can't see these letters without my glasses. Oh, that's my HP restore disk. That's not it.

    [Realizing that she rummaging through a box with not only our product in it, but every product she's bought since 1998, I've gone from miming pulling my hair out to actually pulling it.]

    Me: You really don't need to worry about it finding your disk. We'll be able to help you install whenever you are ready. Nowadays a lot of people don't even have floppy drives, so we have an alternative means of getting your license installed.

    Caller: A...I...OH! I forgot I had that. That's my scanning program. I love that program. I thought I'd lost it.

    [Egads. We're not just reading labels of unrelated floppy disks over the phone without our glasses; we're also reminiscing in sentimental fashion about them. ]

    Me: Did you want to install today?

    Caller: No, thank you. Oh! X....C...O...P...Y. XCopy? What's that?

    Me: I'm afraid I don't know.

    Caller: That's OK....Oh...This one I think...a D on it.

    [Actually I do know XCOPY is a DOS command, but I'm not curious enough to ask why a disk is labelled XCOPY.

    I also know that the call isn't going to go anywhere constructive and yet she's nice and I can't be be mean to nice people, even very annoying nice people.

    I realize she plans to pay long-distance charges to keep me on the phone while she looks, in the most inefficient manner possible, for a disk that she has been told several times ISN'T NECESSARY.

    I'm trying my best to think of a polite way (besides the way I tried several times with no success) to convey that without hurting her feelings. The best I came up with was...

    Me: Do you have another question for me today?

    Caller: I guess not.

    [Yes. She sounded disappointed. As I mentioned, she wasn't stupid; she knew I was trying to get rid of her. I felt pretty guilty, but hunger was fast winning out over the guilt. ]

    Me: Thank you for calling us today. Please give us another call when you get your CD. You can ask for me, Dips. If I'm not available, anybody else here can help you install your update.

    Caller: OK. Good-bye.

    Me: Good-bye.

    [I felt like shit, but that call had to end.]
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    Like removing a tick, my friend. Quickly and firmly. Make sure it's all gone or it will cause problems for you later.


    • #3
      Blood and sand.

      No wonder the latest comic strip is dedicated to you and your patience...



      • #4
        Don't worry about having to leave. Sometimes these ppl will try to keep you talking for some random reason. It's certainly okay to extricate yourself from the conversation if the reason for the call has been answered. You did your job. Don't worry about it.
        The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


        • #5
          I hate these people, especially in store ones. I answered your questions, now FO. I've got stuff to do and tons of other curstomers to help. Don't keep talking to me about how this did that and that did this. I don't care.
          "They have the internet on computers now?"
          ~Homer Simpson

          Another day at work, another broken desk


          • #6
            I know the feeling; you hit an awkward pause in the conversation, and you're not quite sure how to fill it, so you offer some information to (hopefully) help the customer remember why you two are having the conversation to begin with.

            However, it is then that you realize the hard way that you are the one in control, and you just told your customer to do something completely pointless and aggravating under the pretext of FYI.

            Luckily, I work more in sales than support. So the worst thing that ever happens to me is I get a customer so confused that I lose a sale. And fortunately for me, the worst that results is a, "No, I'll just stick with what I have. Can you ring me up for that?"

            I've found that the KISS principle works really nicely there. Instead of saying, "you know, this qualifies for our value pack. I can give you another 8x10, four 5x7s and 12 wallets for just $6 more," I now just say, "You know, your order qualifies for our special value pack pricing today; would you be interested in hearing more about it?"

            More people say yes to that because it's small enough that they are able to wrap their brains around it successfully.
            "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
            -- The Meteor Principle

            Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


            • #7
              Quoth pbmods
              I know the feeling; you hit an awkward pause in the conversation, and you're not quite sure how to fill it, so you offer some information to (hopefully) help the customer remember why you two are having the conversation to begin with.
              The problem I have had with that is that it causes either more questions ("but what do you mean"), and like a dog with a bone, they will not let go. Harmless FYI, I think not!

              I have had customers so bad, that the office staff have faked me getting a phone call (going as far to call the main line), to extricate me from the customer!


              • #8
                I often faked getting an incoming call so I wouldn't have to deal with the twit (when she either started asking me about her computer or going on and on about how she thought Jordan was "bad for me").

                Luckily, she was dim enough to not know what call-waiting really sounded like (or that the phone system didn't actually support it).
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  Quoth Rapscallion
                  Blood and sand.

                  No wonder the latest comic strip is dedicated to you and your patience...

                  OMG, Raps! I completely forgot about the boycott! It must be in its third month by now.

                  Still haven't noticed any effect on sales, though.
                  The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                  The stupid is strong with this one.


                  • #10
                    often faked getting an incoming call
                    I'm going to have to remember this one! Excellent! Must remember to use it. We actually do have a call waiting system that will tell us when others are in line waiting. So it'll work perfectly.
                    "The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts." - Steven Wright

