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EEsh, make one little mistake (Casino)

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  • #16
    Quoth blas87
    He told me stories of having to deal with old people on the ride home, how they'd curse at him for letting them spend their money, letting them waste their Social Security check for the month, letting them bet their house, etc etc etc etc.......maybe some of it he exaggerated, but with the elderly, nothing surprises me.
    Okay, so he held a gun to their heads and forced them to spend their Social Security Check at the casino? Not bloody likely. They're adults, they can be responsible for their own money. Blaming someone else for their own stupidity is just babyish.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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    • #17
      I remember playing black Jack the first time. I didn't realize that there was different versions. I had the dealer take my money on what I though was a push. I asked her why I lost my bet when it was a push. She knew she had to take my money but did not know why. The boss came over and explained that in this game of black jack the dealer is always showing his/her cards and because of that you lose your money on a push. It sucked but I learned something new and it only cost 15 dollars.

