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  • #31
    Quoth AZangel View Post
    $13.95 for a movie? Are the tickets made of gold? Around my parts, we pay 7 bucks for a matinee and 9.50 for the evening shows.

    Where do you live and what kind of theater charges almost $14 dollars for a movie?


    • #32
      Quoth DesignFox View Post
      I think it's $9.50 here.

      Concessions will cost you body parts.

      I rarely go to the theater anymore because it's just too damned expensive.
      I know what you mean about concessions. The movie tickets usually cost $8-10 on average while you can easily spend $5-10 at the concession stand.


      • #33
        Quoth blas87 View Post
        Oh barista, i know what you mean.

        When I went to see The Hills Have Eyes 2 and Grindhouse, I swore the local middle and high schools all had a movie date....

        There were kids, EVERYWHERE.

        The worst part was these little shits were allowed in to an R and an X rated movie. That's right, Grindhouse was supposed to be NO ONE UNDER 18. Not 17, 18!

        And to think, when I tried to see Jackass when I was 16, they asked for my ID and kicked me out.

        Shows how much they care nowadays.

        I don't think either one of those movies is x rated. Did you mean NC17?


        • #34
          Quoth CancelMyService View Post
          Am I the only one alarmed that the cops never showed up? What if this guy would have gotten violent?

          It doesn't sound like that would have been a problem even if the guy did become violent. I was wondering the same thing about the police. I guess they didn't consider this type of thing a priority.


          • #35
            Quoth gregmaddux17 View Post
            I know what you mean about concessions. The movie tickets usually cost $8-10 on average while you can easily spend $5-10 at the concession stand.

            That is how it is around where I live also. I wish that we had more matinées around here.
            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


            • #36
              Is it true that there are hardly any 18+ movies in America (you call them R rated, right?) because people will think that they're porn, and that no one will go to see them, and the cinemas will make no money?
              There are many 18+ releases in the cinemas over here, all the horror films etc, and its great to be able to see films with out children about. 15+ films also do not let anyone under 15 in either. Theres absolutely no stigma attached to seeing these films and they're just as packed as anything else.
              Do they cut bits out of horror films to make them more suitable for children or something? Because I know I couldn't have coped with seeing many films you rate as NC17 at a young age!


              • #37
                In the US, rated R is simply "no one under 17 admitted without a parent or gaurdian" so kids can go see it if mom or dad takes them. NC-17 means no one under 17 admitted AT ALL, then X is porn, no one under 18 admitted. Typically, directors and producers will in fact re-cut/re-edit a movie to get an R rating as oppossed to an NC-17 simply because teenagers are a HUGE portion of movie goers in this country. And many movie theatres are much more lax about letting an under 17 into an R rated movie by themself than an NC-17.

                I worked in a movie theatre for 5 years, and in that time we only had two NC-17 films. One was Orgasmo, and I honestly can't remember the other. But the little kiddies had no luck at my theatre. I was lovingly referred to as the ID Nazi, I carded anyone under 30 to get into an R, and had the highest nab rate for punks trying to sneak into R's.
                The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


                • #38
                  The Hills Have Eyes 2 was R.......still too many tweens and prostitots out past their curfew for my liking. That and they were all dropped off by their it away.

                  But I guess they don't care about carding for movies anymore. They only did it when people like ME were kids and wanted to see Jackass. Oh well....I'm old enough to see whatever I want now.

                  Grindhouse was one of those B rated films (I loved it and thought it was great but it had some horrific reviews). Kind of.....cheaper movies, I guess you'd say? The kind that go above and beyond regular horror film violence and guts and gore? The kind that go beyond adult language and sexual content?

                  Please tell me I'm not the only one who saw Grindhouse. Even during the "intermission" with the fake movie trailers, there were "No one under 18 admitted" warnings on the screen. Not 17, 18.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #39
                    The way the confession stands at theaters are is the main reason I haven't went to a movie theater in YEARS. I mean, I'll buy their popcorn for sure (that's one of the main perks of going to a theater, right?), but why the hell should I pay $1.50 for a kiddie size Coke (unfortunatley for me, all the theaters I've seen only have Coke) when I can get 3-4 cans of Diet Pepsi for that much? I'll just save the ticket money and buy the DVD later, it's cheaper that way and I can have whatever food/drink i want with it.


                    • #40
                      Quoth Estil View Post
                      The way the confession stands at theaters are is the main reason I haven't went to a movie theater in YEARS.
                      I hear you, it's irritating to go to a movie and have all those priests run after you screaming "Confess your sins! confess!!", too much trouble....

                      I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

                      "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


                      • #41
                        You know what drove us nuts as teenagers? We had a honking huge Lowes 10 in our town. At one point, the ONLY MOVIES THEY WERE PLAYING were all rated R. Oh wait...except for "dance with me." 'cause a bunch of teens wanting to go out and see some blood and guts want to watch a stupid chick flick, dancing, romance film. So, yea. We tried to get into the R films since that was all our theater offered, and we got pissed when we were turned away...not at the clerks (we weren't THAT huge of assholes). Just in general.

                        Although, there was one time we tried to get into a film...they let my friend in, but not me. And he was younger than I was... I DID call the ticket drone on that one. (we left peacefully after that, though)

                        We found that when ticket sales were slow- like middle of the week or one cared how old we were. Go figure.

                        Thread jack over.
                        I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                        • #42
                          Quoth CancelMyService View Post
                          Am I the only one alarmed that the cops never showed up? What if this guy would have gotten violent?
                          The cops never showed up because we called them and told them not to because the guy walked away. Plus this guy was in no shape to get violent with anyone. He was pretty old and pretty out of shape. If he had gotten violent it would have been 3 or 4 on 1. You are right though, it would have been nice if the cops showed up just a bit faster. It was about 20 minutes before we called them back.
                          You all belong to Miyazaki, you just don't know it yet.


                          • #43
                            My way of saving money is getting the Premier Super Saver tickets from Regal. $7 each will get you into any movie. Downside is you need to buy miminum of 50, so that's $350. I bought mine about 2 years ago, and they still accept them without question.

                            Another way is sneaking bringing in my own food. Works good in winter when you have a jacket with extra pockets. I've walked in carrying a Wendy's soda cup and the people never looked twice at it.

