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The, "So You Wanna Drive A Taxi?" Thread

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  • #16
    Redneck Cabbie

    This attempt at a business transaction speaks for itself.

    The only edits are a house number and 30 seconds of dead air while the 'almost' customer attempted to call my female dispatcher...who did not pick up the phone because she did not want to deal with this 'almost' customer's nonsense.

    I have one question. Would you spend 20-30 minutes alone in a cab, or anywhere else, with this disturbed person:


    • #17
      You know, the thought of not paying a cab driver has never crossed my mind. I hired them to take me from point A to point B, they took me from point A to point B, therefore they rendered a service I will pay for. The logic of some people just astounds me sometimes.


      • #18
        I love how you always tell them to have a nice day and say thank you every time they insult you.

        That must really get them extra steamed.

        As for the "rock" form tips, it was in the late '80s in the Los Angeles/Hollywood area, so the answer to your question would be "yes."

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #19
          CrabbyCabbie, last time I heard, was being rather successful in real life, so his time was limited.

          Wholegrain merchant of death - I used to be a butcher, but now I'm in wholefoods wholesale, so I added the first word to my title.



          • #20
            Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
            Whatever happened to Crabby Cabby (ie?)?
            I was gonna ask that He always had awesome stories too
            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


            • #21

              Everytime I get to the point where i think I have seen the worst of the worst, my shock is constantly renewed. It's all for something tiny like $8. They are just looking for a fight I think. How can you keep doing this job?
              Plus well done on that redneck woman. I hate that people just throw around the word racist and think its alright.
              Wow, just wow....
              ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
              Quoth Gravekeeper


              • #22
                The Hattie husband is back.

                This time, not only is he intoxicated, he selflessly takes the time to show me he is even more emotionally disturbed than his psycho wife.

                During this transaction, Mr. Hattie and two other people, going to different destinations, enter my cab after exiting a railroad train. After dropping the female customer off, and as we are approaching Mr. Hattie's destination, a Dairy Barn store, I ask Mr. Hattie if he knows anyone who works at the Dairy Barn. After the first incident with his wife a month and a half earlier, I learned she works at the Dairy Barn store where I was bringing this man.

                Unfortunately, I screwed up. It was not until after I inquired about the Dairy Barn woman that I realized he may be the same man who was in the cab with the Hattie woman in the first incident. If I had known this was the same man I would not have asked him any questions. Honestly, the first time he was in the cab with the psycho lady I did not even look at him. (I prolly don't eyeball half my customers)

                As we arrive at his destination, the Dairy Barn store, I stop the cab in the north driveway of the store, located about 50 feet from the entrance to the Dairy Barn. When I ask to be paid he refuses to pay me and orders me to drive to the front of the store where his wife, the psycho, is working. Instead I drive around the rear of the store and stop in the Dairy Barn's south driveway.

                This is where he finally pays me, but became disorderly by cursing at me, touching me and refusing to exit my place of business. At this time, pursuant to my state's penal law, which authorizes me to use reasonable physical force to maintain order in my cab, I exit the cab and push him away from the rear driver's door so I could close it. If you listen closely you can hear me close the rear door, then my door. Then I use my elbow to quickly engage the door lock - just before he tries open the door latch...and then punches the driver's side window with a closed fist. <duh>

                All this time the other customer sat there without making a sound. I think he was pissed at me because I offered the front seat to a sweet little old lady who has been using our service, twice a day, five days a week for over fifteen years. I'm guessing this male fare was hot to jump in the front seat so he would not have to sit next to a stinkin' drunk.

                Speaking of stinking drunks. Is there a shortage of alcohol abusers living in America? Do we really need to import from other countries, substance abusers, as well as violent, sick people?

                Think about it. In the first incident the Hattie woman was aware that our cab service charges a separate fare for each stop we make. Yet she and her husband attempted to play me and deprive me and my company of money we are entitled to collect in exchange for the service we provide to them.

                In the first incident the Hattie woman refused to pay me, became disorderly in my place of business by cursing at me and threatening me with bodily harm...then she trespassed in my place of business by refusing to leave, and then attempts call her alcohol abusing husband to come rescue her - even though we were stopped directly in front of her house.

                Then in the most recent incident involving her intoxicated husband, we find him traveling in public while under the influence of alcohol to the extent where he is slurring his words. We learn he is a violent person who in addition to attempting to damage the cabbie's property, would threaten a cab driver by calling him a "dead man" - and then attempt to violently gain access to the cabbie's personal space for no legitmate reason.

                Holy Moly. Why the hell are we inviting violent, emotionally disturbed, alcohol abusing idiots into our country? Are we that desperate for new customers?

                im-going-to-bust-your-back-and-sue-you - Part-II "Hubby's Revenge"


                • #23
                  Hello Guys & Gals.

                  When I arrive at the Maine Maid Inn to pick up this 'almost' customer, I sit outside for three minutes before going inside and looking for my fare. When I inform the cashier I'm looking for a fare, his eyes light up and a grin erupts on his face as he tells me, "Please don't go anywhere. The man you are looking for should come stumbling out of the bathroom at any moment."

                  At this point a waitress who standing in close proximity chimes in with, "Please don't leave. I'll let him know you are here as soon as he comes out."

                  I go outside and wait for the fare to "stumble" out to my car. About five minutes go by before the waitress comes outside in the freezing cold and uses her big brown eyes to help persuade me not to leave because he'll be here any moment.

                  Unfortunately my dispatcher failed to advise me that this 'almost' customer was a semi-regular customer with special in the need to be an a--hole. I later learned from the full-time dispatcher that this customer, a retired police officer, was a difficult customer, but did tip very well. Had I known this I would have not asked to be paid in advance the first time I dealt with him. I also learned there were a few drivers who refuse to pick him up.

                  A little over a year after I first met this charming gentleman, he's back...and just as charming as ever. In all fairness to this lost soul, he did give me a very generous $23.00 tip.

                  After these two encounters I learned this man has been arrested three times for DWI and once had his drivers license revoked. I was told by an extremely reliable source that at the age of seventy years-old, he had to reapply for his drivers license from scratch.

                  The sober source told me the same day this gentleman received his new license he crashed his car into a farm field, killing a horse grazing in the roadside field.

                  Through another reliable source I learned this sad excuse for a customer and human being found out I posted these clips on the Internet and he is not too happy about it. Too bad he can't sue me. Though it would be nice if these clips opened his eyes and caused him to seek treatment for his deadly addiction. But I wouldn't count on it.


                  • #24
                    Hi, Cesii.

                    It's really not as bad as it may seem. I transport thousands of people every year and have very few problems. But when I do run into a psycho...well, you can see for yourself.

                    Besides I like that my hours are extremely flexible.

                    I hate that people just throw around the word racist and think its alright. Wow, just wow....

                    It's a shame that some ppl, like this woman, think that's also a shame that some ppl give other ppl a reason to think that way.

                    Ignorant ppl come in all shapes sizes and colors.


                    • #25
                      When the company this emotionally disturbed customer works for relocated, I was the cabbie who gave him his first safe, comfortable cab ride from the train station to his new work site. I drove him many times and he was always a gentleman. He even suggested I stop by his work site and apply for a job.

                      THEN ONE DAY, he hops his 6'4" frame into my cab along side a diminutive, somewhat intoxicated, quiet gentleman who entered my cab before him as I waited for the train to unload. Customers who use our service frequently have to share rides with other fares heading in the same direction. Ninety-nine percent of the time people get along just fine....then there are these times.

                      I didn't notice what precipitated this conflict between customers, I simply sat back, kept my on the road and tried my best to blend in with the scenery.

                      Last edited by cabbie; 05-29-2007, 10:06 AM. Reason: update


                      • #26
                        Quoth cabbie View Post
                        Out of concern for decent people's privacy, this recording is edited...the portion of the recording when I arrive at this 30-35 year old man's residence is unedited.
                        Wow. Just wow. I have to congratulate you - you have a level of professionalism that just completely makes me sit back and admire the courteous, matter-of-fact delivery....perfection.


                        • #27
                          BlackIronCrown wrote:

                          Wow. Just wow. I have to congratulate you

                          Hello, BIC.

                          Thanks. I try not to get excited..after all, it's just a simple cab ride.


                          • #28
                            These two customers were [fill in the blank] just prior to entering my place of business.

