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Genius of the day

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  • Genius of the day

    This just made my morning.
    Where I work, we hire out carpet cleaning machines. The customer books a machine, pays a deposit and pays for the machine hire, goes home, cleans their carpets and returns the machine the next day.

    Customer (from about 10 metres away from me): Yoo-hoo! Anyone there?
    Me (stood at the counter in full view - I could tell this was going to go well): Good Morning. How can I help you?
    Cust: Do you do that carpet cleaning thingy?
    Me: Yes, we do. Do you need inform...
    Cust: Oh good! I'll just get my husband.

    So I think she's going to get her husband so they can work out a date for booking the machine. While she's gone I go to get the diary ready to book the hire.

    About 5 minutes later, she returns, with husband in tow. And a very very large package. Huge. Uh-oh.

    Genius had taken up the carpet in her living room. All 144 square feet of it. And had brought it to me to clean.

    Cust: So. I've got the carpet What happens now?
    Me: Well...we don't clean the carpets here. You hire the machine, take it home and do it yourself. While the carpets are still in place.
    Cust: You mean I spent all last night moving out my furniture and taking up the carpet for you to say NO? Now what am I supposed to do?
    Me: could put the carpet back and book the cleaning machine.
    Cust: I'm not doing that! It doesn't say I have to do it myself! (huffs).
    (well, no, apart from the big sign saying so and the common sense aspect)
    Cust: Fine. Do you clean rugs?
    Me: (I know where this is going...) ...yes.
    Cust: Well...this is just a big rug then. Can you put it in as a rug?
    Me: I could...but it's a much better option to hire the machine and clean it yourself.
    Cust: No. I'm not cleaning it myself! Now how much would it cost to clean it as a rug.
    Me: Around £250. With a 4 week turn around, and no guarantees our cleaning centre can clean it.
    Cust: And what sort of service do you call that? Your machine hire is £13.99 so I want it done for that price. And I need it back for the weekend. I have visitors.
    Me: No. (big smile) Not possible I'm afraid.
    Me: You could try <big dry cleaning centre down the road> But I'm sure they won't be able to offer anything different. And as they don't hire machines, they'll just send you back to us. (we have a very good relationship with them and share idiot customers)

    What a genius! To her husband's credit he was trying to pull her away from the counter...

  • #2
    . . . I have no words.
    ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


    • #3
      And you kept a straight face the whole time? I would have lost it when I saw the carpet come in.

      That was too funny!
      "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
      .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


      • #4
        wait, wait, wait...she pulled up her carpet and then wanted it cleaned? I think my head's going to explode . I mean, in the states you either A: Hire someone to come to your home and do it or B: Get one of those rug doctors to do it yourself. I
        Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


        • #5
          Oh. My. GOD.

          Did I read that right? They brought their carpet in for cleaning??????

          *dies laughing*
          Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


          • #6
            Most of my customers are very similar to this woman. Not a brain cell between the lot of them. So I'm used to keeping a straight face.

            Until she was out of the door of course. Then I got on the phone to my boss and spread the story round my friends and staff


            • #7
              Is she serious? Does she do so little housecleaning that she figured the carpet had to be removed from the floor its attached to and bring it in? How does she vacuum the carpet then?

              I wonder if her 'visitors' ever got to hear of this story.
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #8
                I beat you a million dollars she was JUST like Mrs Bucket our of "keeping up appreances" I can just hear her now

                "RICHAAAARD, go get the carpet out of the car, hurry along dear we havent got all day, sheridan is finally coming home for one of my candle lit suppers"

                poor husband!
                I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                • #9
                  Quoth Kiwi
                  I beat you a million dollars she was JUST like Mrs Bucket our of "keeping up appreances" I can just hear her now

                  "RICHAAAARD, go get the carpet out of the car, hurry along dear we havent got all day, sheridan is finally coming home for one of my candle lit suppers"

                  poor husband!
                  LMAO . . . yes, Poor Richard. Love that show
                  Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Kiwi
                    I bet you a million dollars she was JUST like Mrs Bucket our of "keeping up appreances"
                    Her Sheridan would be appalled!
                    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
                    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


                    • #11
                      I wonder if she'd thought as far as how to get the carpet back down again? Laying carpet is not an average-joe job.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Kiwi
                        I beat you a million dollars she was JUST like Mrs Bucket our of "keeping up appreances"
                        Richard has the patience of a saint! I love that show! We get it on PBS here. "Mind the idiots in the store, dear!" "Minding the idiots Hyacinth." I still get the giggles over Richard looking for "Iron Age midget remains"!

                        We sell and rent DVDs. We do not, nor have we ever offered repairs on DVD players. Yet, at least once a week, we get some nimrod wanting us to fix it. Even better, they call on the phone and ask us why it's not working! Ever hear of an instruction book, Einstein?
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          Some of Pj's customers have kin in South Wales, apparently. Man, I, i don't unerstand it at all, I mena maybe this whole rug-ceaning thing is something she should have cleared up before she ripped her rug out. I dunno. What a dink.


                          • #14
                            Well, that lowered the bar on the stupidity scale.

                            Her husband couldn't have been much better, though, to let her rip up the entire carpet, put in the car, haul it to the store, etc., etc., etc.
                            Unseen but seeing
                            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                            3rd shift needs love, too
                            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                            • #15
                              Honestly what can I say that hasn't already been said?
                              KAHN: I thought being smart person in Texas set her apart.

                              KAHN: If my girl doesn't wrestle, I'll show you who put the sue in Souphanousinphone!

