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Don't You Know Who I Am??

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  • #31
    At my job they bend the rules for the rich guys. We have these two well known big wigs that come up and anything they want goes, no questions asked. I even get snapped at to hurry if I have a question about a transaction with one of them.
    "Just do it!" says the supervisor. "And hurry."
    If it was any other person and I did the things I did without supervisor approval, I'd get into sooo much trouble! But I can't be mad at the customers, the two I am referring to are really nice. But the others... Money goes straight to the assholic brain part.


    • #32
      I served Morgan Freeman. I was working at a small computer place and he came in for an ethernet adapter. Now, I don't meet celebrities everyday, but I know that Mr. Freeman HATES when people stargaze at him so I kept my distance. It was better to me to give up my one chance to meet Morgan Freeman than to bother him.

      He was wearing a basic denim shirt, jeans combo with a hat. He wasn't trying to draw any attention to himself. He honestly looked no different than any other ederly african-american you see around here. I was in the back, staying out of his way. He had a question so I went up front to help him. He acted no different than any other customer. I called him sir, as I do with all customers. I never once treated him any better or worse than any other customer. He just paid for his goods and left. Not much of a story, other than the fact that he spoke in a normal voice and tried very hard to act like a normal human being. It was a simple consumer transaction.

      Unfortunately there were a few people out on the sidewalk looking in at him. Not many, but one or two. I feel badly for him. If he were a jerk, I would think he just gets what he deserves with all the gawking. But the guy truly tries to be a normal person as much as possible.


      • #33
        I had a run-in with the county sheriff who flashed his badge at me just so he could get into VIP. I turned him away but really wanted to tell him off.
        The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


        • #34
          I have one semi-famous customer, and she is an absolute darling. So was her husband, until he passed away.

          Think children's books, and walking, talking Ursus arctos.

          Always very polite, never makes a fuss. I found a VHS tape the other day of one of their TV specials, and it made me think of her. Her face lit up when I told her about it.


          • #35
            The classics geek in me always want to quote the Bacchae at people when they say this... If you don't get the reference, you're probably caught up with the modern age enough to not care... (Ancient Greek tragedy)
            Haikus are easy
            But sometimes they don't make sense


            • #36
              we have "friends" of the gallery, they pay on average $30 a year to be a friend.....ohhh wow break the bank there a whole 30 bucks.. sheesh!

              and some of them give me this smug superiour attitude, oh im a member dont ya know..... no I dont know we have over 1000 of you and whats more I dont terribly give a flying duck!

              paying 30 bucks a year is nothing, the people who pay over 5 grand a year to support us get extra special treatment, there are people who give us over 50 grand... your marginal donation does not make you exempt from the rules...sorry

              doesnt stop them trying though
              I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

