After doing a credit card transaction in the machine it will send you up to us. Like if you don't put in a pin or have gone over your limit.
Things are fine, I get her card and her ID and get all of her information in. She seems pleasant enough. Now, when the transaction is processed through us it prints off a check looking thing. The customers get a copy and we do too. THe one we get they have to sign, initial and give a thumb print.
I gave her her receipt and she pushed it towards me.
SC: I don't want it.
Me: Okay.
Now if you don't want it why the hell didn't you just rip it up and toss it in the trash right behind you??
I count out her money and she is taking a few mins to put her stuff away-- me too.
SC: I said I don't want it!
And she trusts the paper at me.
Me: Okay.
I left it there because I was putting stuff away and it was already in my space. She stays in my window and gets this look on her face. I kind of ignore her because I'm done with her and I'm trying to get my drawer a little fixed up as she stays in it.
SC: I SAID I don't want it!! (She then gets even more into my space and practically throws the damn paper at me)
I finally snapped. I said okay like three times! What did she think I was going to hide it from her just to get her to shut up?
Me: I said okay! I GET that you don't want it!
She finally left.
I took the receipt to the back and placed it in the pile to be shredded later. Why was it so damn important to get the paper out of her sight??? Weird! And I told her okay quite a few times. I wasn't thrusting the paper at her.
Things are fine, I get her card and her ID and get all of her information in. She seems pleasant enough. Now, when the transaction is processed through us it prints off a check looking thing. The customers get a copy and we do too. THe one we get they have to sign, initial and give a thumb print.
I gave her her receipt and she pushed it towards me.
SC: I don't want it.
Me: Okay.
Now if you don't want it why the hell didn't you just rip it up and toss it in the trash right behind you??
I count out her money and she is taking a few mins to put her stuff away-- me too.
SC: I said I don't want it!
And she trusts the paper at me.
Me: Okay.
I left it there because I was putting stuff away and it was already in my space. She stays in my window and gets this look on her face. I kind of ignore her because I'm done with her and I'm trying to get my drawer a little fixed up as she stays in it.
SC: I SAID I don't want it!! (She then gets even more into my space and practically throws the damn paper at me)
I finally snapped. I said okay like three times! What did she think I was going to hide it from her just to get her to shut up?
Me: I said okay! I GET that you don't want it!
She finally left.

I took the receipt to the back and placed it in the pile to be shredded later. Why was it so damn important to get the paper out of her sight??? Weird! And I told her okay quite a few times. I wasn't thrusting the paper at her.