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So he had his hands wrapped around my neck and all I could think of was...

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  • So he had his hands wrapped around my neck and all I could think of was...

    Taking off the dudes glasses and smacking him upside the head.

    I was seriously unafraid of this little guy trying to kill me. (He was maybe five foot 5, pushing 50 years old). So I choke him back and slammed him into the garbage. Ahh, I bet you want the whole story huh? XD

    So I had this guy came in last night, blabbing about being the designated driver, and he was paid in cans so can he bring some in casue he is the designated driver and such. o_O Um. sure I say. He says he'll be right back cause his car is on the side of the building.

    Now I"m on slight alarm, cause these scumbags who, I'd list a huge line of insults on how much me and my manager hate, but I'd A: Run out of space, and B: Get banned from here, so I won't, point is they like to get others to return bottles and cans from them, and they are usually on the side of the building. So I go out to look, and WOW! SCumbag B! Not as bad as scumbag A, but real close. He mutters shitake. and wonders off. So I tell the guy I'm not taking his cans. He gets close to me and says its the law and I have too. I say we have the right to refuse service to ANYONE for ANYREASON. He claims he going to call corporate adn get me fire. I say fine and turn around to go back in store, when the dude grabs me by the scruff of my neck, trying to choke me and throws me against the door. I remember how calm I was, though usually when this happens my aderene rushes and I fight however I can to win. I was calimly thinking of taking off the guys glasses so I could smack him in the face without breaking his glasses. I instead opt to choke back alot harder, and throw him against the garbage can by the door, and I was ontop of him choking the life out of him. Bad mistake now, and I feel bad but it was in the moment. He cried out sorry, so I let go. He then started crying and sobbing that he was the last of his kind, that his sister died two hours ago in a car wreck. He was sorry he choked me, and his sister died.

    I'm pretty sure his was full of crap, but I didn't care. We both said we were sorry for fighting, and shook hands. I decided to do a rare first,a dn take back SOME cans. Most of them we didn't take, but he manage to get enough for a cup of coffee, which is what he only wanted. (Usually scumbags try to get beer).

    Still intresting, first time that I ever been in a fight that I wasn't angry at, or hated the dude. We said sorry, (Another first!). I think I finally know what Solid Snake felt when he fought Grey fox. No hatred, no rage, just two guys doing whatever.
    Military Spouse Support.
    Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion

  • #2
    I'm glad you're okay.
    "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

    ~TechSmith 314
    HellGate: London


    • #3
      You are nicer than me

      If I get into a scuffle that includes touching, I assume that the other person is carrying a weapon. So I hit them back first.


      • #4
        Quoth Slave to the Phone
        ...I assume that the other person is carrying a weapon. So I hit them back first
        I don't think it's ever a good idea to make the first move in a situation like that, especially if you suspect the other person has a weapon.
        What better way to get them using that weapon?

        Violence doesn't really solve anything, and in a lot of cases, the true victim ends up being charged for assault, or worse, manslaughter if the person ends up dead as a result of your actions.

        Self defense is a different matter, and Plaidman was grabbed from behind. He pushed the guy off, but it went no further, because I really don't think the guy was out to cause trouble, and Plaidman's move scared him into a reality check.

        He just seemed really desperate.

        He really must have needed that caffeine fix. (I think I know how he feels. )
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Honest question, why would you refuse to take someone's cans, why does it matter whose cans they are? Just wondering


          • #6
            i think STTP meant hit back first without worrying about glasses, but i think that getting away should be first priority, whether that means running away, or hitting back to get away...

            i'm glad your ok plaidman.


            • #7
              Quoth kibbles
              Honest question, why would you refuse to take someone's cans, why does it matter whose cans they are? Just wondering
              One: I thought they originally belonged to that scumbag piece of shit. Why the hell should we give cash/offer services to someone who loves to come in every time there is a new person and steal upwards to fifty bucks worth of stuff every day til they get caught? Or attempt to come back repeatedly even though me and the manager know whom he is?

              Two: Thanks everyone. I'm A-Ok, I've been in far tougher scraps before. Just thought it was a strange experence.
              Military Spouse Support.
              Plaidman's Minions: Telecom_Goddess: Dungeon Minion


              • #8
                So the person that actually owned the cans is banned from the store for stealing? Because you never said that in your original post, and I never implied you should give anything to anyone, I just genuinely wanted to know why it is important who the cans belonged to.

                I'm assuming you are talking about beer cans and stuff that people return for the bottle refund or whatever, so do you generally have to know exactly who owns the cans that are being returned?
                Last edited by kibbles; 07-30-2006, 06:36 PM.


                • #9
                  I think basically the "bar" has a special promotion for "designated driver" involving "cans". And the guy was suspected getting "cans" from the "bum #2" behind the "bar" and was called on it.

                  So it could have been his "cans" or not.
                  I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                  • #10
                    Quoth kibbles
                    I'm assuming you are talking about beer cans and stuff that people return for the bottle refund or whatever, so do you generally have to know exactly who owns the cans that are being returned?
                    Actually, I think Plaidman explained that pretty clearly.

                    From what I read, this is what I get:

                    They don't have to know who the cans belong to, but in this case, there is a scumbag thief who hangs around Plaidman's store. Because he has obviously been caught shoplifting, he gets people to take his cans in for refunds, on his behalf.

                    It's not unheard of for store to ban shoplifters from shopping, so why should they allow refunds to them?
                    Plaidman obviously suspected that this was the same guy who was using others to get his refunds for him.

                    Is that any clearer?

                    Am I correct in my interpretation, Plaidman?
                    Last edited by Ree; 07-30-2006, 07:06 PM.
                    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                    • #11
                      Well Ree, I think we need to poke Plaidman wake.

                      I thought he worked at a bar because of the "designated driver" comment.

                      "Paying for cans" where I live has turn into a big machine in a large parking lot. The "deposit" thing for glass bottles and cans, wow anyone still does that?
                      I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


                      • #12
                        Quoth LostMyMind
                        Well Ree, I think we need to poke Plaidman wake.

                        I thought he worked at a bar because of the "designated driver" comment.
                        Yeah, that comment was confusing, but of course, I am assuming he still works at "Plaid Pantry", hence the name.

                        What I was reading was that the guy was brining in the cans for the other dude, because he was banned. His cover story for having all those cans was that he had been paid off with refundable cans rather than money.
                        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Ree
                          Actually, I think Plaidman explained that pretty clearly.
                          They don't have to know who the cans belong to, but in this case, there is a scumbag thief who hangs around Plaidman's store. Because he has obviously been caught shoplifting, he gets people to take his cans in for refunds, on his behalf.

                          Is that any clearer?
                          Yup it is, I didn't get it from the original post because no mention was made of the other guy being a shoplifter, that's why I mistakingly thought it was important to know the owner of the cans. Thanks for clearing it up.

