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Things I Learned at Work This Week

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  • #31
    We still have one here that has been open since roughly the early 70s. Every time we go by Kmart here, there are hardly any cars in the parking lot. The local farmer's market uses part of their parking lot in the warmer months, so that's the only time I see any activity there.


    • #32
      There's a Kmart in my town. I used to go there for a couple things (could walk there from work) in the housewares department because they were cheaper than other places in town. But then twice they were out of those things and there were no employees on the floor to ask. And I mean NONE. From what I could tell there were two employees in the entire store, and it's pretty big. So I stopped going there. They constantly have an open position for cashier, I assume because it drains your will to live.
      Replace anger management with stupidity management.


      • #33
        We had a Kresge's store (that's the "K" in K-mart) in the town where I went to college. An auditorium there was also named after the Kresge family.

        I'm pretty sure the store is long gone.
        “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged.
        One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.
        The other, of course, involves orcs." -- John Rogers


        • #34
          New thing learned last week: it's highly unusual for someone about to run for office to a) know what the office is, b) know what the requirements for holding that office are, and c) not be sure if they need to live in the town of which they want to be mayor. (Question: why would you want to be mayor of City B while being a long-time resident of City D? I don't understandssss....)

          Also: "People who can't speak English don't belong here" (news, I'm sure, to my Blackfoot grandmother (who did learn English by having it beaten into her at a boarding school, but was likely here long before idiot-boy on the phone) and my naturalized-American Swedish grandfather.). Made me want to quote Hamilton at the guy, "Immigrants. We get the job done." Blah.


          • #35
            Quoth Havering View Post

            Made me want to quote Hamilton at the guy, "Immigrants. We get the job done." Blah.
            Great quote ... I love it!
            Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
            ~ Mr Hero


            • #36
              K-Mart update: the last one in my city will close this fall. This will put the nearest one over 45 miles from my location.
              "Crazy may always be open for business, but on the full moon, it has buy one get one free specials." - WishfulSpirit

              "Sometimes customers remind me of zombies, but I'm pretty sure that zombies are smarter." - MelindaJoy77


              • #37
                Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post

                I think I have the only Mom in the world who would have dared to give me a dildo for my birthday.
                Especially as what she really wanted was a kitten or a new bike....
                The Copyright Monster has made me tell you that my avatar is courtesy of the wonderful Alice XZ.And you don't want to annoy the Copyright Monster.


                • #38
                  Quoth Kit-Ginevra View Post
                  Especially as what she really wanted was a kitten or a new bike....
                  Thanks to Gidget, I've got 3 news ones now that are just opening their eyes. Two solid gray (one light, other is dark) and a solid yellow.

                  Not to mention the little tiger striped kitten I rescued from the dog lot 2 weeks ago in pouring rain that had escaped after being locked up in our neighbor's garage. Pics will be soon coming in a OT post.

                  But yeah, that last husband my mom had (the one who was 9 months older than me) was also noted for bringing porn videos in the house. I think there's still a few stashed somewhere in Mom's room . . .haven't looked through the drawers to clean out stuff in years.
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

