I think the only reason my baby has fair better than that copy of annie on my mind (which is held to gether by scottstape, microbe and tear stains) is that im a hugger and butterfly kisser. Most likely place you'll find her if im traveling with her, is pressed against or inside the bodice of my camisole so she is close to my heart.
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Lost Property
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Quoth PrincessKatieAirHostess View PostI have found many purses, wallets, glassess and books left behind.The report button - not just for decoration
Try finding crusty, skidmarked underwear right behind the soda machines...
Or a soiled diaper on a table.
Just.. people these days."The problem isn't usually that there are stupid people in the world as much as it is that the stupid people like to call or come in and point out how stupid they are to the working public" -Justa
Quoth Getoutofmylobby View PostThe neatest thing anyone has left behind recently is a puppet dragon that says "Bleah!" when you open his mouth.
Our hotel has a time limit on unclaimed items so the Bleah Dragon is mine in a week.
Quoth Sliceanddice View PostI have mother (old ratty teddy bear that i have sewn clothign for, preformed life saving surgery on and apparantly had a stroke around age 16 as she only has half a smile). *Rest of post also relevant*
He lost his tail 3 times (I need to resew it on one of those days, it's in my pen box!), the fur under his squished nose is gone (He was born smile-less), he has a scar on his stomach from when he donated fluff to help reconstruct Classic Zeddy's nose after the Peanut accident, and I still sleep with him safely tucked in my arms.
To those who laugh, try to sleep with big boobs and waking up with no back pain. Ha-hin is smaller and firmer than any goddang pillow. Perfect boob support.
He'll be 25 this year, just like me!Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!
"I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.
Quoth Shironu-Akaineko View PostTo those who laugh, try to sleep with big boobs and waking up with no back pain. Ha-hin is smaller and firmer than any goddang pillow. Perfect boob support.
He'll be 25 this year, just like me!
Quoth hauntedheadnc View Post"Oh, you have my bracelet! Thanks for holding my bracelet for me until I could come today to pick up my bracelet, which I left in the room! I'll just pick up my bracelet here and be on my way now! I'll certainly try not to leave my bracelet behind when I travel again. Thanks so much!"
Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post...and a much-faded crab an ex got me in Ocean City, Maryland."If you are planning not to tip, please let your server know before ordering so they can decide whether or not to wait on you" - from an advice column I read some time ago
Our hotel has a time limit on unclaimed items so the Bleah Dragon is mine in a week.
Quoth AFpheonix View PostMy, sir, such slender wrists you have!
Quoth Giggle Goose View PostCome down and visit me, I'll buy you a new one.He lives in the back window so he gets lots of sun.
It amazes me how many people lose their glasses in a bookstore. We used to put them in a separate box after they'd been in the L&F a while and when it filled up we'd donate them to the Lion's Club.
Scariest thing I ever heard of being found in the store (Store1 but after I had transfered) was a gun. It was found in the men's room and turned out to belong to a New York police officer. I guess he took it out of his hip holster to do his business and left it in the stall. Luckily he came back for it pretty quickly. The person who found it called the manager and no one wanted to touch it. (Probably luckier for him that he came back before they had a chance to call the police...)
I can understand how you could leave a cane if you are using a shopping cart at the grocery store or wherever. My grandmother used to always push the cart because then she could lean on it and not have to deal with her cane, and later, the walker. So if you hang the cane on the cart while you're shopping I can see how you might leave it there when you get to the car. Though, we've had some canes in the bookstore, too, and we don't have carts...I don't go in for ancient wisdom
I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"
I have another side to this story. Two sundays ago I was at work and since we had enough coverage up front I put my till in the drawer under the register and locked it. When I finally needed to hop on the register, HC "L" had the keys. She opened the HC drawer thinking I had put it in there and she pulled out a phone (one of those cute Chocolate's) and a GameBoy. L started muttering and cursing. After several random phrases, "I can believe he," "Oh I'm gonna kill him," she finally calmed down and told me what happened. Apparently some guy came in the day before and asked if anyone had found the phone. She checked the lost and found drawer (which is over at the service desk, things should never be put in the HC drawer cause only HCs have the keys) and called bookkeeping which is where we send anything we think is valuable. The guy told L he was going straight to the phone store to cancel the phone so we couldnt even call him to tell him we found the phone.
So why does this piss me off? Besides that this drawer ISN'T lost and found, we both think one of the other co-workers (another HC) put them both there so he could wait some time and say that no one had claimed them and take them home. Of course we can't prove this but this guy has the same phone service and he's been talking about how he wants a new phone.
Quoth Getoutofmylobby View PostOur cell phone charger collection fills two copier paper boxes. One lady insisted we FedEx'd hers to her when it would have been cheaper for her to go to the Alltel store."Them boys ain't zombies! They're just stupid!"
I too have a binkie myself.My wife got her for me for our four month anniversary; she's a 10 inch tall America Cares Bear (Care Bear) that I also sleep with every night. Last Valentines Day, I got my wife a 10 inch Love-A-Lot Bear (her favorite Care Bear) as well, and for our first Christmas together she got me a HUGE America Cares Bear (I think the 27 inch tall kind) that I'm guessing did not come cheap.
Glad to hear that I'm not some kind of freak because I'm a grown man who has a binkie.
Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View PostSextoys and cockrings? <shudder>
Mind you I'm not prudish about suchthings, but the thought of someone having to pick them up after they may or may not have been in recent use is just creeping me the @#$% right out.
MLast edited by NightAngel; 05-15-2007, 05:47 PM.