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  • #16
    She DOES sound like that crazy screaming woman from one of those cop stop shows. Exactly like her. Wish I could find the clip for comparison...


    • #17
      Quoth MystyGlyttyr View Post
      ...this woman sounds very familiar.
      Whilst I have NOT listened to the file yet, I do remember a couple that a cop stopped, for speeding (45 in a 25 zone, I think) both driver and passenger get out of the car, and start arguing with the officer, something along the lines of: "I has a fuzz buster! It didn't beep at me, so, you didn't have your F-ing radar running! There's no F-ing way you got my speed legally!"
      Cop looks at guy really calmly, then brings out his speed gun, turns it on, points it at the fuzz buster, and watches it do... absolutely nothing. Guy turns very pale.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #18
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        start arguing with the officer, something along the lines of: "I has a fuzz buster! It didn't beep at me, so, you didn't have your F-ing radar running! There's no F-ing way you got my speed legally!"
        Cop looks at guy really calmly, then brings out his speed gun, turns it on, points it at the fuzz buster, and watches it do... absolutely nothing. Guy turns very pale.

        Ha! That's great! Aren't those things illegal, anyway?
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #19
          I believe in most (if not all) states, they are. Yet another thing that makes this guy an never point out your radar detector to a cop, duh!
          Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


          • #20
            I would've called the cops and had them arrested. They refused to pay you, threatened you with physical violence.

            No leeway, no second chance, no Mr. Nice Guy. They get reported.


            • #21
              Big Jim wrote:

              I return the greeting and ask him where he needs to go. He tells me to give him all my money. I tell him to come get it. He does, using what I think was an 12 inch piece of ½ inch rebar he pulled out of one of his pockets. He hit me in the arm then over the head. I didn't black out, but he got the money, about $24.00...
              Hello, Jim.

              I am truly sorry to learn you were the victim of a violent crime. Even though you recovered physically, events like this almost always remain in a victim's psyche for the rest of their life.

              I will never forget January 9, 2003, the night two guys entered my cab and placed a knife to my throat. Fortunately I sustained only a minor laceration to my thumb when I grabbed the knife, pulled it away from my throat and rolled out the door of a slow moving cab, while shouting "FIRE" as I ran toward the rear yard of the only private residence located on the street.

              Apparently my strategy of leaving a wad of small $bills$ in my visor worked.

              Cause I don't think these two knuckleheads would have allowed me to exit the cab so easily if the money was not in plain sight and not easily accessible to them. They fled to a waiting vehicle and I engaged them in a felony auto pursuit for about two miles before the brakes on my cab melted. <darn>

              The EMS tech who responded to treat my cut started bandaging the small laceration and looked a little perturbed when I suggested he clean the wound b4 applying the bandage...and, he never bother to advise me I should get a tetanus shot....very professional. <smirk>

              Be safe, Jim.

