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The stupid virus spread again...(long)

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  • The stupid virus spread again...(long)

    How I love weeks on my own! I could prolly write a small book for the "morons in management" section covering this week too, but hey, in the interests of not getting myself riled I'll let it slide...for now...sooo, on with the week!

    I think, I mean, I haven't found any evidence to correct myself, but I THINK this has been the dumbest week I ever worked, and that, ladies and gents, in a town THIS DUMB is saying something! I'm not even going to detail the idiot who walked into our plate glass window because he thought it was a door and then went off on a rant about how it was "too clean" and should be marked as a window, nor am I going to dignify the woman who ordered a book at 10am then came back into the shop at 4pm to have a go at us for not having it in yet. No no, these are the REAL gems of this week!

    The Lost Sheep

    "I need a MAP!" She says. Extra emphasis on the MAP. A simple'd think...

    I enquire about what area she needs the map of, she replies that she MUST have a MAP of Xtown that happens to be about 80 miles away from us because she always gets lost travelling there through Ytown (also miles from us) and finds the roads confusing. I ask if perhaps she might do better with an A-Z (street map in bookform meant for driving with) as opposed to a foldout map.

    Nooooo no, this is not acceptable she MUST have her MAP.

    I look it up, discover the map (foldout variety) that covers Xtown is available to order but not on our shelves obviously since we only keep a range of about 20-30 miles outside of our area in stock. I explain. Twice, since the concept appears to be completely escaping her.

    "WHY don't you have it in stock? It's LOCAL!" Repeat ad infinitum.

    Um, yeah, local if you live 80 miles away maybe, to us, not unless you count in the same country as "local". Sensing that explaining again might well take years off my life, I give up and tell her we can get it, but it just isn't in stock.

    She storms off to the map stand and starts pulling out random maps, unfolding them, folding them back up and shoving them back in the stand in totally the wrong order.

    "These are all FOLDOUT MAPS! I want a MAP!"
    "Like an A-Z book?" I can feel my will to serve lapsing.
    "Like THIS! A MAP! Are you thick?!" And that's when she finally found the A-Z's and brandished it at me victoriously. *sigh* Yes, yes it's me that's thick...*pats*

    The Visually Impaired

    "Have you got anything by 'thrillerwriter'?"
    I show her to the thriller section, we look, I find a couple of his books, she makes happy noises, I go back to the counter. Minutes pass in which I serve others and she makes more happy noises. Then...
    "Have you got any other thrillers?"

    Giving her the benefit of the doubt and assuming she means in that mythical place "out back",
    "Everything we have is on the shelves I'm afraid, was there something in particular you were after?"

    "No no, I just wanted to see your thriller section, but I can't seem to find it..."

    Even when I pointed out she was standing in front of it, twice, she still missed it. Eventually, I had to leave the desk and physically POINT to the sign for her. I felt my brain scream.

    The Mathematically Challenged

    "I'd like to order six books by Xauthor and another five books by Yauthor please."

    I enquire as to what titles she was looking for. BIG mistake.

    "Oh it doesn't matter, just find me ones that are readily available, they're for my son *fond look to obnoxious little boy currently yanking all the catalogues from the stand and shouting something about turtles*"

    Right. Ok. I can do your shopping for you, why, I'm but a cog in the inner workings of your day, destined to do my job AND yours, all so yours is made easier. I do it,(despite the wailing child) but only because the order is huge and the money is worth it. I inform her of the titles chosen and the total cost. She ok's it.

    "Ok then, those will go on order for you today and should be with us Saturday (today being Thursday). I just need to take a small deposit of £10 for them and we'll let you know when they arrive."

    "I can't afford that! *aghast*"

    Um...wait...did you not just two seconds ago ok an order that totalled well over £100? you can't afford £10? I point out that in orders this large, we take a (roughly) 10% deposit up front as standard, explain that the 10% of her order was £10. Would she still like to proceed with the order?

    "Yes! I already told you I want the books! But I can't afford £10! What kind of racket are you running here?! I'm never shopping here again!"

    And with that, she grabbed her child (still screaming btw) and'm guessing you don't want that order poor, poor brain...

  • #2
    Who wants to bet she comes in on Saturday and is outraged that the order isn't in?


    • #3
      Quoth Lulu View Post
      I'm not even going to detail the idiot who walked into our plate glass window because he thought it was a door and then went off on a rant about how it was "too clean" and should be marked as a window,
      There is a window at the ballpark that has a sign on it "This is not a door". I always thought that was funny, but now I guess its necessary.

      Quoth InverseHellion View Post
      Who wants to bet she comes in on Saturday and is outraged that the order isn't in?
      Now that would be a sure bet.
      Last edited by justZu; 05-24-2007, 04:18 PM.


      • #4
        Mathematically Challenged Mom obviously planned to come into the store and treat it as a lending library, reading the books while there to her son. Or stealing them.

        The world is full of freaks; unfortunately, some of them are my cow irkers.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          Quoth InverseHellion View Post
          Who wants to bet she comes in on Saturday and is outraged that the order isn't in?

          Not me. I don't take sucker bets


          • #6
            Wait.... are these people supposed to be literate?

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

