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Does she think I'm an idiot?

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  • Does she think I'm an idiot?

    I thought I have seen it all.
    The store I work in gets NO cell reception at all except at the front door. I have to turn my cell phone off when I get to work or I have no battery left by the time I get off.

    Scenario, it is myself and one sales associate (T) in the store. We have a few customers shopping around. In walks PT (potential thief). She is on her cell phone so she doesn't hear me greet her.
    When she gets a few feet in the door, she loses her call. She yells at the phone (cursing at it). I tell her that we don't get cell reception in the store. When she realizes it isn't her phone, she seems ok.

    She chats us both up separately, being VERY friendly with us both.

    She tells T that she is shopping for jeans for her daughter. Tells me she is just looking.

    PT is looking at the merchandise at the front table (which is very close to the door) she has a few things in her hand and winds up setting the alarm off.

    No big deal, she moves away.

    I am helping another customer when I turn around to see her OUTSIDE the store on her cell phone WITH the clothes still in her hand!!! (I am wondering why the alarm dind't go off). She sees me looking at her and has the weirdest look on her face.
    I run up to the door and tell her she can't take the merchandise out of the store.

    PT: What? I wasn't going to steal them.
    Me: I didn't say you were. You can't take merchandise out of the store.
    PT: I needed to take this call
    Me: Ok, I will hold the merchandise at the counter for you until you finish.
    PT: You will not take that merchandise anywhere! Stand right there while I finish my call!!! (yes, she actually said this)
    Me: I will not stand here and hold this stuff. I will put it at the counter for you until you are finished.
    PT: Why can't you just stand there???
    Me: I have other customers to help, I simply can't just stand here!
    PT: What the F*** is your problem???
    Me: Ok, now you can leave the store. Your language is inappropriate. (there were a lot of customers in the store, they didn't need to hear that)
    PT: You can't tell me that!
    Me: Yes, actually I can. There is no need for your language. There was no reason you couldn't leave the merchandise on the table or with one of us while you took your phone call. Now that you have used inappropriate language you can leave.
    PT: (proceeds with a string of more cursing, not to mention accusing me of being racist, she was of a different race than me, yelling that the phone call was an emergency regarding her son) finally leaves.

    I go to put the clothes back and realize why the alarm didn't go off. Two tanks and three pairs of jeans, none of them sensored. She didn't go into the fitting rooms and I looked around where she was, didn't see any sensors.

    T and I realize that she must have looked for jeans that we missed sensoring.
    The tank tops weren't sensored to begin with.

    So, I think if I hadn't turned around when I did she would have been long gone with that merchandise!
    "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
    "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire

  • #2
    Nice work!

    It's scary how much stuff got stolen at our store; every week the management would display what stuff had been stolen. I always felt so guilty. But when I read stories like this I am so happy! Again, way to prevent shoplifting!
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      I'm surprised that she was angry at anyone who told her she couldn't take clothes that she hadn't paid for out of the store. Bizzare...
      I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

      Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


      • #4
        First of all
        Secondly, what a complete moron, why did she leave the store with merchandise is she related to that guy who took the generator?


        • #5
          Quoth ZumZum
          yelling that the phone call was an emergency regarding her son) finally leaves.
          If it's an emergency regarding your son, then you don't need clothes right now. BYE BYE.

          The nerve of some ppl.
          The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


          • #6
            I still can't believe she had the nerve to order you to stand there and hold the clothes while she was on the phone...
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              I have found that most of the time, you can tell how guilty and in the wrong people are by the level of anger they display. Were she innocent, she would have just said, "Oh, man, I wasn't thinking clearly. Sorry. Got a family emergency here."

              But no, the first thing she did was deny that she was planning on theft. Pretty transparent.


              • #8
                Oh yeah thief. She had no cell receiption in the store, she had an armload of crap. Next thing you know she was outside on her phone. She would of had to walk outside to make the call, she couldn't receive a call in the store. Should of called the cops on her!!!! Good work in catching one of these ass clowns by the way.
                My Karma ran over your dogma.


                • #9
                  I'm just wondering why she didn't just leave. If she'd managed to get out of the store with the clothes, she could have left and probably gotten away. But instead, she had to talk on her cell phone and foil her own plan. Sheesh, what a twit.
                  Random Doctor Who quote:
                  "I'm sorry about your coccyx, too, Miss Grant."

                  I has a gallery: deviantART gallery.
                  I also has a "funny" blog: Aqu Improves Her Craft


                  • #10
                    Quoth aqutalion
                    I'm just wondering why she didn't just leave. If she'd managed to get out of the store with the clothes, she could have left and probably gotten away. But instead, she had to talk on her cell phone and foil her own plan. Sheesh, what a twit.
                    I think she just happened to be talking on her phone (perhaps telling the other person about her great idea to steal) when I turned around just in time to see her outside of the store. Had it been a minute later she probably would have been gone.
                    "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
                    "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


                    • #11
                      Quoth ZumZum
                      PT: You will not take that merchandise anywhere! Stand right there while I finish my call!!! (yes, she actually said this)
                      Me: I will not stand here and hold this stuff. I will put it at the counter for you until you are finished.
                      PT: Why can't you just stand there???
                      Me: I have other customers to help, I simply can't just stand here!
                      PT: What the F*** is your problem???
                      Me: Ok, now you can leave the store. Your language is inappropriate. (there were a lot of customers in the store, they didn't need to hear that)
                      PT: You can't tell me that!
                      And people wonder why we need a site like this, to rant.
                      Reality is mearly one's own perspective and perception, each has a different perspective and perception of what that might be. None are necesarily wrong.
                      -no one of any significance-

