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Damn Pervert

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  • Damn Pervert

    I worked the early morning shift today, the store opens at 8am and there were people waiting outside, i was putting the newspapers on the shelf which faces the windows at the front of the store, a customer was standing at the window that i was near and i had to bend down to stock the bottom shelf, i happen to look up and there was Mr inconspicious lookink right down my shirt, with his head pressed against the window.

    When he noticed that i saw him, he gave me this sleazy smile, a little wave and blew me a kiss

    I stood up and flipped him off.

    He came in shopping and i said i was not going to serve him, so a male coworker served him.

    The worst part was he had a little boy of about 6 years old with him, way to set a good examble there.

    I feel ill thinking about it

  • #2
    I would have let him come in, gone to the counter and said, "I think we both know why am excercising the right to refuse you service. Now get out of the store and off its property."
    "Respect: to admit that something one may not enjoy or prefer might still have great value." ~L. Munoa


    • #3
      These men make me sick. Do they honestly think it's a pick-up joint or something? And, i'm sorry, but in my experience this is usually done by a man old enough to be your father. Ick...just ick.
      Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.


      • #4
        People can be arrested for that in some states.


        • #5
          Too bad there wasn't anything nearby you could have hurled at him. Or a big bear of a coworker.

          Or my friend's 19 year old guy friend, lol. He has a nearly 40 year old scared to death of him if pervert goes near my friend. Hahahaha.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

