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If you own five homes, why are you staying at MY hotel?

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  • If you own five homes, why are you staying at MY hotel?

    Mere moments into tonight's coustomer, and I knew this would be fun. I asked for his credit card and ID, as normal, and he produced the credit card but was skeptical as to why I needed his ID. The room was pre-paid, why would I need it? (I admit to being curious as to why he wasn't more skeptical about my asking for his credit card, but hey.)

    After securing his credit card (AND ID) and gliding him through the check-in process as painlessly as possible. It was a terrible ordeal for him, though, as I would ask him such questions as, since the address on his reservation differed from the one on his license, which would he prefer I use? He apparently owns five homes, so it really doesn't matter which I use.

    He then asked about breakfast, since we have some of the aparatus permanently set up in the lobby. The food itself comes out later, but we keep out the cereal for ease's sake. He asked if he could have a cup of it, since he hadn't eaten. While I should've perhaps said "Begging your pardon sir, but that's only available during Breakfast which is set out betwee 7 and 10", this would not have, whatever my boss thinks, aided matters. Because instead of wandering around, eating his cereal, opening drawers, contemplating the leak that we were trying to get fixed (my boss and hotel owner was leaning against a table, making faces behind this guy's back. He's a young man for an owner of a franchised hotel, so was mistaken for the repairman) and generally making a slightly creepy nuisance of himself, he would've spent the exact same amount of time spreading his entitlement wings about how come we couldn't just let him have one little cup of cereal.

    But I let him have his cup of cereal, knowing him to be the type to make a fuss. Normally I don't mind a fuss, safe behind my blithe and bottom-rung-of-the-food-chain indifference, but I wanted this leak fixed, and thus wanted him out of there. So he had his cereal, and his wandering, drawer-openings, and creepyness. I eventually eased him out the door, where unfortunately it was not his last word.

    His sheets were dirty. "Soiled", he put it. Some hairs on them, I believe. I moved him to another room, where the sheets were, very unfortunately, dirty as well. We're the cleanest hotel on this street (which is chock full of hotels), but we occasionally have a lazy housekeeper. Or maybe he's just insanely picky. Difficult to say, given the volume of fuss he makes. He demanded I let him stay there free, and when I said I didn't have that authority, that he would take pictures of the sheets with his digital camera and upload them to the internet if I didn't give him what he wanted. Direct quote. He demanded I come up and see the room. That I send some sort of night watchman. I HAVE to have SOMEBODY on shift with me, and I am of course lying when I say that I don't. I'm not, I tell him truthfully, allowed to leave the lobby, as I'm the only one here. It will not, I tell him truthfully, work to let him come and stay in the lobby while I check his room for him.

    Bossman had gone by this time, the leak being fixed, so I had to wake his wife to find out what she wanted me to do with this man. Gave him fresh sheets, endured his attempts at wit as I handed them over, and NOW, hopefully, he's sleeping until his wake-up call, which is one blessed half hour after I get off-shift. It will be a beautiful life if I don't see this man again.

    He did, however, do me a favor. When he came down to get the key for his first room change, he asked to speak to my manager. Bossman was standing right there, fixing the leak, but was assumed to be the handyman. I told Mr.Entitled the not-lie that I was the only night-shift person on duty right then. Bossman didn't want this guy foisted off on him. And in preserving the person of my boss, I equalized what I owed him from the time he took the shift I'd requested off and was traumatized by the sight of two drunk guys having sex on the grass next to our sign.

    But that's another story.

  • #2
    Oh please god tell you have the grass sex story posted simewhere on here or will shortly because i wanna hear more!!!

    *sits back with some popcorn and waits*


    • #3
      He has 5 homes and is staying at a hotel? Betcha that of those five homes, one is scheduled for destruction, 2 are empty plots and the other 2 are infested!
      Last edited by iradney; 05-15-2007, 11:45 AM. Reason: 2 + 2 is five, dammit! :)
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #4
        Its entirely plausible that his five homes are dotted around Europe and Asia, and thus while in the US, he has to stay in a hotel - but somehow, I doubt that is the case here. He sounds like the sort of person for whom staying a hotel is a real adventure, and has read some kind of "blag your way to a better room" guide, so thinks that by being a prat, you'll somehow mistake him for the Duke of Marlborough and leap to do his bidding (no, i wouldn't leap to do Marlborough's bidding either - but you know what I mean).
        A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
        - Dave Barry


        • #5
          Quoth iradney View Post
          He has 5 homes and is staying at a hotel? Betcha that of those five homes, one is scheduled for destruction, 2 are empty plots and the other 3 are infested!
          1 (destruction) + 2 (empty) + 3 (infested) = 6 homes total...

          He most likely misspoke. He doesn't own 5 (6) homes, he owns 5 (6) buildings which are zoned as residential.

          Quoth Barefootgirl View Post
          Its entirely plausible
          There's a word I rarely hear outside of Mythbusters!
          Quote Dalesys:
          ... as in "Ifn thet dawg comes at me, Ima gonna shutz ma panz!"


          • #6
            Quoth MinimaMagistra View Post
            And in preserving the person of my boss, I equalized what I owed him from the time he took the shift I'd requested off and was traumatized by the sight of two drunk guys having sex on the grass next to our sign.

            But that's another story.
            You are a freaking tease. you have got to tell us the sex on the grass story.

            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


            • #7
              Quoth Sliceanddice View Post
              Oh please god tell you have the grass sex story posted simewhere on here or will shortly because i wanna hear more!!!

              *sits back with some popcorn and waits*
              Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
              You are a freaking tease. you have got to tell us the sex on the grass story.

              What they said!

              Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


              • #8
                Quoth MinimaMagistra View Post
                . Bossman didn't want this guy foisted off on him. And in preserving the person of my boss, I equalized what I owed him from the time he took the shift I'd requested off and was traumatized by the sight of two drunk guys having sex on the grass next to our sign.

                But that's another story.
                No, THIS is THE story! Because I'm a dirty perverted female.


                • #9
                  Surely if this man can afford 5 homes, he can afford to stay in the ritzy kind of hotels where they'd just love to kiss his rich butt, and have 24 hour room service so he's not begging for a cup of cereal. I think he's lying.


                  • #10
                    See I've never owned 5 homes or anything but as a child growing up, we were upper-middle class. I learned very quickly not to tell a whole lot of people information about money or vacations or such b/c they got jealous and were really mean to me. So I don't understand why people go around flaunting thier "supposed wealth" in the expectation that people will fawn all over them - the more likely thing is that employee won't care about your freakin 5 homes, they care that your attitude is one of "I have money, I am important, you will bow down to me and do everything I wish", and they won't give you any favors or feel so bad for you b/c you have one hair on your bed. Just my 2 cents


                    • #11
                      ^^^^^^ agreed.

                      I grew up in the upper middle class/ lower upper class sorta region and I also quickly learned it was better to just stay quiet about your blessing.
                      Humility is so much classier than showing off and wanting people to kiss your ass.
                      There are no stupid questions, only stupid people.


                      • #12
                        The lawn sex story WILL be forthcoming. Finals are eating me, but I'll find time.


                        • #13
                          Quoth MinimaMagistra View Post
                          Finals are eating me, but I'll find time.

                          You don't say.

                          Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

