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Another day in the life of a call center.

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  • Another day in the life of a call center.

    The "I want credit!!!" girl.

    Ok, so I get a call today. Girl says she hasn't had internet access for a week.

    So, I pull up her modem and nothing on her account says she's been out of service for a week.

    Only THEN does she tell me that it's because her hard drive fried. And, because she hasn't been able to user HER COMPUTER to get online (not because of our service) that she wants a weeks worth of credit.

    Hmmmmmm, NO you can't have credit because your computer crapped out. You get credit when our service craps out.

    Can you guess how angry she was over it?

    The "I don't know what happened but it has to be your fault" woman.

    This woman calls in and tells me she moved her modem/digital phone box from downstairs to upstairs. Apparently, she could use it just fine downstairs, but now her modem won't get online upstairs and her phone is dead even though the power is plugged in and the coaxial cable is plugged in.

    Now, I'm thinking dead outlet. You know the ones that are installed in the wall but aren't actually connected to anything INSIDE the wall.

    But no, she tells me, that can't be. That she's used a modem in this outlet before.

    Moron, it has to be one or the other. Either your EMTA (modem/digital voice box) is working, or it isn't. Either the outlet is working, or it isn't. They're technology, they don't just pick and choose which outlet in the house they will work on.

    Almost got into a yelling match with that one until she allowed me to transfer her to another department to deal with the digital voice.

    But, apparently I was lying to her somehow. Go figure.

    Then again, I got two good calls today.

    One said I was just fantastic, that I was very personable and he asked for my managers name, my name, and my employee number to send in a compliment.

    The other told me that I was the nicest person they'd ever talked to at my company.

    Did I mention that I asked to be taken down to four days a week for a while because if I don't, I'm going to go ballistic and quit?

  • #2
    Quoth Moirae
    Did I mention that I asked to be taken down to four days a week for a while because if I don't, I'm going to go ballistic and quit?
    Good for you. I haven't worked in a call center for that long, but I can already tell that if I don't find something else, even to get me out of there part-time, I'm someday going to lose it and just walk out in disgust, screaming and cursing the whole way.

    Guess I'm just not cut out for my (current) job...
    Any resemblance between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.


    • #3
      Yup, I know how that goes. When I was working at the call center, I begged to do four day weeks, even if I had to do four 10-hour shifts, because I knew I couldn't do it five straight days a week... I think that's what saved my sanity, because I always looked forward to Wednesday, my mid-week weekend...
      SC: You will waive this late charge!
      Me: WAIVE THIS!


      • #4
        Quoth Moirae
        nothing on her account says she's been out of service for a week.
        Only THEN does she tell me that it's because her hard drive fried. And, because she hasn't been able to user HER COMPUTER to get online (not because of our service) that she wants a weeks worth of credit.
        I feel your pain-all I do all day is "service level agreement" credit for business internet service, and I get this all the time.

        BlaqueKatt-wondering why she agreed to stay an extra month after the contract/work* is outsourced to "clean up"?

        *job being outsourced to a cheaper outsourcing company than the one I work at, and they didn't realise how much "work in progress" we had so 30 of us (out of 100) are being asked to stay an extra month to help get the workload down some. On the bright side they're only keeping the "best" agents(ones who work) and we get massive bonuses for staying-yay!
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          When I first started this job, I thought it was so great. I think I finally understand now why the turnover is so high. Not because it's a horrible just but because the job burns you out. It's just extremely hard to be so pleasant to asshats all day long.


          • #6
            I have had the worst night in ages tonight at my call center. Seems like every single person I spoke to tonight was mean as hell. I'm sure there were some nice ones, but they've been lost in the hell of cussing and threatening that I had tonight.

            I had one guy who I needed to send a technician out to see why he had signal loss (satellite tv) in one room. He then proceeded to scream at me for 10 minutes that they better not touch his wiring. How do you expect them to fix the damn dish if you wont let them touch the wiring? I explained to him that the tech would do what was needed to make sure he got his programming. His reply? "Ya know what would be even easier? Canceling your f**king service". Yes, that would be easier, please do so. But no... He proceeds to tell me that I'm REFUSING to work with him, that I'm supposed to "make the customer happy" Finally, I tell him "ya know what? If the tech is there and he wants to touch the wires? Try this: Say NO. If you say no, he wont do it. But if that means your problem cant be fixed... thats your problem"

            Then he starts screaming that he wants a Time Without Service credit. Fine, we will give that. But here's the kicker. He was missing THREE CHANNELS. THREE out of the 165 channels that he pays $39.99 a month for. Do you know what that comes out to? Try the math. Divide $39.99 into 30 days, then divde THAT number by 165 channels. .008 cents per channel per day. So fine sir, I'll give you a TWOS credit for the 3 channels for the 5 days it'll take me to get a tech out there. That comes to.... 0.12 cents. I decide to be generous and say I'll give him 20 cents. anyone wanna guess how he took that? 10 min of screaming about how one of the channels he's missing is the Disney Channel and he needs his Disney. A. He has no kids, he's in his 50s and lives alone. B. there are THREE OTHER DISNEY CHANNELS that he gets just fine. He wants TWOS credit for the whole package till a tech comes out. Alright, I'm sick of arguing with him, so fine, I'll do it to get him off my back. That comes to $6.66 (fitting, no?) but before I can tell him that, he proceeds to tell me that a tech cant come out for the next 2 months.

            Excuse me? Well, see, he's a busy, busy man. Nevermind that we do sat and sun tech calls. He's going to be SO busy that I cant send a tech out to his house for the next 2 months. And gee, he wants TWOS for the WHOLE package for the 2 months. LOL. I tell him that is NOT happening. I am not giving credit when you are choosing not to have a problem fixed. He says, its not a choice, I have to work. I say "well, I have the tech, I have the opening. Therefore, its your choice". His response? "Well, F*ck you, you stupid b*tch" and hangs up.

            I was so angry, I had to take a minute to calm down so I wouldnt be rude to the "poor, unsuspecting" next caller. I calm down, put on a happy voice.... and the next SEVEN CALLERS are ALL as evil as this one. I said, thats it. I'm here on my day off, doing overtime, screw it and left. and I'm STILL angry about that man.


            • #7
              Since I'll be working on emails most of the time & will miss out on the crazies, I officially pass my torch to Moirae to take over w/ the insanity...and believe me, there is a lot of it.
              The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


              • #8

                I swear I've talked to this woman. :P


                • #9
                  Oh, it gets better. Tonight at the call center....

                  I had someone absolutely refuse to believe me when I told him that money is owed on his bill and he's been temporarily disconnected due to that fact. He told me I'm lying at least twice and yet, I'm looking at it right in front of me. Finally he asked for a supervisor. Happily, I transferred the dunce to a supervisor where he got the exact same information that I gave him.


                  • #10
                    Quoth ShoresKoC

                    I swear I've talked to this woman. :P
                    Ok, that's scarey. I haven't had anyone freak on me quite that bad yet. If it happens, I'll just hang up.


                    • #11
                      Quoth ShoresKoC

                      I swear I've talked to this woman. :P
                      From the clip: "You will take any abuse I hand out!" in the first two seconds...
                      M: "Nope! First time you hurt my virgin ears, my phone is going *click*"
                      "I call murder on that!"


                      • #12
                        Quoth ShoresKoC

                        I swear I've talked to this woman. :P

                        I know I've talked to her before, regarding calls from our collections department!
                        SC: You will waive this late charge!
                        Me: WAIVE THIS!

