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Your sexual abuse is not funny!

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  • Your sexual abuse is not funny!

    Was in DT again. The same girl from the *Sarcasm Alert!* post was doing her cash and handout thing. When DOOM!! struck.

    FemmeAnime: Hi there, welcome to KFC/ Taco Bell. My name is FemmeAnime, what can I get for you?
    Asshat: I want seven pieces of chicken.
    FemmeAnime: okay. Would you like any fries, salad or gravy?
    Asshat: blah blah (not sure if he took it or not)....what does the it come with? Does it have any boobies? (WTF?)
    I list whats in it.
    Asshat: I want breasts! (stretching it out as much as possible)
    FemmeAnime: (cringing) askes the Pack and bagger is we can do any kiels. Know he wants four. Made him double check. Still got flack for it becuase he doesn't know anything.
    FemmeAnime: Kiels are a dollar extra, thats what we call our breasts.
    Guy comes to the window.
    Asshat: I want breasts! Boobies! Jugs! (complete with hand motions while starring at mine , which I had just taken off my jacket which I wear spefically to hide them!)
    FemmeAnime: (ice starts forming on his car) I'm sure, sir. And take his money.
    Then he throws himself a little pitty party and pouts. Meanwhile the woman...*term used loosly* is sitting right beside him very stoic, not even blinking.
    Asshat: how much were the breasts?
    FemmeAnime: the kiels are a $1 each, as I told you over the head set. A few more kurt exchanges.
    His stuff comes and I hand it out. Cue the parting shot.
    Asshat: You know your customers would understand you better if you say breasts! *he's pouting while saying this*
    FemmeAnime: Our customers know what kiels are.

    Nearing closing.....couple of drunk guys go through drive-thru.

    Loveable drunkard: I want a crunchwrap combo.
    FemmeAnime: What would you like to drink?
    Loveable drunk: Coolers Lite.
    *giggle giggle*
    FemmeAnime: In what flavour?
    They're laughing so hard
    Then we get on the subject of age and I tell the guys I'm too old for them, again lauging insues.
    Taco Beller suddenly tells me that the grill is off for the night and we can't make their orders. They had like four orders in the same car. Well, thank-you for telling me!!! She was in a pissy mood all night. GRRR!
    When the guys finially come over I tell them about the grill and they're fine with that. Give them their drinks and ask if them want hot sauce.
    And then they say the magic words. "You are the best drive-thru person I've ever had!! I've been through alot and you are the best!!!"
    They got extra sauce.

    Extra Grrr-ness!!

    Someone had broke the calculater so my In-charge couldn't the tills and count the floats for the next day. I volenteer my phone. It has a calculator in it. Bring up the program, but lo and behold she can't use it. So she's telling me the numbers and I'm punching them in and every so often I have to go over to the till to punch in an order, which my lovely newbie takes the money and gives the order out. She's getting very good at it ^^. Around the second till, she just can't count the $5, she keeps brain-farting. So she takes a little breather and those this funny fake "trance" chant. I laugh and that when the Taco Beller says "FemmeAnime if you have nothing to do I have loads of stuff that you can do!" Really snottily too. Thing is I was helping her before my In-Charge needed a calculator. And I was the only one with a headset....again. *Noone ever has a headset on when I'm on....maybe ONE other girl but we use it to talk* I hadn't even STARTED my closing duties and it was still 10 mins till close. Although DT isn't very big it still takes about 20 mins for a complete close. Then I heard the Taco Beller start talking smack about me so I asked her "Do you need any help?" No, apparently.....I judged from her silence.
    Last edited by FemmeAnime; 05-14-2007, 07:23 AM.
    V-Con 2009 and Anime Evolution 2010