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I am sorry, but my job means more to me than you do

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  • I am sorry, but my job means more to me than you do

    So please don't ask/demand that I risk my job for you, person who I have never met and already don't like because you are yelling at me.

    Me: I need verification that employment has ended for these jobs because I wasn't able to get verification on the phone.
    SC: I've already told you that I only have one job and its totally unreasonable for you to think that I might be working those other jobs. I'm NOT going to deal with this.
    Me: I understand, but if you don't deal with it, you won't get your food stamps.
    SC: But can't you just write down that you did get it.

    Me: ...and how much is your rent?
    SC: 1400 per month
    Me: gosh, what happened? You are living at the same address, why did your rent double in the last 6 months?
    SC: They just raised the rent, that's all.
    Me: Do you have a phone number so I can call and verify?
    SC: No, everyone else has always took my word for the rent, why can't you? I'm not lying about this. Just write down that my rent went up.

    Me: Is your husband still working at "good job that pays the same every paycheck"?
    SC: Yes
    Me: Cool, did you bring his paystubs?
    SC: No, just use the same ones as last time.
    Me: I can't do that, those were from 6 months ago. I need the current ones.
    SC: Just change the dates on the old ones, everything is the same.

    Nope. Not going to do it. Not even if you are polite and not yelling at me, I am not willing to risk my job by lying for you.

  • #2
    Wow ... they're not asking you to take their word for much, are they? Just ... everything.
    Customer service: More efficient than a Dementor's kiss
    ~ Mr Hero


    • #3
      Some years ago the Boy Scouts changed their camp physical forms. If the Scout is going to be doing strenuous activities (such as backpacking or canoeing, termed "High Adventure") they have to meet height/weight requirements. In other words, they can't be too fat. The first year of this, it was an endless stream of parents demanding that I change the data on the form so their son could participate. Um, no. Anyone with a room-temperature IQ can take one look at your son and see he doesn't qualify. Cue the SC behavior: "Never coming here again", "Ruined my son's summer", etc etc. My mental response: "You're welcome to find a clinic that cares less about your son's health".
      Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...


      • #4
        Please tell me those three incidents weren't all the same person...
        “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged.
        One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.
        The other, of course, involves orcs." -- John Rogers


        • #5
          Quoth Nunavut Pants View Post
          Please tell me those three incidents weren't all the same person...
          They might as well be. I did some 'intake screening' for a public assistance program a number of years ago; I heard responses like these on a daily basis. It's almost like there's a script floating around or something.


          • #6
            I would ask are you sure that you don't work in my county, or any of the counties we work with but I know that answer. EVERY. DAY. Every freaking day I hear that or some derivative of that. Um... no. There comes a point when we can use the client statement but it is the last resort. I mean the absolute, last, final, end of the road resort. However, there are some people that choose to use client statement because it makes their job easier.


            • #7
              It can kill you

              Quoth skeptic53 View Post
              Some years ago the Boy Scouts changed their camp physical forms. If the Scout is going to be doing strenuous activities (such as backpacking or canoeing, termed "High Adventure") they have to meet height/weight requirements. In other words, they can't be too fat. The first year of this, it was an endless stream of parents demanding that I change the data on the form so their son could participate. Um, no. Anyone with a room-temperature IQ can take one look at your son and see he doesn't qualify. Cue the SC behavior: "Never coming here again", "Ruined my son's summer", etc etc. My mental response: "You're welcome to find a clinic that cares less about your son's health".
              This year in Ontario there was a school trip where the the kids would go canoeing and camping in one of our wilderness parks. There was a swim test but some kids of-course wanted to go even though they were not good swimmers.

              What do you think would happen?

              One of the kids drowned, from the news service I still am not clear if the kid lied about his swimming or parents put pressure on the two teachers who supervise. But what is clear that kids who could not pass the test were not denied going on the trip.





              • #8
                Christ on a crutch! I hope that means the fail the test/refused the trip gets tightened up for next year, and not that the entire thing is cancelled. That's sad, but damn, SO preventable.


                • #9
                  I have to agree. It's not worth risking your job over whatever they tell you. Somehow all those sound like lies.


                  • #10
                    Big fat NOPE. I don't lie for anyone. I quit a job on the second day because I wouldn't and it's documented that way. I have no qualms about telling the customer why I won't do it. The other day I said "I can do it..if I want to be disciplined." Basically what he was asking me to do would be a write-up.
                    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                    • #11
                      Quoth Nunavut Pants View Post
                      Please tell me those three incidents weren't all the same person...
                      No, but 1 each for every afternoon case I did.

                      #1 termed employment verification is a mandatory factor. I don't know what happened in her case, because I just pended it.

                      #2 realized that I wasn't going to renew her food stamps without verification, so gave me a phone number to her landlord who told me that her rent was only 700, not the 1400 that she had tried to tell me. Not only that, the rent covered all of the utilities except phone. I removed the utility expenses and turned her into the Overpayment Unit because she had been claiming utilities at the same address for 2 years.

                      #3 also gave me a phone number which allowed me to learn that her husband's very good job gave him a raise about 4 months ago.

                      I know that I sound like a real b**ch but I am a person. Don't lie to me, it hurts my feelings, PLUS, all of my cases get read by someone else who can take the time to find any mistakes I have made.

                      I am a "prudent person" so will use a customer statement as long as its not questionable. Living in the same place for a year and the rent went up 50 bucks? I don't question it. Rent doubles in 6 months? I want verification.

                      Bottom line? While I understand that people sometimes need help because they are in a bad spot...I am not willing to be put in that same bad spot because I lied for a random stranger.


                      • #12

                        Quoth Slave to the Phone View Post
                        I know that I sound like a real b**ch but I am a person. Don't lie to me, it hurts my feelings, PLUS, all of my cases get read by someone else who can take the time to find any mistakes I have made.
                        And I am a tax payer, and I don't want my money going to these liars.
                        Last edited by earl colby pottinger; 12-11-2017, 06:17 PM.


                        • #13
                          And you, Sir or Madam Taxpayer are the reason I demand verification for almost everything. I have a fiscal responsibility to you, the Taxpayer, because its your money I am handing out on a daily basis.

                          Not to mention that Sweetie and I are also taxpayers...

                          AND the part that if I were to keep getting case reads for not getting verification, I would lose my job.


                          • #14
                            I appreciate your carefulness, for my own reasons. I won't discuss them publicly because I wish to avoid Fratching. But let's just say thank you, and if you want to know what I actually think, that's what private messages are for.
                            Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

