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Are You Happy You Made Her Cry You Bastard

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  • Are You Happy You Made Her Cry You Bastard

    I was the csm this morning and was in the middle of serving this lovely lady when this dickhead came storming up to the service desk yelling for the service manager.

    I'm thinking crap whats happening now, i walked over and asked what the problem is, he then proceeds to scream that my coworker M who is the sweetest person the the planet was rude to him, he said that she is not allowed to tell him what to do, she is just a cashier and her job is to bag his groceries and take his money and thats it.

    I don't believe M was rude to him, she's never rude to anyone.

    He walked out before i could say anything. After that M called the service desk in tears and i ran down to take over for her and told her to take a break and come down when she is ready. She comes back and we sit down and have a talk so i can find out what happened.

    It gor busy so she went down to open a large checkout and asked the next person in line to follow her to the register, as she was opening up, mr dumbarse ran up and pushed in front, to which M informed him sorry but i'm serving the next person in line, you'll need to wait in the line, at hearing this he starts cussing her out and calling her for everything.

    After i heard this i was seeing red, he was still outside the store so i stormed out there and chewed him out saying does he feel like a big man because he made a girl cry.

    I probably shouldn't have done that but nobody treats my staff like that and i leave for my new job in a week so i really didn't care if he complained.

    Bloody prick

  • #2
    You are awsome-in-a-box!! If only other managers would do that, then asshats like that wouldn't go out in public!!
    V-Con 2009 and Anime Evolution 2010


    • #3
      Quoth FemmeAnime View Post
      You are awsome-in-a-box!! If only other managers would do that, then asshats like that wouldn't go out in public!!
      Seconded! Awesome-in-a-box, gift-wrapped in shiny foil paper no less!
      And I want a pony for Christmas but neither of us is getting what we want OK! What you are asking is impossible. -- Wicked Lexi


      • #4
        Hell he deserved more than a good chewing out. He was rude, and needed to wait like everyone else. There was no need for him to scream at the poor girl.
        Someone had something small to compensate for......

        You earned good worker cookies *hands over a plate* eat up


        • #5
          Quoth Chained to the counter View Post
          he then proceeds to scream that my coworker M who is the sweetest person the the planet
          I've had a handful of callers tell me "The last person I had on the phone was rude."
          *blink, blink, scroll down to the notes in our log system, every single time, it has been this one coworker, whom I will call Jasmine, because my previous name for her was too close to her actual nickname, I feel*
          The first time it happened, I said, "Really? I'm sorry." And let the complaint float away, but noted the system that the caller though Jasmine was 'rude'. And after the call, I let her know she'd gotten a complaint so she wouldn't be blind-sided when our boss, the Jolly Red Giant (red hair, he's marginally taller than me {an inch or so}) sees it and decides to 'talk' to Jasmine. And proceeded to tell her that I was aware that 'rude' could mean anything from "She spat in my face!" to "I didn't get what I wanted, so I'm going to whine like a b*tch and hope it gets her fired!" We talked a bit later, turns out, she was just being more forceful to get a caller off the phone who had been taking too long.
          "I call murder on that!"


          • #6
            While I’ll admit it was not the most professional thing to do, sometimes the situation calls for throwing down the gloves and telling an ass hat what’s what!!! You get a gold star in my book!!!!!!!
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              Holy crap, that's awesome! What did he say when you tore into him?


              • #8
                I wish the manager had gotten a hold of the jackass from my "Mr. Compassion" story I posted ages ago. God bless him, he tried. He went looking for the bastard, but he was already long gone.

                The short version is, the girl working the deli had just returned to work after having her knee operated on. She had closed the deli down at the end of the night and mopped the floor, when a straggler came along and wanted something from the deli, and refused to accept that it was closed. She went to get him what he wanted, slipped on the wet floor, twisted her injured knee, and feel. And then he stood there screaming at her as she sat on the wet floor sobbing. As far as I can tell, he ran when he heard the male voices of myself, a coworker, and the night manager walking back to clock out for the night.

                I said this before, and I'll say it again: I hope the SOB got hit by a truck.
                Sometimes life is altered.
                Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                Uneasy with confrontation.
                Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                • #9
                  Quoth Chained to the counter View Post
                  I probably shouldn't have done that but nobody treats my staff like that and i leave for my new job in a week so i really didn't care if he complained.
                  Bloody prick
                  You did EXACTLY the right thing. And that jerk deserved far worse than what he got. Me? I would have put someone like that in jail for the rest of their LIFE.
                  Herewith, a nugget of wisdom from the very wise Mike Brady: "Alone, we can only move buckets. But if we work together, we can drain rivers."



                  • #10

                    He came back in to whinge at my manager, so i was called to the office.

                    Basically the dipshit changed his whole story to sound like he was a sweet and innocent customer that the nasty cashier took her anger out on, and i did the same thing, he flat out lied about his swearing at M and made out he did nothing wrong.

                    Now its my turn, i turned to my manger and asked her to play the security footage from yesterday and it has audio so we did that and it clearly show dickhead saying some lovely words to M.

                    He was now looking very nervous and started stuttering, she turned to him and said "Get out and don't come back"

                    That's exactly what he did.

                    HA HA


                    • #11

                      Sucky customer victory!!!!

                      Gah, if only it wasn't happening at the same time as a sucky customer defeat....
                      (Typing at work)
                      ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                      Quoth Gravekeeper


                      • #12
                        Gotta love that video!

                        Reminds me of some show in which a man and woman getting arrested could be heard on tape in the back of the police car with the man telling the woman, "Come on. Hit me. I want some money". So she reluctantly put some cuts and bruises on his face. At the booking station, he puts on an over-dramatic act of hysterics, screaming "police brutality" and begging the cops not to attack him anymore! Needless to say the tape from the cruiser deflated his "police brutality" claim in a hurry.


                        • #13

                          And you'll never have to put up with toilet-talker again. Don't we all love happy endings
                          Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


                          • #14
                            Hooray for video tape!

                            As much as I don't really want an overly-surveilled life, I'm all for cameras in all the places where customers and service people have to interact. Keeps both sides honest. Well, it shows who's being dishonest, at least.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

