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You could have saved hundreds of $$$ with one phone call

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  • You could have saved hundreds of $$$ with one phone call

    As I've mentioned before, my company deals in security systems to keep your older relatives safe. Alot of times, when someone calls in with a problem, we can usually solve it over the phone, saving them the cost of travel/labor/parts. Once in awhile we get someone who just doesn't want to work with us over the phone and demands we send someone down to fix the system. This is one of those tales about how 15 minutes on the phone can save you hundreds....

    So we get a call that one door in paticular is not locking when a tagged resident walks up to it. It will go into alarm when the door opens though. The way it should be working is that the when a resident walks up to the door, the lock engages, preventing the resident from opening the door and getting out. Normally, our service department wants to go over the settings before sending someone out since it could be a quick fix, this customer refuses and just wants someone down there now....

    I arrive there, Syracuse to NYC a long trip, so the customer is already paying for 8 hours of travel time. They show me the door in question, and sure enough it's not locking. This can be one of two things, either a relay has gone bad, or the controller board itself. Since this unit is about 10 years old, it's not uncommon that the sensitivity has dropped and the board needs replacing. I determine that the relay is good, and proceed into explain about the age of the board, etc. I had one with me, and show it to him as I'm talking.

    Me : me
    FP : Facility person

    Me : I can replace the board with this one and that'll take care of the issue
    FP : How much is that?
    Me : I'll have to check with the office and find out your price on it
    FP : I'll give you $20 for it
    Me : I guess I'll leave now since you don't want it working (I know this is not going to cost $20, or $100, they are in the hundreds)
    FP : Okay $25 then
    Me : I'm calling the office

    At this point he wanders off and I get through to the office to find out their cost will be $960 for the board. I'm given the go-ahead from the office to swap it out since we already have a credit card number to charge for it, and the Health Dept would not like to hear that this facility refused to fix a security system.

    Part of the process is writing down the settings from the old board to transfer to the new board. As I'm writing them down, one setting doesn't look quite right to me. Swap the board anyways since it's only a 5 minute job, test it, and it's acting just like the old one. Change that one setting to what it should be, and sure enough, it's working perfectly. Swap the board back out, change the setting on the old board, and it's working perfectly.

    So, in conclusion, I saved them $960 on the cost of the replacement board, but they are still paying 8 hours travel, plus 1 hour labor, which ended up being over $700 when a 15 minute phone call would have cost them nothing.

  • #2
    now see if they had been smart they wouldn't need you. This is why you do all you can do over the phone first. I wanna know what happened when they found out the cost of the visit.


    • #3
      Sucks to be them. They should've just shut up & listened....But nnnooooooooo....

      wave goodbye to your cash. Have a nice day.
      "I reject your reality and substitute my own"....Adam Savage-Mythbuster

      Must remember to stop using "brain of death" on slower morons.... I meant customers.


      • #4
        Did you explain to them, in detail, the difference between going through the phone call instructions and them forcing you to go on-site?

        I know I would have, in excruciating detail, just so they know that they just flushed over $700 down the drain due to excessive laziness.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          No, I didn't get the chance to explain to the FP about working with us, he sent a maintance person to sign off on the paperwork when I had him paged to come up. Our service dept is good about getting people to understand the difference, but sometimes you just get someone that doesn't want to deal with it over the phone, they just want someone there, even if it's going to cost them lots of money.


          • #6
            There has to be an ages old saying about the cost of impatience that could be applied as a moral to this story. Anyone want to take a stab at it?

            Some people just refuse to talk on the phone about any sort of technical issue that could be resolved over the fun cheifly because they lack any sort of comprehension about following instructions or grasped that the tech support people were becoming irate because of that.
            Should have just charged the extra cost as a lesson fee and used the new board elsewhere.


            • #7
              I suspect your call center is going to get an irate call within the next month or so when this person gets the charges. If he was offering you $20 for a sophisticated piece of equipment worth nearly $1000, he's obviously got no clue how much all this costs, and doesn't listen when people tell him.
              Check out my webcomic!


              • #8
                Wow, and they didn't even have to switch to Geico!!!
                Quote Dalesys:
                ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


                • #9
                  Quoth Polenicus View Post
                  I suspect your call center is going to get an irate call within the next month or so when this person gets the charges. If he was offering you $20 for a sophisticated piece of equipment worth nearly $1000, he's obviously got no clue how much all this costs, and doesn't listen when people tell him.
                  Or fire the employee who made the costly error. I think there is a lot more going on at that place then it appears. Maybe negliance of the patients and a faulty alarm system would have brought undue attention hence the urgency to come out there and fix the issue?


                  • #10
                    Quoth Polenicus View Post
                    I suspect your call center is going to get an irate call within the next month or so when this person gets the charges. If he was offering you $20 for a sophisticated piece of equipment worth nearly $1000, he's obviously got no clue how much all this costs, and doesn't listen when people tell him.
                    The nice thing is our entire company is less than 15 employees. So if he calls in complaining, I'll probably hear about it, but in a good way as we'll all laugh about it.

