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Stupid Rule, follow it anyway.

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  • Stupid Rule, follow it anyway.

    A little background: I work for a large health insurance carrier. I've been here for more than six years. There's been many changes over the years, some corporate, some HIPAA related, some that helped make things easier and some that are of course absolutely stupid - at least on the surface.

    About four years ago we launched an internet portal that gives the professional and facility community contracted with us access to routine member benefits, claim status, automated authorizations requests and resource materials. They can submit their claims thru it and monitor it every step of the way. They can even send their requests for claim adjustment thru the internet and they can our notes on the case and see the adjustment as soon as it is done in real time. Self service at its most effective.

    There used to be more than 120 people in my department, now there's less than 30. Don't tell me that it isn't more cost effective for the practice as well as us - you don't have staff waiting in queue to talk to us for things that are now three clicks away.

    Another important this about this is we pay for the practice to have the portal access not the practice. Because of that a practice that is enabled and trained is required to use the internet portal.

    We are only allowed to assist with complicated issues and information that is not available thru the internet portal. With the one exception being if we are notified by the company that administers the site for us that there is a technical problem and the site is taken offline. Otherwise Customer service is not allowed to assist with routine informaiton. We have an automated telephone and fax system they can access if their practice is having computer problem or for some reason they just don't want to use the internet.

    There are still people that try to get around it. They'll pretend they aren't contracted. They'll give their tax id instead of provider id. They'll yell and cuss and demand a supervisor when we catch them at it and tell them that they have to use the internet.

    I can understand where they are coming from up to a point. Yes, I have the information right in front of me and I'm still not allowed to give it over the phone. The fact that you forgot your password or don't remember where to look for mental health benefits does not change the contractual obligation that you have to use the service we are paying for you to have the access to use.

    No, it does not matter that the girl that knows how to use it is on vacation. I can send a request that someone go out to train you, in the mean time use the automated system.

    No, they aren't going to remove the access from your file and let you keep the access.

    Yes, I know it sucks. I'm still not willing to break the rules for you, even if I can see why you think it's stupid, especially when you've been nasty to me.

    If they'll let me, I am happy to help them navigate the internet portal site to locate everything they need... as well as some useful things that they don't even know exists. I live for that. It's the only part of my job I enjoy anymore.

    I just got off of a call that was typical of the suckier internet enabled caller. "Joyce" pretended not to know her provider id, but insisted she's contracted with us as an in network provider. Eventually she gave a National Provider Id. I guess she didn't realize that the NPI is linked to the provider file that shows the internet access that the practice has had since 2003.

    They usually get suckier when they get caught and Joyce was no exception to that. I told her that she has the access to the routine benefits and enrollment on the internet. She cut me off when I reminded her that it has been several years since that initiative was put in place.

    She just kept getting suckier. She threatened to not render services [that's on your conscious, not mine], said they wouldn't see our members anymore [that's on your finances, not mine], said they'd make the member's pay up front and submit their own claims [that's violating your contract with us]. Said she'd just have the member call member services [that's just fine, maybe member services can help them find an in network provider that doesn't have sucky staff].

    She wanted my first and last name. Um. No. You can have the first initial of my last name and you can go right ahead and complain that I followed the rules. I desperately wanted to say, do you want me to dial you in so you can tell them how I followed the rules? How about we pull the tape from this phone call? Shall I have a copy of the tape sent to your boss as well?

    Don't treat me like I'm stupid.
    Don't try to pull a fast one.
    Don't try to convince me to break rules for you, especially after mistreating me.

    Oh, and don't be surprised when I pull the last several years of your claims to audit for possible overpayments.
    Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.

  • #2
    What is with some people?

    I don't understand why anyone would resist pulling up information through the internet. I adore my connection and about die from information starvation when I don't have it. (bus schedule, yellow pages, white pages, maps, locations)

    Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


    • #3
      When someone alway demanded my name, I would give it to them, but ONLY if they provided ME with THEIR name as well.

      That way I would know which of the masses I dealt with everyday was bitching about me. (well I only had it happen twice in 3 years but it through them for a loop...)
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #4
        Quoth Kiwi View Post
        ONLY if they provided ME with THEIR name as well.
        I like that...
        Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


        • #5
          OK, the whole internet process sounds pretty simple...these people really find it easier to call in and wait for someone to answer and argue with you about why they shouldn't have to follow the rules? I don't get it...
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Alright..since BeckySunshine isn't here...

            Everyone together now:

            "If it makes sense, it's not allowed!"
            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


            • #7
              What is it with some doctors' office staff people getting little Napoleon complexes? I swear some of them can be the biggest idiots with us, too. I ask them to see if they can secure a prior authorization, or maybe check and see if one of the other drugs in the same class would be covered and appropriate for use for the patient, and the idiots send me a nasty note telling me to check my records, they've already sent us refills.

              At that point, I'll circle the original heading, put an arrow next to my original note, handwrite in another note that states that I didn't ask for refills, instead if they could do what I asked in the first place, and I fax it right back.

              I hate being sucky like that, but jeezus, if you're going to set a crappy tone for communication with the patient's pharmacy, don't be surprised if they get cranky back.


              • #8
                Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                What is it with some doctors' office staff people getting little Napoleon complexes?
                the Doctor's Wife seems to be the worst.
                1. doesn't know what she's doing most of the time
                2. feels that her status of spouse means something
                3. cares more about money in her pocket than trivial things like not committing insurance fraud.

                I wonder if she'll sign her checks as "Mrs. Doctor's Wife, DW"
                Everything sucks. I must be living in a vacuum.


                • #9
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by TrainedChimp; 05-17-2007, 02:09 AM.
                  I for one salute this parkade ninja of yours. ~ Gravekeeper


                  • #10
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                    OK, the whole internet process sounds pretty simple...these people really find it easier to call in and wait for someone to answer and argue with you about why they shouldn't have to follow the rules? I don't get it...
                    Because they pay people to answer the phones, dontcha know? Gord forbid an SC do something themselves when someone else gets paid who could do it for them.

                    I have a similar problem with people who call us asking for a "list of improvements" in the newer version. There are over 200. They are listed in the release history on our web site and I'm happy to help a customer navigate to it or send them a direct link by email. If they don't have web access, I can print out a copy and fax it or even snail mail it. Most folks are really glad of that. Then there are the whiners...

                    "Nooooooo! I don't waaaaaant to go to the web. Why won't you just teeeelllll meeeee?"

                    My reply is this:

                    "There are over 200 improvements. I'd be happy to read them from web site out loud to you over the phone, but it will take a bit of time. If you are calling long distance from [name of customer's city] that might get expensive for you. Not to mention all the work it would take for you to copy that information down. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just have the list?"

                    I am conveying complete sincerity and concern for the customer's welfare. It's an act, but it's very convincing. Nobody has ever complained.

                    Only one person ever took me up on it. So I started reading. About ten minutes in, another call came in. I placed the first guy on hold so I could answer that call and he was gone when I came back to him less than a minute later.
                    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

                    The stupid is strong with this one.


                    • #11
                      Quoth DesignFox View Post
                      Alright..since BeckySunshine isn't here...

                      Everyone together now:

                      "If it makes sense, it's not allowed!"
                      Where was I, anyway? Thanks for filling in for me, DF!!!!!
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        The first rule of management is: "If it makes sense, don't do it".
                        "If ignorance is bliss, then I work in Heaven."

