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What part of 'we are closed' do you not understand?

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  • #16
    what the hell was she going to do with balloons at (by the time she left) 12:10, 12:15 am?
    I've been to parties that start late but christ, why not wait till morning.
    Sorry that would make sense and be considerate. don't know what I was thinking for a moment there.
    Be Nicer To Retail Workers 2K18, also known as: stop being an incredibly shitty human to people just doing their job.


    • #17
      Quoth the lawsmeister View Post
      what the hell was she going to do with balloons at (by the time she left) 12:10, 12:15 am?
      I've been to parties that start late but christ, why not wait till morning.
      Sorry that would make sense and be considerate. don't know what I was thinking for a moment there.
      Pretty sure the party was the next morning but that does beg the question why she couldn't get them the next day. Or even have called us earlier so we could put shit together and then all she would have had to do was pay and leave.
      "It's a joke not a dick. No need to take it so hard."

      “Here’s $10, go to Walmart and buy a houseplant. Carry it around to make up for all of that oxygen you waste.”


      • #18
        Brings to mind this story arc.
        I'm trying to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my keister!

        Who is John Galt?
        -Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


        • #19
          Reminds me of something similar when I worked at Eyesbull, this lady came in...well, reportedly late afternoon with her toddler daughter and walked around filling her cart with various towels, pillows, blankets...etc. The store closed at 11, and by 11:15 after we had thought the store was empty I had spotted her still shopping. I went up to tell her we were closed and she nodded(but not smiled, I don't think her face knew how how)
          And shoved a large bedding set into my arms and asktold me to carry it for her as the cart was overfull. Despite me reporting what was going on via walkie, she wouldn't leave. The store manager himself went up to her and said "Ma'am, we're closed". In his flat no-nonsense voice.

          "Oh, I know." Was her reply as she kept pushing her cart and looking at the shelves.

          Thankfully, he took over and I was able to flee back to my own department at that point


          • #20
            Yep, I had one of them on Friday. He came in about 15 minutes before close. Decided that he wanted just one spark plug after offering him 8 (1 for each cylinder). 5 minutes after close the phone starts ringing off the hook. As a rule, if it isn't business hours, we don't answer the phone. Use our website to check price and availability.

            The only key I have is to my cash drawer. As I am leaving, door is locked and lights are out, guy from before stops me in parking lot and asks if I can help him out by opening back up to sell him 7 more spark plugs. I told him that I couldn't help him if I wanted to. Registers are all closed, security system is on, Corporate Loss Prevention has everything on lock-down until open tomorrow, and I don't have a key to the door any way. Buy your spark plugs from our competitor two doors away that is experimenting with staying open an extra half hour on Fridays.

            For having so desperately needed 7 spark plugs the night before, he ends up coming back at about 4:00 PM the next day to buy 7 more spark plugs and still pissy that I wouldn't sell them to him after close.


            • #21
              WTF? When you were open, you suggested he buy a full set of plugs. If he'd taken you up on that, he wouldn't have needed to make a second trip. Anyone who doesn't realize that plugs are replaced as a set shouldn't be working on their own car.
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #22
                At the food stamp office, we stay open until 5, but close the line at 3:30 so that all of the interviews are done by 5.

                As the Mistress of the Kiosks, I have daily discussions with people as to why us workers want to go home when the office is closed.

                Of course, I also have daily discussions as to why the wait is so long.

                I go home and smoke lots of a medically allowed plant.


                • #23
                  Ah they typical "I got in here 5 minutes before close so I can take my time" entitled customer. We've had our fair share of those at my work, but most are usually pretty cool about it, get what they wanted and then get out usually within a few minutes after the closing time. You still occasionally get the bad egg though who pisses and moans. Nevermind the fact the people working have lives and would like to go home at some point.


                  • #24
                    Quoth Lace Neil Singer View Post
                    Reading stuff like this makes me very thankful for trading laws in the UK. Once closing time is reached in the supermarket, customers have ten minutes to get their arses thru the checkout, or else the tills go off and there's no way to put them on til the next morning.
                    Man, I love that! Can I move to the UK??
                    Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
                    ~ Mr Hero


                    • #25
                      Due to the amount of SC hanging about after hrs with the attitude of 'I was here before close so I can stay as long as I want' we've had the coding of our tills changed so they auto log us out after 10min unless we're processing an order then it logs us out after the order goes through. It took us months to find someone who could actually adjust the code. We have been 'updated' (laughs) to DOS though. Yep, are shit is that old.
                      "It's a joke not a dick. No need to take it so hard."

                      “Here’s $10, go to Walmart and buy a houseplant. Carry it around to make up for all of that oxygen you waste.”


                      • #26
                        We get these idiots leaving voicemail messages on our system after closing. "I was ON HOLD for TWENTY MINUTES before your closing time blargghghh!"

                        Except not really. The system will offer you the chance to leave a voicemail after hold time gets to TWO MINUTES. And it registers what time your message was left, too. We close at 6:00. So a voicemail that is left at anything later than 6:02 means you weren't on hold for longer than two minutes, AND it means you called either at the last second, or AFTER 6 PM.

                        But of course, THEIR clock couldn't possibly be wrong!
                        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                        • #27
                          What is really needed

                          You need to be able to announce "We are now closed for business. Security Guard Dogs will be released in ten minutes. Please note: we do feed them till morning, Pit Bulls get very cross while they are hungry.".


                          • #28
                            Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
                            You need to be able to announce "We are now closed for business. Security Guard Dogs will be released in ten minutes. Please note: ...
                            ...we appreciate your contribution to keeping our dog food budget under control."
                            I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                            Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                            Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.


                            • #29
                              Quoth earl colby pottinger View Post
                              You need to be able to announce "We are now closed for business. Security Guard Dogs will be released in ten minutes. Please note: we do feed them till morning, Pit Bulls get very cross while they are hungry.".
                              Store I used to work for did that one night. The co-worker assigned to doing the messages let it slip out when doing the "the store has been closed for 10 minutes" message. He accidentally tacked on "At fifteen minutes, we release the dogs."

                              Nobody complained to corporate, so nothing came of it, and the night manager laughed about it while telling him to never do it again.
                              "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM

