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Candy Dish Etiquette

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  • Candy Dish Etiquette

    We have a candy dish on our counter at work, normally I think nothing of it but let's just say the next five examples all happened today.

    1. Do not stand there debating to yourself... whether or not this week's fad diet allows you to have one. If you want one take one, don't ask me how much sugar is in it. I swear one hard candy will not make you blow up like Violet Beuregard.

    2. If you want a second one... Take one. You don't have to ask permission nor do you grab one and say "I'm stealing one, ha ha,"

    3. However... Don't start shoveling them by the handful into your purse or pocket, if you need all that candy then may I direct you to the gorcery store where you can spend your own money.

    4. If your child........ wants a candy and you don't want him to have one, Don't say (and I quote) "That's the lady's candy and we aren;t allowed to have any." Not only will I ignore that little wink you give me, I will clearly state in your child's presence that the candy is for everyone. Parent your own kid.

    5. When you are done... throw away the wrapper yourself. Don't crumple it into a ball and drop it on the desk, or drop it on the floor, or toss back into the dish. A simple "Can you please toss this for me?" works wonders

    I know small thing to rant about, sorry.
    My Horror Blog


  • #2
    Quoth TruthHurts
    I know small thing to rant about, sorry.
    A rant is a rant! I know that the "etiquitte" attached to our grocery store's stickers is violated daily and is enough to really tick me off.
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      Quoth TruthHurts
      3. However... Don't start shoveling them by the handful into your purse or pocket, if you need all that candy then may I direct you to the gorcery store where you can spend your own money.
      And if you forget my first warning, you'll get the "what did I tell you yesterday" warning. Which involves telling you that tomorrow I start charging. So don't complain on day three when I say, "I'll just add another $20 to your bill then?"
      WWJND - "What Would JAM Not Do?" - Fashion Lad


      • #4
        Oy, brings back memories of the time when I used to have a candy bucket outside my door in the residence hall. I put it out for Halloween my first year, forgot about it, then a few friends on the hall started tossing change in or slipping singles under my door so I could buy bulk candy to keep it going.

        It was generally accepted etiquette (preferred, although not required) to contribute one's loose change to the bucket when partaking of the sugary goodies. Most people did (or slid it under my door so it wouldn't get swiped).

        Some jerks stole change from the bucket (while not a huge deal, annoying as hell). Yet others, rather than simply balling the trash up and tossing it back in the bucket as some did, re-formed wrappers to make them look like they held candy, and tossed them back in (I never figured out why this was done, but had to admire it for sheer ingenuity).
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          Quoth TruthHurts
          We have a candy dish on our counter at work, normally I think nothing of it but let's just say the next five examples all happened today.

          1. Do not stand there debating to yourself... whether or not this week's fad diet allows you to have one. If you want one take one, don't ask me how much sugar is in it. I swear one hard candy will not make you blow up like Violet Beuregard.

          2. If you want a second one... Take one. You don't have to ask permission nor do you grab one and say "I'm stealing one, ha ha,"

          But I LIKE saying, "I'm stealing one!" and doing my evil laugh!!!!!!!!!
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            At my bank they have candy dishes out, so when I go I grab 3 pieces, as there are 3 of us in my little cube community, and they don't get the joy of taking a nice walk to go to the bank every afternoon. So I bring em a piece of candy. I hope you don't think that is excessive or scish of me, kinda falls under rule# 3.
            The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


            • #7
              And once again, the day needs saving....

              Quoth Dreamstalker
              Dreamstalker's Den
              "The smell of curry sticks to bloody well everything and has a half-life that embarasses plutonium." -- Mindfield
              Hah! That's great!

              Anyway, how nice. Customers whine and complain to you to get something for free, and then when you finally *do* give them something for free, they are completely ungrateful and try to abuse it to get more.

              What is so hard about this concept of 'being responsible' and 'paying for what you want' that makes it impossible for people to follow? Other cultures have got to be laughing condescendingly at us.
              "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
              -- The Meteor Principle

              Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


              • #8
                Half the kids in my residence hall were somewhat spoiled brats.

                My stepfather tries to talk his way on the subway for free (fare is less than the cost of a small coffee at Dunkin Donuts), and then bitches when fares get's because people like you don't pay, dummy. That adds up.

                One of my computer forums has a "Cyber Deals" section where users post free or cheap computer stuff they find. A number of said deals have been cancelled by the companies after some brain trust tried to order about 50 all to sell on ebay.

                If they were ordering more than one for friends or to sell on the forum classifieds slightly above cost for people who didn't get in on the original deal, that's fine. If you want one or two to sell on ebay to see what happens, fine. But to admit openly on the forums that you are buying a number that would raise a major red flag for any vendor... Coincidence that the deal was shut down by the vendor 30 seconds later? I think not.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  One of my co- workers brings a basket of candy for the kids when she works. The sad thing is the children are very good about only taking one piece- the adults, however, will grab huge handfuls.

                  Alot of times she tells them, "You're only allowed one- put the rest back."
                  If anyone ever complains (how rude!) I'm going to feel obliged to tell them it's just too darn bad. She pays for the candy with her own money, it's her property- not the company's she can do whatever she wants with it.
                  "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                  ~TechSmith 314
                  HellGate: London


                  • #10
                    Quoth Banrion
                    At my bank they have candy dishes out, so when I go I grab 3 pieces, as there are 3 of us in my little cube community, and they don't get the joy of taking a nice walk to go to the bank every afternoon. So I bring em a piece of candy. I hope you don't think that is excessive or scish of me, kinda falls under rule# 3.
                    I don't find that excessive or SCish at all. Actually Rule 3# doesn't pertain to small amounts say 1-5 pieces, what happened yesterday was a guy checked in and started grabbing handfuls and placing it in his coat pocket. He at the very least took maybe 20 or so.
                    My Horror Blog



                    • #11
                      OK.. yeah handfulls are excessive. I feel bad when I take 3, but my girls here love when I bring candy back. You would think these people would be embarrassed to do that. But I guess not, since I was just at Starbucks, and they have samples of a new drink and pastry out, and in the approximately 3 mins I was in the store, I saw a guy take at least 4 drinks and 6 pastries.
                      The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                      • #12
                        No good deed goes unpunished. Give someone something for free, and they don't appreciate it or you. I found this out time and time again at Kinko's.

                        Here's some karma for you:

                        Guy in Human Resources at one of my other jobs pissed off the crew. Nice guy, but came in pretty useless when a need arose for him to actually, you know, do his JOB.

                        Nobody set this guy up. I repeat, this is NOT a revenge tale. This is a karma tale. He came across the desk, and the candy dish, of a low-carber (not me. I am indeed a long-time low carber, but I swear this was not me nor was it my idea to leave this stuff in the guy's path. This was the Universe having a chuckle, plain and simple.

                        Low carb candy, if you eat too much of it, or if you aren't used to it, can cause EXPLOSIVE intestinal gas, and sometimes diarreah. It contains sugar alchohol, which goes RIGHT through you. It's a laxative. It won't hurt you, but it can be very, very uncomfortable at best, if you overdo it. At worse, you're chained to a toilet.

                        You see where this is going.

                        He was heard by a friend of mine who worked in the admin building saying "This stuff's sugar free! Wow, guilt free chocolate!" And he ate quite a bit.

                        He had to go home early that day. Probably destroyed the bathroom over there, too.

